Off Screen Dialog.
I think that regedit was specifically for the preferences window.
I assume you've tried the reset workspace in preferences.I'm sure tig will pop in with a full dialog reset regedit.
reset workspace? nooooo... do you have any idea how many toolbars I have? all of them I think.
It doesn't touch toolbars, only dialogs.
Ok... I'm going to trust you.
I thought you meant tool bar reset button... nope. workspace reset didn't bring it up. this is freaky.
this only happens if I try to remove the old live ivy from my su2015 plugins folder.
If Workspace reset doesn't work...
Run Regedit...
For Preferences off-screen dialog...
Look inHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015\**PrefsPS**
Set x and y values to 0 [dialog's top-left corner], IF they are bigger than the screen's x/y coords, or -ve values...
Restart SketchUp...There are also about a dozen entries starting with 'Snappy'...
e.g.HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015\**Snappy**Components
These are the settings for the other dialogs.
Open each in turn and look at the x and y values...
Reset any suspicious ones as before...
If a dialog has no x/y then it's never been opened [yet]...There's also one for the 'RubyConsoleDlg'...
The Toolbar-Reset option is needed to sort out Toolbars, as its 'RubyWorkSpace' setup is not readily editable...
and no... what in the hell is going on here. It's because I want to use the new Live Ivy so bad... that's why this is happening.
I have also exchanged PMs with you...
Why do you have a Plugins folder in ProgramData tree?
What is adding the Gems folder to the $: ?
Why do you have a Plugins folder in ProgramData tree? 3DxSketchUp.rb and ImaginationVisualizer.rb are in it... No idea why. I install all plugins to my main plugin directory.
What is adding the Gems folder? uuidtools-2.1.4
Some 3rd party tools install into the ProgramData Plugins folder, with NO user choice [ill-advisedly!]: that folder is really intended for use on computers where several users share one Plugins folder...
OK, so no duplicated plugins installed in parallel folders...
There is no way that what is installed/loaded in one version of SketchUp should affect what is installed/loading in another version - unless there is some kind of shared Plugins folder setup between them...
In your case it appears there is NOT !Obviously something is wrong...
Have you tried Repairing/Reinstalling SUp v2015 ?
using SU reinstall/repair had no effect.
Kris have you removed SCF_Toolbar yet?
could it be that the template wants to load the leaves and can't find them?Nope... -
One of them... reluctantly... What are you trying to say?
I'll try that...
But it's going to unmake all my Layout trays.hear that SU Team?My wallet is gone... It did not unmake my trays as I have experienced in previous reinstall/repairs.
I've narrowed it down to these two files inside of the LiveIvy folder.
SU2015-64 will not start unless these two files, these exact files... Not the newer versions, but these exact files are in their respective folders inside SU2015 Plugins.
This LiveIvy_tool.rb file at location.
\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015\SketchUp\Plugins\LiveIvy\LiveIvy_tool.rbThis ivyleaf_3.skp at location.
\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015\SketchUp\Plugins\LiveIvy\Textures\ivyleaf_3.skpIf I delete the entire Live Ivy install, folder and plugin file. SU2015 will not start.
How in the hell can a skp be required to start SU.
As I explained to you in a recent PM...
Your Plugins folder is quite frankly a mess.
You have copied old plugins files from an earlier version.
Some required 'helper' files have not been copied over OR reinstalled.
Some 'system' files that ought only to be in Tools seem to have ill-advisedly copied older versions loading from Plugins !
You also have some old files that are encoded incompatibly with v2014/2015.Once that is fixed you might find that LiveIvy behaves, currently I don't see how it could be causing issues, the 'skp' weirdness is also a mystery. The older version of LiveIvy does auto-load and immediately load the three ivyleaf_1.skp, .._2.skp and .._3.skp components, so as it loads and they are not there it will cause errors - perhaps even splats - BUT if it does not load at all [i.e. it's not there] how can it cause any issues...
I suspect this a tangled web of errors.
Try tidying up the Plugins folder issues as I explained in my PM.
Then remove all LiveIvy files/subfolder, and reinstall from new...
If it's still bust then perhaps PM me screen-shots showing ALL .rb/.rbs files that are loading from the Plugins folderS...
OR error messages from the Console...
@unknownuser said:
As I explained to you in a recent PM...
Your Plugins folder is quite frankly a mess.
You have copied old plugins files from an earlier version.I don't see how it can be a "Mess"... The only two plugins I copied over were LiveIvy and SCF powerbars. Everything else was installed one at a time from either the Plugin Store or the Extension Warehouse. Perhaps I installed older version from those places, but I tested each one as I installed them. Restarting SU everytime. Perhaps these are errors so small it doesn't effect the plugin itself or SU when starting? I've never experienced that before.
@unknownuser said:
Some required 'helper' files have not been copied over OR reinstalled.
Some 'system' files that ought only to be in Tools seem to have ill-advisedly copied older versions loading from Plugins !
You also have some old files that are encoded incompatibly with v2014/2015.
Are you talking about the SCF powebar? I found that of the 3 bars one caused errors and when it was removed everything else seems to work on with no errors?@unknownuser said:
Once that is fixed you might find that LiveIvy behaves, currently I don't see how it could be causing issues,
I'll remove everything except Live Ivy and see what happens.
the 'skp' weirdness is also a mystery. The older version of LiveIvy does auto-load and immediately load the three ivyleaf_1.skp, .._2.skp and .._3.skp components, so as it loads and they are not there it will cause errors - perhaps even splats - BUT if it does not load at all [i.e. it's not there] how can it cause any issues...
When I install the new LiveIvy it should not affect the skp loading because it overwrites that skp with a new version with the exact same name. So it should just load the new one. How could it need a specific skp? strange indeed.
@unknownuser said:
I suspect this a tangled web of errors.
Try tidying up the Plugins folder issues as I explained in my PM.
Then remove all LiveIvy files/subfolder, and reinstall from new...
If it's still bust then perhaps PM me screen-shots showing ALL .rb/.rbs files that are loading from the Plugins folderS...
OR error messages from the Console...
Will do... And stop rolling your eyes at me...
Yeah... removing all plugins except for Live Ivy new version and it works fine.
Print off the PM I sent you...
Read it and tick-off the items as you go...
In it I analyzed each error in that long error-message you gave me, and clearly explained what they each meant.
For example - incorrectly located/duplicated [old] files]in the wrong folder, missing helper files, incompatible encoded files, syntax in files' coding now incompatible with Ruby2 etc...If you fix those then the errors will stop and the new LiveIvy WILL load and work !
Perhaps we should continue this sub-topic by PM, as this is more to do with fixing your Plugins folders' 'mess' so that you can use LiveIvy, rather than any LiveIvy issue per se...
Less 'doing your laundry in public' too...