[Plugin] SketchUcation Tools 2.6
@rich o brien said:
Back to biznazz?
I probably should have better things to do on a Sunday, but you know how it is when you get an idea in your head that you can't shake.
I have just been trying to download the SketchUcation Tool and all I get is a page of code. Nothing downloads to my computer. Windows 7
I am a new Premium member of SkethUcation. I am trying to install and use the Follow Me Helix plugin. I have downloaded the file for this plugin.
Can you help?
Sandy Saltus
saltussand@aol.com -
Hi Sandy,
When you go here...
Plugin Store Download | SketchUcation
Extending SketchUp has never been easier with a suite of tools that make installing and disabling plugins and extensions a one click operation.
...and click Download Now does your browser download SketchUcationTools.rbz to your downloads folder?
hi all
I've loaded this and the "box" appears but no content gets shown within the box...
Any suggestions what I'm doing wrong?
thanks -
Hello, I just installed Sketchucation tools Plug In. When I try to have access to the Plug In Manager this windos appears: No Security Permission to Manage ANY Plugins Folder in the $LOAD PATH.
FULL Read/Write Permissions are needed to Manage Plugins within PLugins Folders...As you see I am a novice ....
Could you give a clue of what to do?Thank you
With the arrival of SU2014 it would be really handy if the My Downloads section had the auto install button. It would be much easier to scroll through that and add the ones you know you want, rather than find them then go to the main page again to install them.
I'm probably jumping the gun and you are about to release a new version that lets you synchronize your setup. -
As I see I am not the first one to went trough the game of Security and Permissions.
Thanks a lot to all of you.
With v2014 the newly located Plugins folder automatically has FULL permissions so at last this issue should be behind us
Except the same still potentially applies to the shipped folders for Materials/Components/Styles - although of course you can have extra folders linked to anywhere you choose... -
Hello. Two suggestions for the next version.
It is possible add an option to delete a plugin?
It is possible add a link to open the folder where all the plugin?thanks
@pomelo3d said:
It is possible add an option to delete a plugin?
The tool has an uninstaller, it's not a toolbar item but you will find it in the Sketchucation plugin submenu.
A way of not having to click on three confirmation boxes for each installed plugin would be great.
What version of the the plugin and SketchUp are u using Jan?
v2.5 with SU 8 on Windows 7 at the moment.
You should see an improvement on less clicks on more modern versions of SketchUp.
It is especially sweet on v2014 because of the plugin folder relocation.
If you use Fredo's Additional Folders though you still get prompts. But the default installs are single click conformations.
In more detail...
The number of dialogs/clicks needed is a direct result of the SketchUp version.
In v8:
If it's the first time you've used the PluginStore's AutoInstall that session...
There's a 'click to confirm installation' dialog [SCF initiated but it's built-in to SketchUp], as the destination folder's 'installable'/'writable' properties are checked.
Then a 'click to confirm installation' dialog [unavoidable - it's built-into SketchUp].On subsequent usage during that session, there should just be the one 'click to confirm installation' dialog for each AutoInstall [unavoidable - it's built-into SketchUp]
Final closing SCF dialog to tell you it was successful.
This on PC [and probably MAC - but untested...].
In v2013:
If it's the first time you've used the PluginStore's AutoInstall that session - there's a 'click to confirm installation' dialog [unavoidable - built-into SketchUp].
Otherwise, for subsequent installations there is no confirmation dialog [unavoidable - it's built-in to SketchUp].
Final closing SCF dialog to tell you it was successful.
This on MAC/PC.
In v2014:
There is NO 'click to confirm installation' dialog built-into this SketchUp version.
Final closing SCF dialog to tell you it was successful.
This on MAC/PC.
For the 'Update All' option you should get the initial 'confirmation click(s)' [if any] and a 'final closing dialog' for ALL Plugins, not for their individual AutoInstallations.
If you have more than one Plugins folder defined in SketchUp's $LOAD_PATH then you WILL also get a dialog asking you to choose the destination folder for the Plugin's AutoInstallation, either before the 'confirmation click(s)' [if any], or simply before the 'final closing dialog' if you have v2014...
@tig said:
With v2014 the newly located Plugins folder automatically has FULL permissions so at last this issue should be behind us
Where do I find out more about the location of the new v2014 plugins folder?
It seems to me there were more important items on various SU wish lists, over the years. I don't ever recall seeing move the Plugins folder, on such a list. -
I have SU13 installed.
When I loaded SU14 it put plugins into two places:
C:\Users\jamesb\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014\SketchUp\Plugins
C:\ProgramData\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014\SketchUp\Plugins
I use 'Additional Folders for Plugins'.
D:/Dropbox/PluginsWhen I install a new plugin from SketchUcation Plugin Store and direct it to the 'default' directory C:\Users\jamesb\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014\SketchUp\Plugins, I get acknowledging dialog boxes and the plugin is loaded.
When I try to install a new plugin from SketchUcation Plugin Store and direct it to my additional folder D:/Dropbox/Plugins, there are no acknowledging dialogs and the plugin is not loaded.
This happens on my desktop machine here at work, on my laptop and on my machine at home.
I do not have this problem with SU13. I can load plugins using SketchUcation Plugin Store into D:/Dropbox/Plugins
I can't reproduce it but it is the second report in 2 days
Can you repeat it with with the Ruby Console open and see if there are any error messages
This is an odd glitch that we must get to the bottom of...Is your D:/... folder a 'real folder' or a symbolic link / shortcut ?
There have been some reports of network glitches with v2014 and
is not the same drive as
I just setup J:/Plugins as a custom Plugins-Folder using Fredo's tool in v2014.
I used the PluginStore to install a Plugin.
J:/Plugins was recognized as a possible installation destination and offered in a dialog.
I chose it.
The closing dialog said it installed successfully.
On checking I find that it had installed properly in that folder.So all seems well.
But suddenly it stops installing - no errors, says it's completed OK but no file !
I find some Plugins install OK and some do not.
IT should only report success if it has worked - which is odd...
I says it has, but nothing is there ...
No Console messages - nothingI'll do some debugging using the rb versions and report back...