Sketchup and Blender
Yes, glad you started this thread Pete.
I started learning Blender a few months ago and like everything I try to tackle I have to do it in small doses because of time issues.
Anyway, I have been following the Blender Tutor with pretty good results.
I finished the coffee pot and am starting the SNES machine tutorial next.
I think I have a better image at home but I am not at home now so...
@rich o brien said:
Here you go....
[attachment=0:7zja5vc2]<!-- ia0 --><!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:7zja5vc2]
Load file
Press 0 for Camera view
Press Alt+A to play animation
That is a clean logo. Hmm, basic mesh with a sub-D modifier only.
So this is modeled in SU, exported to Blender and added a modifier only?
I'd love to sit next to you as you model this in SU as I cannot seem to get my head around what tools you used and your workflow, then I need to still figure out the material assigning in Blender, I did a tutorial this weekend and it's already forgotten.
Yes modeled in SU to a point just to figure out vert placement and form. Then into Blender for tweaking and some edge loops, creases and sub-d
BTW, a better way to figure what key does what...
Now I'm goofing around with fluid flow.
I'm learning Blender arse about face, doing fluids, then particles and fabric.
I want to have fun learning.Some crazy DOF and HDRI lighting with a few emitters.
Is that with Thea plugin?
I must invest in it.
@rich o brien said:
I must invest in it.
Looks like it's free.
Oh, do follow the installation guide as I messed up initially, there are a couple of steps that are important.
Next up is to try out some Cell Fracture...enable under preferences > addons
@rich o brien said:
Next up is to try out some Cell Fracture...enable under preferences > addons
[attachment=0:120nuup0]<!-- ia0 -->thea-cracked.gif<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:120nuup0]
So where does one get a tutorial or instructions on how to use these plugins?
Most I just muddle into...
I see a technique used for something different and tend to adapt it.
Here I realised that the Cell Fracture tool and some keyframing on scaling might look nice.
Not quite but something to file away....
There's an extensive tutorial on Cell Fracture on how to shoot a coffee cup with a bullet.
That's the one. Pretty involved but covers some killers parts of blender. Expect 4 days to complete that.
You really should pick an object or topic and run with it.
I remember nearly 3yrs ago starting off on v2.5 and doing the same tutorial nearly 10 times until I didn't need to reference the video.
That helped loads. Boring but worth it.
Another good one is Kent Tramell's human male head modelling series. Nearly 12hrs but mesmerising stuff.
That was fun, here is a very low resolution gif of my first try.
Click on image to animate.
Great stuff.
Next is to see what the Build modifier can do. You like that I think.
Hey guys…
You really need a lot of help.
We could try a meeting
google hangout.
Sharing screens etc
I do it all the time.for instance, you won't find a good UV tutorial around
neither a good tutorial on cycles.@unknownuser said:
Another good one is Kent Tramell's human male head modelling series. Nearly 12hrs but mesmerising stuff
Oh my,
You could join the blender sculpting club instead.
[0] num pad for camera view.
Select your object or something in the center of the scene
On [N] panel, check LockCameraToView.
Navigate now, zoom etc.
Uncheck LockCamera, zoom so the camera window fill your view port, check LockCamera again, navigate
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