[Plugin] Canvas v1.1.3
(1) whether selecting the components out of the Options dialog box, select the function dialog box will disappear automatically affect the visibility of the window.
(2)Select the function to maintain the next default.
(3)Can achieve a variety of different components replication, scaling.Thank you!Do not mind if I just fantasy!
(1) whether selecting the components out of the Options dialog box, select the function dialog box will disappear automatically affect the visibility of the window.
(2)Select the function to maintain the next default.
(3)Can achieve a variety of different components replication, scaling.Thank you!Do not mind if I just fantasy!
Well done Rafael, looking forward to the plugin's progression.
Thank you very much.
Nice plugin!!
A suggestion:
Add start and commit operation for each click, so that I woudn't have to press ctrl-z for each added entity.
@unknownuser said:
Bug Fixed in Canvas
I found a tutorial on how to do this with cookies so hope to make it happen soonthis does it...
## @@canvas_dlg.set_position (70,95) ;
john -
**@guanjin said:
(1) whether selecting the components out of the Options dialog box, select the function dialog box will disappear automatically affect the visibility of the window.
(2)Select the function to maintain the next default.
(3)Can achieve a variety of different components replication, scaling.Thank you!Do not mind if I just fantasy!
Thanks for the suggestions they really help.**@olishea said:
Well done Rafael, looking forward to the plugin's progression.
Thank you very much.**
Thanks!**@anton_s said:
Nice plugin!!
A suggestion:Add start and commit operation for each click, so that I woudn't have to press ctrl-z for each added entity.
I have tried to enclose some code with start and commit operations but even though its assigned name appears as a undo option it only does it one step at a time.**@driven said:
@unknownuser said:
Bug Fixed in Canvas
I found a tutorial on how to do this with cookies so hope to make it happen soonthis does it...
## @@canvas_dlg.set_position (70,95) ;
john**What I meant was for plugin to remember form values like check boxes for example
@unknownuser said:
I have tried to enclose some code with start and commit operations but even though its assigned name appears as a undo option it only does it one step at a time.
Oh, just add model.start_operation(...) at the beginning of onLButtonDown method, and add model.commit_operation in the onLButtonUp method. After that, it must work
Btw, open Ruby Console and test your plugin; it has a bunch of tiny bugs
@anton_s said:
@unknownuser said:
I have tried to enclose some code with start and commit operations but even though its assigned name appears as a undo option it only does it one step at a time.
Oh, just add model.start_operation(...) at the beginning of onLButtonDown method, and add model.commit_operation in the onLButtonUp method. After that, it must work
Btw, open Ruby Console and test your plugin; it has a bunch of tiny bugs
The Add::Multiple does not work under "onLButtonDown" but instead under "onMouseMove" which seems not to work well with model.start_operation & model.commit_operation.
I did test the model.start_operation & model.commit_operation with onLButtonDown and it worked but since you only add one object it doesn't need undo s that much.
Thanks for pointing out the bug at Ruby Console!...I have to learn to Debug!
Kool stuff... great for landscaping.
Released Canvas 1.0.5 Beta includes;
1.0.5 Beta:: 4/15/2013
* Changed Web Dialog 'Frames Per Second' from 1 fps to 5 fps
* Added Cursor Point Ref
* Tooltips on ip1
* Add:: On ShadowNotes:
The frame rate that updates the values of Web Dialog is now little bit more responsive since I changed the fps from 1 to 5.
Also added a red point under cursor so that its easier to see where you are placing objects. And there is even a tool tip that display text to inform on what you are on.
And finally thanks to TIG I was able to solve the Add:: On Shadow so that you can place objects only o shadow.
Again thanks for feedback and hope to add new things in the future!
@krisidious said:
Kool stuff... great for landscaping.
Hi, I am glad you found a use for it!
1.0.6 Beta:: 4/19/2013
* Plugin is portable friendly nowThis update makes the plugin portable for people that don't use the default plugins folder.
Thanks to thomthom for suggesting doing this.
Thanks Renderiza - a great plugin.
1 question, is there anyway to avoid stacking objects on top of each other when free painting?
@cadfather said:
Thanks Renderiza - a great plugin.
1 question, is there anyway to avoid stacking objects on top of each other when free painting?
The closes thing to address this is "Don't Add:: If pointer on top of face" check-mark but its suggested that the axis of the object is being use to pain is centered. Problem with the method I mentioned is that it only works if you are painting on empty surface and you might still have some staking here and there.
I am still thinking to add a feature that solves this issue but until l then you might want to look at this...
On http://sdmitch.blogspot.com/ there is a plugin called Component Check - Check for over-lap of given component removes one.
Here is Direct link and video link...
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bw8zdmaKDWIfNjgxYjAzNmYtNjQ0YS00ZTkwLThlYTMtNTMwZTFmNWZhZDJh/edit?pli=1Page Not Found
Web word processing, presentations and spreadsheets
I see.. well it is quite amazing already - one of those 'unleash the creative' plugin (and thanks for the links).
Canvas v1.0.8 Released!
Hi, this is small update to make plugin compatible with Extension Warehouse.
Hey Renderiza, great plugin so far, I'm excited to see what you come up with next!
Just wanted to give you a head's up that there's a little typo (components is misspelled) that shows up in the Status bar when you hover over the Canvas Icon.
Nice work Rafael...
@matt.gordon320 said:
Hey Renderiza, great plugin so far, I'm excited to see what you come up with next!
Just wanted to give you a head's up that there's a little typo (components is misspelled) that shows up in the Status bar when you hover over the Canvas Icon.
Thank you!...that typo will be fixed for next version of Canvas.
@krisidious said:
Nice work Rafael...
Thank you very much!
[pre:1th8ey5v]Authors:: Renderiza
Plugin Name:: Canvas
Version:: 1.9
Date:: 8/4/2013
Cost:: Free[/pre:1th8ey5v]
New Canvas Release!
%(#909090)[What is New!- Random Rotation
- Random Scale]
it would be great to have a short video β like the ones Rich produces β to show all the plugin's funcionalities.
I am afraid it just does not work for me on mac. I tried selecting some components, not selecting, different input points, etc. nothing happens.
could anyone explain the correct workflow to make this plugin work?