Paint Bucket Lag
Anyone experience a 3-4 second lag when choosing the paint bucket or opening the materials panel? It seems to only be happening on my Windows10 machine.
UPDATE - I remapped the default locations for materials in Preferences to a local drive but I also disabled a few plugins, one of the two seems to have fixed the issue.
If the location was not on a local drive, you could see a delay. This would be longer if the texture files are large because SketchUp will be having to load all those textures.
ThruPaint can cause a delay if it is mapped to fire when you fire the paint bucket tool.
Other than that Dave is covering your ass with the local/network stuff.
I'd be interested to here what plugins you disabled as I sometimes get a strange lag and I'm only on a local drive.
I have and use Thru Paint but its not mapped to fire. It is a large project with a bunch of hi-res textures.
I disabled SimLab FBX Exporter and OBJ Importer, STL Import Export, Super Drape, Texture Resizer, VRay Tools, VoronoiXYZ, Photo Textures, PlayUp, RpWallmaker, Trimble Connect, and Easy Sketch.
My materials and textures were mapping to my AppData location, so it was local but I remapped it to a location where I have all my local libraries.
So far, the lag seems fixed but I have no idea which thing resolved it.