Real world Wip. Glass sculptures.
I'm in the process of creating two life size figures inside blocks of glass.
In simple terms we are using layers to create the contour lines that will make up the details of the 3d image.
The concept is two figures floating in blocks of water.
So i thought I'd add a few images here as we go.
This image is both of them full size, all layers laser etched onto card. These will hang on the wall as reference.
Over the next few months these layers will be translated into glass, and eventually into two glass blocks weighing in at 3 metric tonnes each.
So if you are wondering why I'm not around too much.....
What an undertaking!! Hope you will share the finished project with us. My guess is that it will be amazing.
Box, this is just crazy !!!! crazy cool.
@box said:
So if you are wondering why I'm not around too much.....
Let's hope you're not the person on the right
Impressive project, I'm looking forward to updates here!
Looks amazing, nicely done.
There is an optic effect at the first image!
Feet seems flipped! So very perturbating!
Pareodoly advanced! -
that's crazy!
is it hollow? like a mould?
No, it is solid. It's basically a topographic map of the head. Same basic idea as a 3d terrain.
So is each pane etched with the contour?
Really cool project.
Yep, there are 100 layers per figure, each with the contour line plus acid shading. The shading isn't in the samples.
Glass are moving or it's pasted ?
What app are you using? Hats off if it's SU. Looks like a dense mesh.
wow, very cool! Will the contours be closer together (relative to the shapes) in the full version? The contours are a bit distracting imo in the block head.
Yes. Block head was a low res sample.
Rich, we are jumping around various programs to get the data sliced, diced and tweaked. And one of the most rediculous things is we still need to move it all to an XP pc as the laser software still hasn't moved with the times.
I did once import the male figure obj into SU, it took more than 24 hours. It would orbit but anything else was impossible. -
Wow! I'd love to see you working on this in person.
Pop over to Sydney before December and you can see it in process and enjoy an amber fluid or two. You would also see who Box is in reality.