Thea Render v1.3 released
congrats fellas.. looks good
(now if only openCL can find its way in instead of cuda
No demo to be seen ?
Too bad as it looks just super
"trust but verify"dtr
dtr, be free to join in Thea discussion forum for further questions. At the moment, released v1.3 is available for customers. r1.2 is available for testing in demo mode. But one can assume that (like with v1.2) demo will arrive in some point.
jeff, I have no way to promise or even suggest that OpenCL version will come in some point. But in earlier development phase giannis told that he will keep the option open and will follow how OpenCL will mature. If you look these steps that Presto engine has taken, first CUDA in GPU, then enabling it to run in CPU (with Embree)... I only can say that giannis will not leave rocks turned, if he founds a feasible way.
@notareal said:
jeff, I have no way to promise or even suggest that OpenCL version will come in some point. But in earlier development phase giannis told that he will keep the option open and will follow how OpenCL will mature. If you look these steps that Presto engine has taken, first CUDA in GPU, then enabling it to run in CPU (with Embree)... I only can say that giannis will not leave rocks turned, if he founds a feasible way.
yeah, i remember the giannis quote/link you posted a while back and it's great to hear that kind of talk from an actual developer because it's less speculative in nature.. and it was good to hear he's already wrote some stuff with openCL in mind for when/if it matures.
anyway, i just threw the openCL thing out there since the new mac pros are about to be released and they have two amd gpus on there.. with no cuda options.
@jeff hammond said:
anyway, i just threw the openCL thing out there since the new mac pros are about to be released and they have two amd gpus on there.. with no cuda options.
Indeed... it's just sad... maybe AMD did give Apple a deal that was too good to be ignored. But I still hope... for a nvidia flavor. After all it's just some custom form factor daughter cards. Some user feedback may be required too
Actually now I did remember... maybe someone just needs to do a commercial version of this DYI Thunderbolt external NVidia graphics and one can use they mac book air for cuda rendering
and a new mac pro too in a nice pack.
Thea Render v1.3.02 Revision 1026 released with some feature updates for Presto engine; invisible emitters, as well as invisible shadow-casting models or visible no-shadow models are now working. Naturally there some bug fixes.
You can find release topic at;t=13933 (and get update via forum if you are in a hurry). The update will be available via Thea's build in-app update later when tested a bit more. -
Dear friends,
due to the increased interest for Thea Render and also our just-published Thea for Cinema4D, we have decided to extend our promotional period until 17th February, thus giving 2 weeks for new Thea (generic & Cinema4D) users to get a license at this discounted offer.
We have also prepared our brand new trailer for the new edition, which is - in most parts - a collection of high quality animations. Patrick has created and rendered some of these animations, Grzegorz (author of Blender plugin) the ship animation and many thanks goes to all the users that contributed! Many of you will recognize Pixero's & Massimo's works
Thea Presto2 Edition 1.3 Trailer - YouTube
Thea for SketchUp has recently introduced few work-flow improvements like Environment Preview, Thea Browser - letting you easily access Thea models, materials and SketchUp content. You can also convert your components into Thea external models without visiting the Studio.
Fantastic trailer guys.