Difficult to close a true planar polgon
How about attaching a sample SKP file?
Hi Dave I have attached the file to the thread Starter.
Hmmmm.... Usually when faces need to be triangulated it's because the points are slightly off in the Z direction. That doesn't appear to be the case with your model. How did you go about drawing the curves for the paths? It was simple enough to clean up, though.
Hi Dave when it came back to me it was not "cleaned up" weird huh? What else is wierd is I can add a model but not an image ATM (very small file). So have returned your file to you to have a look at. mmmmm.skp
Cheers and thanks foe the assistance.
Oh, I created it with curves on an image. The image is hidden.
Weird. This is what I see. All those triangles are gone.
I wonder why you can't upload images. What file extension are you trying to upload?
Dave I just got rid of all the faces in the model and it was a simple matter of drawing a few lines to remake the poly planar's.........quite easy...but still don't really understand
Maybe I dont need to know.
Where you able to select the pathways only when you fixed it?
Oh, Png, file extension that mus:fro:t be it
@unknownuser said:
Where you able to select the pathways only when you fixed it?
To be honest, I didn't try. I was rushing to get ready for work. I'd have to look at it again when I get home.
@unknownuser said:
Oh, Png, file extension that mus:fro:t be it
It doesn't have to be a PNG. That's what I always use. You should also be able to upload .jpg and .bmp if it's not too large.
Put your image in other place then link it!
with the balise of the forum
that's giving that!
(with the ultra fun Deck Builder by Sdmitch)