SketchUp 2013 Gripes & Bitchin' ONLY ;)
Have to say that the lack of TSU Team members here at the SCF at the moment makes me feel suspicious...
I acknowledge that there can be several reasons causing their lack of interest...
1.) "Darling" - or even members from the Trimble Executive Board - has set out commandment that no-one are allowed to comment directly as well as indirectly on any off the accusations listed here...
(it's - unfortunately - very common business in many corporations that you don't discuss business strategies in public... In all cases, this is because they have no desire to cause eventual harm on the stock market because an individual employee (or a group of employees) are speaking on behalf of the corporation...)2.) Trimble have decided only to focus on their own community and abandon all third party SketchUp communities...
(but it's going to be tough to ignore a community like SCF...)
3.) The TSU Team are not particularly proud of this release and has chosen to stick their heads in the sand and wait until the storm is raging out...
4.) Some other reasons as well as a combination of no. 1 - 3 above...
it looks like we are waiting godot
...wait endlessly and in vain for the arrival of someone named Trimble SketchUp Team
@chicos said:
I created an account here at sketchucation just so I could bitch! let me start with a brief synopsis of my feelings: Sketchup 2013 is a complete embarrassment and a disaster! Almost 3 years and this is what we get? Its not like version 8 was specimen of ambitious software development. Just look at the features that Trimble is touting for this release: numbered pages, dashes in dimensions, copy array in LO, curved leader lines, video export . . . holy cow dung I would be embarrassed to put that in my list of improvements, let alone 5 of 11. Even the big ones are let downs: extension warehouse is nice but merely simplifies functionality I already had and Pattern fills as far as I can tell are just added textures. Supposedly speed in layout is improved, but I may never know if I decide to switch to FormZ. Whats $1000 after you blow $95 on the biggest letdown in recent memory.
Hey Chico, welcome aboard -- there's always room for one more
As I said earlier in the thread, if they separated Layout from SketchUp I would update that right now... but it would have to be less than half the cost. The SketchUp side of things is just pathetically sad... and I too would be embarrassed to release that.
BTW, it is somewhat difficult to find on their website, but here is a comparison chart of current bonzai3d and form.z features:
As you can see by the chart, bonzai3d is very comparable with SketchUp, with some additional modeling power (no layout, but $100 less) -- whereas form.z adds alot of really nice capabilities for the extra money. The UI between the two software is essentially identical, with form.z even having a bonzai3d workspace.
Jason. -
@mike amos said:
The only time I had any communication with John he came across as a thoroughly decent bloke who was patiently trying to tell me how and why I was wrong.
I agree with your entire post -- but this line is particular is so typical of "darling", I couldn't help but smile at the absurdity of it all.
If he's got time and energy to explain why we are all "wrong", then you would assume his software is already a sterling example of performance and stability... right???
Jason. -
@frederik said:
2.) Trimble have decided only to focus on their own community and abandon all third party SketchUp communities...
(but it's going to be tough to ignore a community like SCF...)
I would say that this would be the primary culprit. They cannot control or spin very successfully here because they are on equal footing with the users... not a position that works to their advantage.
But even so, I think talk from their side is pointless anyway -- they need to show progress, not talk about it.
They've got enough bug reports and wish lists backlogged to keep them busy for the next several years -- so there is no need for us to go through another pointless "voting" debacle either. Which was just a thinly veiled attempt at placating the user base after the v8 release was such a dud... I never imagined v9 would be even worse, I sincerely thought that was impossible.
I've got the new tagline:
SketchUp. Setting new standards for mediocrity in update releases with each version!Best,
Jason. -
They are probably busy answering the 30million users on their forums to visit here...
...or maybe not?
Maybe their Sages are ran ragged offering great customer support....
or maybe not?
All this conjecture on what they are and aren't doing is pointless.
We know what we are at here and for those bitchin' and moanin' about SU2013....let it all out all because there another 51 weeks of it.
But for those tuned in and listening and watching what is happening around here. Our online store for Plugins got a lick of paint.....and......
Later today devs will be uploading direct to the store themselves. How f@#king cool is that?
Whether you're on v8 or v9 you'll be getting updated plugins as they happen.....
Has that cheered anyone up?
I better add a bitch and moan otherwise Dan will kick my ass.
@rich o brien said:
I better add a bitch and moan otherwise Dan will kick my ass.
As close to an ass-kickin-emoticon as I can find.
Another one of my favorite bitchins...
I am sick and tired of elitest apple snobs (and some SU Dev team members,) telling us to buy a Mac whenever we have issues with our PCs !
IMHO, I see more plugin issues with Mac SketchUp than PC SketchUp.
So all ya platform snobs can just shove that Mac of yours right up .... uh, some dark orifice.
@dan rathbun said:
I am sick and tired of elitest apple snobs (and some SU Dev team members,) telling us to buy a Mac whenever we have issues with our PCs !
IMHO, I see more plugin issues with Mac SketchUp than PC SketchUp.
buy a mac.. then you can figure out why we tend to have more issues with our plugins.
thanks in advance -
Wow Dan, I thought I was throwing out some bombs -- but you just set some demolition charges
Jason. -
@jason_maranto said:
Wow Dan, I thought I was throwing out some bombs -- but you just set some demolition charges
Jason.Why burn a bridge if you can blow it to smithereens?
@jason_maranto said:
Wow Dan, I thought I was throwing out some bombs -- but you just set some demolition charges
Jason.nah.. it's cool.. it's always a bit of fun trolling people that can't afford a real computer
@unknownuser said:
nah.. it's cool.. it's always a bit of fun trolling people that can't afford a real computer
No lie, I just laughed out loud for at least 30 seconds... that may be the funniest thing I've seen in a long while.
Jason. -
@unknownuser said:
@jason_maranto said:
Wow Dan, I thought I was throwing out some bombs -- but you just set some demolition charges
Jason.nah.. it's cool.. it's always a bit of fun trolling people that can't afford a real computer
yeah, not to mention i have essentially 2 machines if i need, and can run both at the same time.
er I think the Mac HAS been all but ignored by SU if you look at the UI. As I said before SU makes me want to get a PC.
Yeah! The other advantage of macs is that they provide excellent training for becoming an upgrade whore...complete with a handy in-house istore where you can purchase all kinds of shiny new toys.
Mac fan-boys ought to feel right at home with the new SU. -
@pbacot said:
er I think the Mac HAS been all but ignored by SU if you look at the UI. As I said before SU makes me want to get a PC.
grasshopper makes me want to get a PC.. it's not working in mac rhino yet.
for whatever reason, it's such a daunting task for me to get bootcamp + windows + rhino hooked up on my computers.. on a few occasions, i've considered hiring an IT guy to get everything up and running for me just so i can use grasshopper..but for now, i'm just rolling with the typical adhd plan of "procrastinate long enough and you'll get what you want"
@pbacot said:
...I think the Mac HAS been all but ignored by SU if you look at the UI...
I'm getting more and more confused, cause if you look at "darling's" profile, you'll notice that the OS is set to... drum roll ... MAC...
@frederik said:
@pbacot said:
...I think the Mac HAS been all but ignored by SU if you look at the UI...
I'm getting more and more confused, cause if you look at "darling's" profile, you'll notice that the OS is set to... drum roll ... MAC...
i don't think they have anyone onboard that actually uses the app in the way it's supposedly designed to be used.. because if they did, they'd definitely be ironing out all the pesky little UI pitfalls that become apparent when working in a production environment.
(but hey, chris f. has joined the team and i know he used sketchup in a working environment.. hopefully he'll be able to have some say in this stuff)
(and yes, this is a back-handed stab.. the suTeam probably does have a lot of people that know the app).. i don't really know so i'm just making stuff up now