New Graphics Card .. Now Have Warning!
the raster export format has obviously nothing to do with this issue...
... the max. raster export resolution has nothing to do with the screen resolution but is configured during the raster export (see button "Options..." in export dialog).
zooming a bit out and cropping the resulting raster image will likely result in a similar scene setup... but as always, it's up to you.
Sorry, I don't understand, don't even know what Raster means, I tried zooming out a bit,
and the same problem. This is happening with almost every image with text I export from 2016.
Have you posted a file here, in which this occurs? I'd be curious what result I have. I don't do a LOT of this sort of export with text, but never seen a problem-- that is if the text is positioned correctly in the view, it comes out OK AFAIK.
It's happening with every model I have PB, some created in SUp 5, but all of my newer 2016 models too, I wrote to support, what a drag.
Here's that one model I've been posting images from,
top left text disappears and bottom left gets smudged.
Nope. Like Garry, I'm not getting it on PNG and JPG.
But for a PDF both leader-less text objects are disappeared!
I very rarely use 2D export. Instead I use a screen capture program called faststone. Best 20$ US that I've spent in a long time. They have a 30 day free trial. Check it out.
I use it because it can do everything from videos to various image specs and editing.
Essentially it is WYSIWYG. It is Windows only - however - from what I've seen you do have Windows.
I need to export at a higher rez, then resize, to cut down on the jaggies, no?
I export these jpg plans pages at 6,000 pixels wide, then resize to 2,000.
If I use another format then jpg, like tif, at a lower rez and till get rid of the jaggies? (won't solve my present problem though)
Joe, I noticed that the text in question has a leader line which you have hidden, this I believe is the problem, maybe a bug.
But simply redo your text in a clear area which will negate the leader line and bob's yer uncle.
baz -
Win 7 x64
SUP v16.1.1449 x64as already elaborated above, grouping the text entities workarounds the issue (see attach).
@joe wood said:
...don't even know what Raster means...
raster data means pixel based outpout as on your monitor or printer or photo or newspaper... whereas vector data is defined as analytic lines, circle/arcs, curves/splines etc.:
@joe wood said:
Baz, I don't understand this
"simply redo your text in a clear area which will negate the leader line"He means clicking in empty space with the Text tool allow you place text without a leader line. Leader lines appear when you infer a face, edge, point or object
update the GeForce driver to the latest version 356.19 .
Artefacts with Hardware Acceleration enabled or disabled?
Joe, All
I get the same result as Joe. (on export to png @ 6000pix)However if I place new textbox by double left click (no leader)SU behaves as expected.(and I think others have suggested this)
Also, in entity info,Joes text that is giving him trouble has "hidden" showing as to leader.New text placed by double click shows the arrow and leader blank in entity info. (see attached pix & revised SU model)
Joe, did you originally place the text with a leader showing and then select hidden in entity info?Charlie
Having trouble uploading images...........Joe.....try exporting from SU model attached.
Joes original SU model with new text via double left click
I think you folks have resolved this issue .. what a crew! I've never just dbl clicked in open space, I've always anchored it and hidden the leader, and no, didn't select Hidden I don't think,
thanks for the help with this Major problem!