"Save As Template..." problem
When I click on File and then on Save As Template... the pop-up window allows me to type a Template Name, but the Template Folder is "grayed out." The Save button is also "grayed out." When I click on the "grayed out" text in the Template Folder box, it turns blue. It reads, "/Users/.../Layout/Templates". However I cannot change the text other than double-clicking and deleting it. It won't let me type in any text. Further when I go back to the finder and navigate to where others have told me the LayOut Templates are located I cannot find the folder. When I go down the hierarchy of "Users/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8.0" I find two folders: SketchUp and Style builder -- but no LayOut. I also did a Spotlight search for LayOut folders but none are found. I'm running LayOut 3.0.16845 on a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.8.2.
I'm stumped. Will one of you seasoned LayOut experts please steer me in the right direction? I'd appreciate your help!
It's probably a 'hidden folder', the MACperts here might help you on how to reset it so you can 'see' it.
Also it probably has limited permissions for you [hence you can't add a Template to it]... you need to reset permissions to FULL read/write for yourself...
You'll be able to do this once you can see the folder !
I thought MACs were easy to use -
TIG, I took your advice. Searched for how to show hidden files on a Mac running OS X 10.8. The directions said to use the application Terminal and type in "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true"; hit Enter; type in "killall Finder"; and hit enter. That actually worked and I could then see all the hidden files. I again worked my way down the hierarchy of folders "Users/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8.0" and I find two folders: SketchUp and Style builder -- but no LayOut. I also did a Spotlight search for LayOut folders but none are found, even among the ones previously hidden. I couldn't pursue the "permissions" issue since I still can't even see the folder(s). Any other ideas? Any MacPerts who want to rise to the occasion?
@mikehathaway said:
TIG, I took your advice. Searched for how to show hidden files on a Mac running OS X 10.8. The directions said to use the application Terminal and type in "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true"; hit Enter; type in "killall Finder"; and hit enter. That actually worked and I could then see all the hidden files. I again worked my way down the hierarchy of folders "Users/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8.0" and I find two folders: SketchUp and Style builder -- but no LayOut. I also did a Spotlight search for LayOut folders but none are found, even among the ones previously hidden. I couldn't pursue the "permissions" issue since I still can't even see the folder(s). Any other ideas? Any MacPerts who want to rise to the occasion?
You are still not on user path.
With Finder active in menubar, click on Go Menu, hold down β₯(option) key and User library will appear as item
TIG -- You, sir, are a genius! It worked just as you said it would. Many, many thanks!