SketchUp 2019 Wish list
@utiler said:
Feel free to get a jump on me.
Implement global attributes in Dynamic Components.
Allow scenes to trigger "OnClick" functions in Dynamic components. In other words, whenever a certain scene is triggered, it also then triggers a dynamic component action similar to how "OnClick" works, such as opening a door or moving a component.
Fix the many-years-old bug where SU does not respect the "View -> Scene Tabs" state between sessions (even if it shows that scene tab are off, they are still shown: you have to click it on then off again to really make them go away)
Fix the many-year-old bug where adding a new layer in the "layers" window causes focus to jump to the "L" alphabetic location in the list of layers, even before you type the name of the new layer, and then it stays there on the "L's" after you hit enter, but with no layer selected, even if the new layer name does not start with "L"! Logically, it should jump to the location of the new layer, and leave it selected. (Not a big deal if you only have a couple of layers in your model, but a huge deal if you have several hundred! Such a pain to go scrolling up and down, trying to find where you were before, and where the new layer went... Oh, the wasted hours....)
Fix the bug where hitting "enter" after changing any of the numbers on the "Model Info --> Units" window, closes the window entirely! It's almost second nature to hit Enter after typing a number. The window should stay where it was, and just update the number, like it does on all the other SU windows. It's only the "Model Info" window where this inconsistent, and rather silly, action happens.
Fix the multiple bugs in the "scenes" window, and make it more consistent with how the "Layers" window works for typing names.
Fix the bug where, as soon as the model size hits about 32 MB, SU gets really slow.
Fix the bug where making a new component for the first time after opening a very large model causes SU to hang for several minutes before continuing, and the file size to grow by several MB for no reason at all.
Make the auto-save feature a background task that does not interfere with normal operation. It should happen invisibly. Also add the functionality of optional auto-incremented file versions in auto-save, so each new auto-save file name has a different name, with a number tagged on the end, where the number increase each time.
Fix the bug where "Follow me" breaks up the original shape into many individual lines, instead of leaving them joined as a polygon.
Implement some form of hierarchy in the "Layers" window, so layers can be grouped together, and the groups then collapsed or expanded in the list, to make it easier to navigate models with many layers.
Fix the bug where having the "Model Info --> Statistics" panel open, or the "Entity Info" window open, with a very large model, makes SU run very slowly, since it wants to update everything in those windows each time you select something, or move the camera, or move a component. There's no need to update that info all the time! It just slows things down terribly and unnecessarily. Add a "refresh" button to those panels instead.
Fix the bug where having more than about 5 or 6 six nested levels of layers makes SU run very slow when working on the lower levels.
Implement visible and editable camera paths, to make it easier to see (and modify) the location where the camera is for each scene, and which way it is looking, and the Field of View, so that walk-through animations can be done a whole lot more easily and smoothly.
Fix the bug where dimensions lose their connection to the original geometry if you group them together. This make it impossible to have sets of dimensions that you can turn on or off, but that also update as the geometry updates. A dimension should always stay connected to its original geometry, even if it is placed in a group different from the geometry. In other words, if I have a model of a building, and I want to have the windows on a layer called "Rooms: Windows" but I want all the dimensions related to the windows on another layer called "Dimensions: Windows", then that should not disconnect them from the windows: The dimensions should still update if I re-size a window.
That's what I can think of off-hand, but I'm sure there's a few others I'll be adding later.
(Sorry to steal your thunder, but you did offer!)
An easier way for SU Make users to learn Blender.
Turn back the clock and start again?
Why bother? Trimble are not reading these lists...
@khai said:
Why bother? Trimble are not reading these lists...
Yeah, it's like writing a list for Santa Claus. Might be entertaining, but don't expect any results.
@utiler said:
Looks like it's time again.... I'm putting my list together over the weekend.
Feel free to get a jump on me.
Please, Please, Please ... Provide a cloud tool for Layout!
softshadows and some type of ao or ssao would be nice...
I think a simple stretch mode that can include components as well .ie if the roof, walls and doors and windows are components select them and stretch then at same time. that is the simplest way of doing parametric modelling.
A 2D view mode where a move command selects everything in the vertical plain making sketchup more like a traditional CAD program. Could also add trim extend ect...
Is that possible to make DC a node based editor?
I believe that could make DC far more easy to use,and worth the price 695$
A lower price, with Make being cut it would be useful to get more bums on seats.
In watermarks and settings, enable mask just for selected layers or materials.
That could be a time saver. Image "postprossesing" iside SU adn avoiding to export masks to do it in other softwares. -
I already posted this on the SU Forum. Give it some likes so we get this future:
Sketchup 2019 Feature Requests
I’ll get the ball rolling :slight_smile: For background skies:
SketchUp Community (
I have a request for all who use a 3D mouse.
There is a great future implemented into the rotate view tool. Using the middel mouse button or the rotate tool itself, components and groups that are a little distant get replaced by a bounding box as soon as the viewport moves. On top when in textured view, those get replaced by a mono color. Both are GREAT viewport update improvements that allow for navigating smoothly though huge models/files with a lot of textures applied.
When you move the camera using the 3D mouse on the other hand, none of this happens, which leads to a very laggy viewport, depending on your hardware and the file size. (One workaround is to activate the rotate view tool or press the middel mouse button while rotating, but that is rather annoying since you can’t perform other actions during camera movement).
So right now these 2 futures are based on activating the rotate tool. The easies way to implement this for ALL devices navigating the viewport would be to activate these futures as soon as the viewport moves, no matter the device moving it. Maybe this could be activated/deactivated in the settings.The 3Dconnexion mice are GREAT for SU! And I feel like a lot of professional users are using them.
In order for 3D mice to be useful navigating though bigger models, implementing these two futures is necessary. It is a huge pain to work when the viewport can’t keep up with your movement by a long shot. -
agree about the price..terrible
hi there together... its about time for 2019 any day now, or not?
im really excited to see what will be in there