Sketchup ur Space & Sketchup 4 Architect stolen content
I totally agree with Box's point. Sites like these only live for traffic, they don't give a rats a$$ where they get their content from. In their minds, any exposure is good exposure. I don't imagine they really care what we say about them here as long as it drive traffic to their site.
@Box, I get what you're thing that would help NOT drive traffic to their site is to make your link in the 2nd post of this thread not clickable.
I too have experienced Rajib copying an article I wrote and reposting it on his site. He removed it after Matt from MasterSketchup and I emailed him asking him to remove it. I refused to create content for their site after seeing how shabby the site was run.
Very dodgy. Appalling spilling und grandma
A link to an old version of Sketchucation Store plugin without the ability to download.
It's not just traffic we're discussing.
It's perfectly ok for someone to say 'hey, just ignore it. Move on'
But this is just a small example of the stuff that devalues good contributions.
There's another thread running on this forum where a member is complaining about commercial plugins not working in 2015.
This same member actively pirates and shares pirated software elsewhere.
Another member translates plugins so that they can get access to commercial betas tests to then crack and distribute.
Currently 90% of the free plugins available on the PluginStore are under a subscription system in China.
I can't ignore that approach to others hard work and talent.
Much the same as someone robbing a rendered image or model etc.
I know we can't police the Internet but we can educate those that make their own rules.
Rich, what these guys are doing is almost the opposite of what you describe. They want exposure, whereas pirates want to hide and sneak around. Nobody should ignore the stolen content, I don't think anyone who's posted has said that. I think the response needs to be different for this case - IMO it's better to bombard them with removal requests and ask everyone we know to boycott and provide negative reviews of the site where possible. BUT, avoid giving them traffic as much as possible.
Yeah. I totally agree. I just wanted to give u guys a heads up on the type of activity this community faces daily.
I look at duplication of any content as a bad thing that affects everyone of us.
Ideally I'd like to see all the members that SketchUpUrSpace lie to everyday posting here and learning from fellow pro users.
But I think I'm deluded in that regard.
I do side with Matt and Eric on this one though.
I've got to agree with Rich on this one... They are allowed to make money on the internet. If they want to create their own content and then sell ads against that, they are totally in the right to do so. That's how this site operates after all. Look how great the value is here. I don't mind the ads at all, I even click on them from time to time because there is a great community here.
Stealing is a whole different ballgame...
Yes, us talking about it here generates more traffic, but educating people about them is important. If everyone silently sits around and lets them take content, they'll just keep doing it more and more. When I first decided to post this, I emailed a few people that I know that had content they created in their site. In almost every case those content creators (read: Real SketchUp users that created great content) were unaware that they had been a victim.
Now that we are all starting to make people aware we can collectively police them.
And besides, if we generate a few more hits for them, who's going to want to really go there anyway? The site is terrible. It's full of mis-information and spelling errors. There is little to no value in it anyway. If people find the site through us, they'll probably come back here for real help and content anyway.
An easy place for you all to look is here:
Google Sketchup updates ! is the worlds largest portal on Trimble SketchUp Materials, Plugins, Components, Models Library.
If you see any articles, images, or quotes that are stolen you can report them here:;ref_topic=3030094
Just do you guys are aware of how much they infringe, this is a snippet of an email I just sent to Rajib Dey, the man who seems to be the perpetrator of a lot of this infrnigement. This list is just what I found TODAY:
The message:
Remove my images from your Pinterest account:
170 Sketchup 3D modeling ideas | google sketchup, fast tutorial, 3d modeling programs
Dec 27, 2012 - Explore Rajib Dey's board "Sketchup 3D modeling" on Pinterest. See more ideas about google sketchup, fast tutorial, 3d modeling programs.
Pinterest (
My images, and name were used here without my permission, remove them as well.
Sketchup4architect : Sorry, the requested page was not found
Sketchup4architect - It looks like the page you requested could not be found.
Remove this one as well:
Sketchup4architect : Sorry, the requested page was not found
Sketchup4architect - It looks like the page you requested could not be found.
And this one: (While you're in this one, remove the image you used on introducing Sketchup 2015, that's Matt Donley's. I'll let him know you stole it.
Here you are representing me as part of your organization, this is not true. Remove this as well:
You were supposed to have removed this article and you did not:
Shaderlight for sketchup – Sketchup World
Posts about Shaderlight for sketchup written by Global Associates
Sketchup World (
You can also remove my name from this article as well.
The sketchup team of Global Associates just launched the january issue of the exclusive magazine "Sketchup Ur Space" is the worlds largest portal on Trimble SketchUp Materials, Plugins, Components, Models Library.
This page as well:
And this one:
Page not found – Sketchup World is the world's largest portal on Trimble SketchUp Materials, Plugins, Components, Models Library. Browse and enjoy by downloading all SketchUp updated plugins free versions and Trimble SketchUp Components.
This is ridiculous. Consider your self lucky that I am only asking you to remove content and not seeking legal action.
Alright guys, here's a great site that tracks all the theft that these guys have perpetrated. It also has resources to help you find out if you've been a victim, and report it.
I had to chuckle at the URL.
Good Job Eric... Fight the good fight.
Give 'em hell!!!
Not sure I totally understand the point of that post, but I can tell you that Matt is a totally legit guy who runs a fantastic site with really solid SketchUp help. He and I both got duped by Ram not realizing that he ran a spam operation. The difference is that Matt has a big headlining product that he pays affiliates for. Mine (my plugin) and affiliate program aren't 100% setup, so Ram really didn't promote me as much.
Matt has a mailing list, and ads on his site. They aren't spammy, and they are used to pay his bills so that he can create excellent SketchUp content.
After Matt realized what was going on, he stopped having dealings with them. Matt's book is great, worth the money, and his free information is top notch. I refer people there all the time.
Now that we have that out of the way, let's get back on track and stop the real spammers out there. To go and read about them, and what you can do to stop it, or look at the first post in this thread.
This thread is a bit confusing
We have dealt with this erroneous post and contacted its author about the choice of username.
@unknownuser said:
...deleted post...
That is not Matt, but unscrupulous people trying to make a buck from his affiliate deal. I can confirm that Matt is totally legit and would never act like these buffoons.