Fishing net modeling
@willipop said:
Super cool cotty ! how did you pass from the middle shape to 3rd shape at the very right ? Is this actual edges ?
I followed Boxs suggestion with the simple fence texture...
The model is attached.
I'm wondering if there is a way to turn hidden geometry lines into edges !?
@willipop said:
I'm wondering if there is a way to turn hidden geometry lines into edges !?
Yes, unsoften them. Select all and slide the soften edges slider. Uncheck both the boxes too.
Thx Oli ! I noticed we can change the weight of the edges in the style option but it is just for the display and it do not affect the weight of the shadows casted. Is there any other way too make the edges solid ?
Here is a try I did today.
1- Sarted with a rectangle
2- Applyed several time the subdivide selection tool from artisan
3- Applyed the subdivide and smooth tool from artisan
4- Turned on hidden line and selected style wireframe
5- Selected the lines and get rid of the smoothing edges to get edges
6- copied those edges
7- Finally I used tube to cylinder plugin and It took 10 min approx of working progressI'll have no choice to go with this kind of work flow if I don't find anything better than this. End of semester is coming fast
there is also latticemaker and windowizer.
I think you are going the wrong way and making life hard for yourself.
This took no time at all using tig's tool.
A bit of thought and a few lines and you can make something very complex.
Make a few pieces that fit together, scale some, array some......
you should check Ferrari sketch plugin
its actually special program fro tensile structuresD.
Ferrari is a good tool for tensile, but you can spend a lot of time getting it to the shape you want and then you need to separate out the profiles to make your ropes.
This was done with 3 beziers curves on a square, then tig's Extrude edges to lattice to produce the web, then lines to tubes.
All in all it almost took longer to write this than to make it.
Very nice ! The shape of it looks more square than round. It will play with this method tonight to see what I can do. Many thanks !
Anything is possible, use curves, use diagonals, stretch the mesh, bend the mesh etc etc
that's really cool box.
Can I ask why you are using lines to tubes? Is there not a TIG lattice tool that makes square sections, or are you just setting the amount of edges to 4?
No credit to me Oli, it's Tig's plugin that does all the work.
No, I set it to 5 just to give it more of a rounded effect.
And I was simply using tig's lattice for the lines so you can easily reshape them then make them tubes after.
Is it possible to set the parameters for the distance between the lines ?
I have found a better way of doing this using my "cave technique"....start off with a grid and ONLY use quads. I'll post a screenshot very shortly. It looks sweet.
Using my EEbyLattice the 'spacing' is set by the segmentation of the 4 curves.
Draw those edges the distances apart you require and 'weld' them into the curves...
Then the 'net will have segments the distances you want - at least when it starts off - of course they must be adjusted as the mesh surface is formed -
Oli I like your caves very much, well done
I know my example is too uniform, but this is how I'd personally go about it. You can change the distances between the nets too, make them bigger, smaller etc.
Now you just need to reduce the amount of poles where the nets meet.
The bottom variation ,I just used artisan sculpt tool; however it creates many triangles.
And thanks willipop!
It's what I tried previously
Also I used the artisan's selection tool to select the faces with less vertex and I applied the subdivide tool too add some more vertex.