Color matching from image map ?
HI everyone. Is there plugin that can actually copy the RGB value of a colored texture image by color picker?? Say, I have wall paper texture, somehow, I want to copy the color (not necessarily the image but just the RGB, so I can apply in another object.
My problem really, is Im having hard time matching color using my eyes, I guess Im really color blind.
The way to do it of course, is open in photoshop,color picker, then write down the RGB value, and finally, manually type in the RGB slot of sketchup material. Sometimes Im too lazy to do that.
Interior design has lots to do with colors, and right colors could make a huge difference.
I hope its possible.
Import the texture and use the Color Picker to sample the color
If you have a wallpaper material with lots of colors (a floral pattern, for example) and you want to sample just one of the colors, then no (unless someone is aware of a plugin that will sample only part of a material).
If, however, you want to match the overall color of a material, that is easy. Create a new material from the original, and deselect the "use texture image" - SU will convert it to the predominant color, as shown in the example below using a SU brick texture.
Sure, you can get the "average" colors out of part of the image.
Import the image as a material or import it as an image and explode it. Draw rectangles or circles on the surface to isolate regions where the desired colors are. Right click in those regions and choose Make Unique Texture. Edit the new textures and untick the box as Daniel indicated. You'll now have colors taken from the image that can be applied to faces in your model.
Very helpful tips. I should know this.
There is something about SU that I find hard to retain little used things like this.
I can go back to AutoCad after years and eventually remember obscure commands.
Then again I'm getting old & senile. -
Oh, c'mon, John. You're not getting old.
There are an awful lot of these little detail things that we rarely ever need and it is difficult to remember them. I'd forgotten the 'Use Texture Image' box until Daniel mentioned it.
WB, if you've got a Mac, that works nicely since it uses the Mac-supplied color picker doodad. On PC, not so much.
Oh good finally, a solution to my color blindness...
Thanks to you guys, another duh moment for me... Its time to further investigate what usefool tools under the hood I havent been using or knew exists at all.
Thanks there DaveR for a helpful trick, Havent used make unique texture for years.