Follow me tool pls
both are very good!
I'll try that
thanks a lot guys
I'll give you news soon as I succeedbox, which too re you using to make the same as movetool ?
is it a special tool ? -
I don't know what you mean, I didn't move anything.
Can you try to explain what action you are asking about?
Just a guess but I think erzane is referring to orbiting and I expect you are just pressing the center mouse wheel/button to access it. Correct?
Yep Dave, that's how I was doing it.
I didn't want to think it was that, I shudder to think how difficult it would be to use SU without knowing about the scroll wheel orbit/pan/zoom.
ok I see now
because the move too have another looking and I didn't recognised it on the video you made
so , that's because you pushed the center button of the mouse right ? -
Move and Orbit are two very different things. What you see Box doing in the video is orbiting around the model. Move would actually move the model in the model space. Orbit is like walking around the model space looking at the model from different directions. This is a fundamental thing in SketchUp and you really need to understand it to progress.
do you mean orbiting, the ''O'' key ?
if yes I knew it already, but I tought I saw a different designed tool..
oh ok I see now, I think you have a different sketchup version than me , that's why follow me tool and orbiting looks different, they have different design, (I use sketchup 8.0) -
Yes, it's orbit and follow me in 2013.
It would help if you updated your profile because answers can vary depending on operating system and Sketchup version.
There oughta be a "Like" button.
Cheers Dave, perhaps it's a steampunk borg cube.
Nah Box! It's a box! And a nice one might I had!
Erzane, I'm not sure if you want all the "sections" in your pipes but if you "weld" the path before you use follow me you won't get all those joints.
I believe that "weld" path's curves can't be made without plugin!
So try this one Recurve by Diggsey
Or TIG-weld
what is ''weld'' ?
Look up 'weld' in a dictionary...
It means to join separate pieces together to form a single object.
In English it usually refers to metal things, but by extension in SketchUp it is used in the sense of joining several edges [lines] that touch each other end-to-end into a 'curve'.
A curve in SketchUp is rather like a CAD 'polyline'.
Although it consists of separate pieces, these are bound together in a 'curve' object.
When you click-on and select a curve all of the edges get included in the selection.
When you use a curve as a path for a FollowMe the result has a smooth surface.
If you use the equivalent edges [lines] that are not welded you get edges at the changes in direction.
Curves that you already use are Arcs: if you extrude around an Arc you will get a smooth surface, but undo and Explode that Arc, then extrude using the selected edges you be visible lines at the changes in direction. A Circle is just a special Arc in a loop. If you Scale an Arc then Entity Info no longer reports it as an Arc, but rather as a Curve. Because it's still a curve an extruded form that uses it will be smooth.
Now... any collection of connected edges [lines] can be welded into a curve [this can be in 3d too, but no 'branches' are allowed, because these break the continuity of the curve just as will happen if you add a line across an arc and it is then in separate parts].
So if you have a complex 3d pipe or wire that you want to look smooth then weld the pieces of the path into a curve [suitable edges [lines] and arcs/curves can be selected, and they will all get welded into one new curve]. That curve will extrude making a smooth surface...
To see one version of it being used, go back to the video I posted.
You will see at 1 min that I select one section of the path line, then there is a slight pause and the whole path turns blue. This was me hitting my keyboard shortcut for Recurve. Or more specifically, Select Curve and Recurve. Which does what it says, it selects all the segments until the path branches and welds the segments back into a curve. -
I see
thanks for the info
I will try it and give you news soon