Wish list for Sketchup 2018
MULTIPLE VIEWPORTS -(extra window that can be turned on and off)...I wished this in every release despite many people not convinced about it. But there is no reason every professional 3d software keep it without its good use! Its always good to see your meshes in different angle while you edit...
I'd like LO tools to behave like SU tools and to have drafting tools in LO that are missing like fillet, trim and extend.
I'd also simply LOVE to be able to control SU's linestyles.
Finally I'd like to have flawless DWG in/out from Sketchup and Layout:
1 - Layers:
- SU would import each layer into a group with all objects in Layer0 and the layer applied to groups;
- A material would be created for each layer with the corresponding color of the layer and applied to the group;
- LO would export every SU line in it's corresponding layer besides exporting the LO layers.
- SU layers would go to model space, LO layers would go to paperspace.
- Section cut profiles would export in it's own layer from LO as they do in SU.
2 - Texts:
- Would import into Sketchup flawlessly;
- It would be cool if the point of insertion would be kept and we could pick it (I'm thinking on topo drawings which have texts to mark heights)
- Import into LO.
3 - Dimensions:
- Would import into SU;
- Into LO too.
4 - Hatches:
- Would be imported into SU and converted into grouped faces with hidden lines and each hatch would have a corresponding material with or without texture, named after the name of the hatch pattern.
- Into LO the same thing could happen.
- Export
5 - Leaders:
- Would be converted to SU or LO leaders;
@juju said:
So you do not consider 64 bit version and a new rendering engine anything new? I agree with the need for true curves though, not sure about nurbs...
I mean that SU must be a still easy modeler as many years ago, but with a new BASIC features that have other BIM/3D/CAD or half CAD products, and these features will not be obligatory, so you will have two ways to create your models: 1). as newbie, who wants fast and simple model with basic instruments as usual, 2). as a professional user, who requiers more powerful/specialized instruments for it's job to create architectural/sculpture/mechanic models and even masterpieces with ease of SketchUp.
64bit and new rendering engine, that's not what I've waited for, that is not "WOW things" in this case. -
I would like to customise my tools bars on Mac like they can be in windows. Floating toolbars are a bit annoying and time consuming moving them around.
A button for locking the orthographic view when working in 2d would be helpful.
Would make panning around easier. If i accidentally orbit i have to click on plan view button again to align the view again. Also maybe being able to rotate the view locked in orthographic would be useful. -
A program loading Progress Bar such as found in Windows. No big deal.
in older versions there could be found LINE TO FACE plugin, that made face from single line, like push/pull for faces, just for line and face could be pulled to any direction, now with the "older extensions won't apply in the warehouse" that usefull plugin nowhere to be found and is so missing, would be great to recreate again this tool
@ezlde said:
in older versions there could be found LINE TO FACE plugin, that made face from single line, like push/pull for faces, just for line and face could be pulled to any direction, now with the "older extensions won't apply in the warehouse" that usefull plugin nowhere to be found and is so missing, would be great to recreate again this tool
I use extrude tools for this now, or Vertex tools ($). You can draw out a face with one edge or multiple edges.
I may have posted this request before, but I'd really like the ability to "Lock" an object yet still be able to hide it. Locking should keep me from moving it, deleting it, changing any attribute - except visibility. I understand that layers are the main way that SU handles visibility, but my models have well over 100 layers now and if I was to create a layer for every single entity that I may want to randomly and temporarily remove from view (blocking something I'm looking at / modeling), I'd have thousands of layers. As it is, I must either unlock / lock an object every time its in the way of modeling something else, or risk moving it inadvertently and not discovering that until who knows when and after who knows how many objects have been modeled based on it. Which happens too often.
Another request, I often create a group or component, move to a layer, then hit the "m" key to move the object into place. Except I just created a layer "m" instead. I can't tell you how often I do that each and every day. In order to make that work flow work, I have to deselect my object, then reselect it! Find a way to make that work better, please, such as requiring that I actually hit the "+" in the layer window.
Another request, if anyone from Trimble watches this forum, some awareness in the program about where current modeling is taking place - as in, I often start to model something (usually piping or ductwork diagram with 3Skeng tools) in close and in perspective 3D. I then go to top view parallel so I can see my end point. I find that I have to scroll waaaay out and then back in on my modeling location. To have the top view / parallel automatically be over where I last was in the model would be superb!
Whew, glad to get those off my chest.
My concern is for the artistic direction of SketchUp. For instance, the new orbit symbol isn't as nice as the last one, not even as descriptive. And we have to use this constantly. The "architectural design style" style isn't exactly the same, and not as nice. It can be changed to be more like the original, but why was it changed? It just doesn't seem like a truly artistic person is making decisions for Trimble or is on the staff.
But I love SketchUp!
@bobrsta said:
I often create a group or component, move to a layer, then hit the "m" key to move the object into place. Except I just created a layer "m" instead. I can't tell you how often I do that each and every day.
BobAgree with all of your points, but have little faith that they'll ever be addressed.
Just finished writing a short rant at the other forum on a similar theme — the number of times a day I accidentally rename layers and components (usually with "m") because SU doesn't release focus on pressing enter — it highlights the entered text instead.
@bobrsta said:
To have the top view / parallel automatically be over where I last was in the model would be superb!
BobAn available solution to your last request is provided by the Eneroth Relative Top View plugin, which works pretty much exactly that way. (If only she was designing the SketchUP UI I'd be so happy
... I'm a big fan of her work and her way of thinking)
Not having to Save As a component, then open the component file, draw a line then erase it, just to give yourself credit for the work you have done. What pain in the **** that is! Automatic credit if you are logged in or something similar to save having to go through this time consuming exercise.
Would like to strike the spacebar to activate last tool used.
@pipingguy said:
Would like to strike the spacebar to activate last tool used.
Yes. I've wanted this for a long time. I would like to be able to assign a key. I use the return key in other apps, and if it doesn't interfere with anything, I'd use that. The space bar may be used by people in SU for the selection cursor (or NO tool).
@pbacot said:
I've wanted this for a long time.
there's been a plugin around since v7, but the mac version is just code, hidden in the thread...
it can only work with SU Tools because a large majority of plugins aren't even 'Tools', but a stream of macro commands...
I would also rather they fix the 'Return' key to work properly with the various input boxes than allow us to use it for a shortcut...
@ piping guy, without the Spacebar for 'Select Tool' as the default behaviour, my modelling would slow to a crawl...
@driven said:
@ piping guy, without the Spacebar for 'Select Tool' as the default behaviour, my modelling would slow to a crawl...
Me too, but if it could be configured by user both could set it up as wished.
I don't understand why some commands are hard built into some keys...
@jql said:
I don't understand why some commands are hard built into some keys...
without the hard coded defaults they can't appear in menus or Help files...
you would also need to set all of them from scratch...
you can change any of the SU ones [on a mac] if you think the choice of key is illogical...
@driven said:
you can change any of the SU ones [on a mac] if you think the choice of key is illogical...
You're right!
What a Duh moment from me!
Somehow I was under the impression that Sketchup had some hardcoded keys that you couldn't change ever. Like "M" for the move tool. But that's not true, of course, I changed many of them myself.
What was I thinking?
I'm almost sure I had a key that I wanted to change but could not... maybe it was another software!
- Possibility to hide scenes in the toolbar (checkmark icon above "include in animation" in scenes-tab in default tray?)
- Possibility to put (less used) plugins (+ icons) in a library folder in the default tray