What if unwrapping sketchup models was kinda easy....
@jason_maranto said:
However my stance is that I simply will not give any more money to Trimble until basic unwrapping functionality is part of the SketchUp Pro Suite.
Well Jason, I understand your position when you say that.
@jason_maranto said:
because I have frozen all spending on SketchUp (or SketchUp extensions) until such a time as they (Trimble) pull their heads from their rectums.
But I don't understand this one... Why wouldn't you spend money on extensions?
I hate the fact that Sketchup neglects basic 3D app functionality, but I love the fact people I really respect like Rich and Gábor, are picking on that mistake from Trimble to create something much more relevant than what Trimble could probably achieve themselves, with the added bonus that they might make a good profit from it.
I really hope they do make money with it as they deserve it for numerous reasons, being the first that WrapR really seems to rock!
Hey Jason,
Wrap-R will be a standalone tool that will import various file formats. As well as integrating with SketchUp.
I have a bunch of reasons -- but the most practical is I have not made a model in SketchUp in over 2 years, largely due to my extreme dislike of the direction (or lack thereof) of development of the software (Combined with the easy availability of much better and much more dynamically growing packages). I did purchased SketchUp Pro 2015, because I publicly said I would if they made the 64-bit change (and I try to keep my word), but the software is really useless to me without a decent unwrap. And so I never used it for a project.
I can put the money that would be needed to purchase extension (and updates) towards keeping my more full-featured and actively growing 3D packages up to date (which have built in Unwrap). To me SketchUp is all but dead -- so I see no reason to "throw good money after bad" into this sinkhole of a software.
I do feel for the authors of these great tools, trying to make the best of an impossible situation... but I am not interested in continuing to endlessly work around SketchUp limitations. And since Trimble does not officially support these extensions, they are under no constraints to do anything to improve the endless workarounds.
Rich asked if people would buy, to help him decide to proceed or not... I answered for myself (and only myself) honestly.
@jason_maranto said:
Rich asked if people would buy, to help him decide to proceed or not... I answered for myself (and only myself) honestly.
I appreciate it
@jason_maranto said:
no reason to "throw good money after bad" into this sinkhole of a software.
I respect your right to have an opinion, but I really disagree with this one. The recent and soon to be released extensions (Skatter, subD (combined with Quadface Tools and Vertex Tools), Wrap-R, Viz, Substance Painter interface, Thea interface...) provide the opportunity for powerful individual user tailoring of tools without the main program becoming an expensive monster with a major portion that is never used. From this point of view SU is itself a dynamically growing package and definitely not a sinkhole
@jason_maranto said:
Combined with the easy availability of much better and much more dynamically growing packages
Such as...?
While this is certainly drifting off topic from the plugin, I will say there are many options to choose from that are better choices -- for me the choice was Modo.
Modo cost me twice as much as SketchUp Pro (and all the paid extensions I bought years ago) -- however Modo outperforms SketchUp by at least 10X. It is also a rapidly growing package, in the true sense of the word... meanwhile SketchUp stagnates and slowly fossilizes.
I have many packages, I like all of them more than SketchUp.
@jason_maranto said:
I have many packages, I like all of them more than SketchUp.
Now, this is something I understand! I've seen your work, and clearly it's over sketchup.
Your opinion makes sense to a lot of people too.
For architects like me, sketchup is almost perfect though. However our models are simple enough, so I personally like sketchup a lot and though there's a lot I feel it's still lacking uvunwrapping is one of those and it seems it will be solved soon.
Modo is epic. Well worth the price. And the support forums they have are the best.
I've used since v3 and it's in a league of it's own.
@bob james said:
The recent and soon to be released extensions (Skatter, subD (combined with Quadface Tools and Vertex Tools), Wrap-R, Viz, Substance Painter interface....
Substance Painter interface...? Cool, I never heard of that. Any links or idea where I can find info on that? Thanks in advance if you do.
@unknownuser said:
Substance Painter interface...? Cool, I never heard of that. Any links or idea where I can find info on that? Thanks in advance if you do.
I apologize for misleading you: Because of my normal workflow, I think of SU, Solid Iris Technologies' Thea Render and Allegorithmic's Substance Painter as being one entity.
"Substance Painter interface" is really referring to Substance-to-Thea converter which allows easy use of Substance materials on an SU model when rendering in Thea.
bring it on guys - we are waiting for it!!!
I have to ask, is there any value added to this thread by the somewhat off topic posts?
@box said:
I have to ask, is there any value added to this thread by the somewhat off topic posts?
Yes, topic was dead if it wasn't for those!
@box said:
I have to ask, is there any value added to this thread by the somewhat off topic posts?
<off-topic> I always appreciate Jason's contrary perspective, even if his tone might be a bit off-putting to some. His is one of the informed voices (and contributions) that we have lost in the SU community over the past few years... due to the slow-walking of SU Pro development.
He might have been more effective as a critic if the criticisms were less personally directed, but I agree on a substantive basis with many of his observations.
That said — and in spite of my own ongoing frustrations — like JQL, SU Pro/LO still fits my own needs and workflow better than the higher- end and/or more complex alternatives.
Just wish there was a little more responsiveness on the part of the SU dev team to the continual feature/dev requests from longterm users to address SU's severe shortcomings.</off-topic>
<on-topic> Huge props to Rich / Gabor for tackling this previously unmet SU need — looking forward to WrapR's release... and learning how to use it!!
I can't wait to see this tool!
ok now that we can map quads (thanks guys, really
that was a big thing for me!) I'm in.. how much and when?
one question. will the mapping copy across components?
Wow, I totally missed this thread. I feel late. This really sounds like a great extension filling a void that's been my biggest gripe with SU for years. If I can afford it, I will be purchasing Wrap-R like I did other awesome plugins. But I also do wish this was a native tool in at least the pro version like many other major 3D packages. I never really appreciated the importance of UV unwrapping until I got into game asset creation. Also even with architecture rendering, through game creation practices, I learned how to cut down on texture bloat within a model.
Question....will it be easy to determine whether an island is within the 0-1 coordinates with this new plugin?
Some quick examples showing island translations...
Click to play...
very simple, amazing...
Sure, I'd put down some money for that. It would be nice to have it open in SU, like other extensions. How will announcements be made when it's released?