[Plugin] Add comments to your file
Great plugin!
Made translation for the Russian language.elsif @option_langue=="ru" then
@strButtonsTitles=["Добавить текущую дату и время", "Настройки", "О Плагине"]
@strModifyTabName="Настройки Вкладки"
@strDeleteTab="Удалить Вкладку"
@strAbout="О Плагине"
"Автоматически открывать окно, если существуют заметки",
"Автоматически открывать окно, даже если заметок нет",
"Показывать окончание заметки при открытии вкладки"]
@strTabName="Название Заметки: "
@strSureToDeleteTab = "Вы уверены, что хотите УДАЛИТЬ эту вкладку?"
@strTabOptionName="Настройки вкладки"
@strNoLink="-- Не связывать со Сценой --"
@strTextsOptionsTab=["Имя Вкладки :","Связка со Сценой :","Применить","Отмена"] -
Thanks alexanor for this translation.
For Glro, in version 1.5.4, I optimized the code in order have the text area more reactive.
I hope it will works, I just have one model at works that slow down the text area, so I cannot check at home.Regards.
Inteloide -
See life in colors !!
New version added : set colors to your tabs :
Enjoy !
I can not find a link to download version 1.6.1...
Correcto !
Just update the post...Inteloide
Excellent! Now it works!
Inteloide whether you can connect to the script calculator? It would be convenient to make calculations and take notes in one window ...
Can't you do calculations already in the operating system's calculator, in SketchUp's Ruby Console and in various Ruby Console plugins? You can then copy&paste the calculations that you want to keep.
The comments plugin is to save text that the user enters, and not to automatically evaluate and manipulate parts of the text. I think it should keep focussed to do this task well.
Hello !
Is this script something that already exist ? If yes, could you send me the link ?
@aerilius said:
Can't you do calculations already in the operating system's calculator, in SketchUp's Ruby Console and in various Ruby Console plugins? You can then copy&paste the calculations that you want to keep.
I do not want to open many windows in Sketchup. If this plugin can do "Add comments".
Inteloide, thank you for the effort! -
Great plugin, very, very useful, and seconding the idea of building a/the calculator into the comment box.
Hello !
I'm back after one week of holidays in Rome. Such a nice town !
So if I understand correctly your request, you want me to add a button that allow you to have a calculator, like Windows'one, in the "add comment" plugin, without openning another window, correct ?
If yes does anybody knows a free plugin I can insert in my script ? This will make my work easier !Thanks
Inteloide -
Let me guess, you look for something like this :
Isn't it ?
I'm close to release it...
I'll try to link it with VCB.Inteloide
Yes, yes! Has what you need! Great!
@alexanor said:
Yes, yes! Has what you need! Great!
Just post the new version for trial.
Note that you can type formula directly in the calculator "screen" area.
Updates :
1.7.0: Added : Calculator feature added ([http://www.supportduweb.com/scripts_tutoriaux-code-source-12-calculatrice-en-javascript-avec-bouttons.html](http://www.supportduweb.com/scripts_tutoriaux-code-source-12-calculatrice-en-javascript-avec-bouttons.html)) Added : Rounded corner for tabs Modified : Selecting and mouse over colors Optimized : Improve tab color display Optimized : Optimize CSS code Corrected : Small bug in tab scrolling when resizing the window
Thank you Inteloide for your work!
There are a few comments on the plugin.
If you enter a value in the calculator and press the button "Insert result in current tab", then the value is inserted into the Notes box and the cursor remains in the value column. You need to insert your cursor after moves to a new line, as it is done with the button "Add current date and time.When you click "Insert result in current tab" calculator is turned off, is not useful when there is a need to perform calculations, you need to open the calculator.
Propose to add another button in the calculator. The button will turn on/off the ability to log the current note values as a calculator. For example, enter in the Calculator 2 +2 = 4, and this article is written 2 +2 = 4. I think such a feature would be useful.
I apologize if something is not clear, since I use a translator and I know English not well.
Success in everything!
P.s. Why does not update the plugin in the "SketchUcation Plugin Store"
Hello Alexanor,
Thank you for your post.
I'am currently abroad but I will make some update when comming back to France.I think I will add more options or more buttons to let people choose.Options would be :
- close calculator after result inserted
- add return to line after result inserted
- show calculation formula
I'm also working on having the possibility to have the text area with colors, links... But I think it will reduce such optimizations as I will use a script not developped by me.
But let's see.
About the fact thag plugin is not update in the store, it's just because I post it on forum before store to avoid publishing plugin with big error inside.Once stable, I do an official release. That the way I work.
I keep you informed soon !
Inteloide (in direct from Tchek Republic) -
All clear! So we will wait for new updates with new features!
Have a good trip and all the best to you and your family. -
Just work a bit on plugin (lots of hours actually...
I integrated the CKEditor javascript code, that allow to have rich text editor.Please find here an overview of the result :
Just one thing that worry me is that the toolbar icons can take a lots of place :
Pending also to add options required by alexanor.
Maybe make your design responsive, so that when the dialog is too narrow, these icons collapse into single icons that pop up a menu with all the other icons nested?