Will pay for rendering help
Anybody short of cash after the holidays?
Well, I will pay $200 to anyone proficient in rendering using Kerkythea to render a project I am working on, and provide me with a detailed step-by-step tutorial of how they did it.
The object of this is not really to have my project rendered as much as it is for me to learn how to do it.
It's a relatively simple project, a well-known gas station on Route 66.
I will make the tutorial available here on the forums, I think it would prove very useful to many modelers trying to get the hang of rendering.
If anybody is interested let me know and I will provide more details.
Payment in advance using PayPal or whatever method you prefer. -
I can help with Maxwell if your interested.
@chedda said:
I can help with Maxwell if your interested.
I appreciate the offer, but after trying a number of rendering programs I have decided on Kerkythea. I know that in theory a lot of the methods used in one program will be useable in other programs, or at least that's what I've heard, but I just want to concentrate on Kerkythea right now.
With a crippled computer and (anyway) a mediocre knowledge of Kerkythea (at best), I cannot contribute much but if such a tutorial is made and you (guys - both "client" and "tutor") really want to make a nice, publicly available tutorial of it, I can contribute to put it up to our tutorial pages (of course, under the name of the creator)
(They are also fully fledged with authorship info needed for Google to display them - example)
Thanks Gaieus,
I would love to make the tutorial available to everyone (assuming it gets made).
I've gone thru hell trying to learn how to render, and every time I see someone post their incredible renders I just want to beat my head against a wall in frustration. It would be so nice to have a good tutorial available for someone just getting into rendering, or someone like me who just can't seem to get the hang of it. I keep looking for books, like "Rendering For Dummies", but there just isn't anything out there. Don't understand why.
Well, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Hi Hellnbak, your predicament sounds uncannily like my own, and I understand your frustration. The KT forum has a "Live' tutorial thread but I got lost in that very soon so gave up on that. Not to make light of your predicament but am kind of glad to find someone in the same boat, rowing through the same molasses, I am not alone
A 'definative' tutorial would be GOLD though
I can offer no insights but I have been looking at Majid's tutorial "FastStart4Architects" which I am hoping will give me a start.
Good luck
Hey Stephen
Yeah, I think I've age two years for each month I've tried to figure out Kerkythea. I keep hoping that suddenly there will be an "AHA!" moment and it will all fall into place, but then I also keep hoping I'll win the lottery (which is probably more likely).
You might want to check out "Sketchup 7.1 for Architectural Visualization" by Robin de Jongh. He used Kerkythea exclusively throughout the book. There are plenty of photos and illustrations, but unfortunately they are all in black and white. Very frustrating when he refers to a color in a photo and it's B&W. I get the feeling it was originally planned to use color photos but they changed their minds.
Hopefully somebody will take me up on my offer, but until and unless that happens we'll just have to keep banging away at it.
Best of luck to you
Is there a deadline on this request? I may be interested in trying to help.
Hi Steve,
There is a free version of renditioner which is the simplest render program I know of (drag and drop material changes), it still gives great results.http://imsidesign.com/Products/Renditioner/RenditionerExpressv3/tabid/1904/Default.aspx
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, it may be something to get you on the first step of learning. I know that getting something half decent is a good incentive and this might just be a decent first step.
@davids90gt said:
Is there a deadline on this request? I may be interested in trying to help.
No, there is no deadline to speak of. I only started making the model yesterday so it won't be ready for a while yet. I've never been a particularly fast modeler (in fact I'm a very sloooooow modeler, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Unfortunately
@mike amos said:
Hi Steve,
There is a free version of renditioner which is the simplest render program I know of (drag and drop material changes), it still gives great results.http://imsidesign.com/Products/Renditioner/RenditionerExpressv3/tabid/1904/Default.aspx
Thanks for the tip, Mike, but I've had Renditioner Pro for over a year, and while it is fairly simple I abandoned it quite a while ago for several reasons. Their support base is very weak compared to Kerkythea (by support base I mean their forum and the available downloads, etc.), and my experience has been that there didn't seem to be much enthusiasm for providing help to noobs. By comparison Kerk has a much larger support base, and a lot more users that seem willing to lend a hand to those trying to learn the program. Can you imagine trying to learn SU if this forum was weak and unresponsive?
Anyhow those were my impressions.Having said that, I did receive a PM suggesting that I might have better luck with several other render programs that might be more intuitive and easier to grasp. I'm not going to open up the whole can of worms asking for opinions on that subject, I know it has been beat to death here in the forums, with the bottom line being that everyone has a different opinion on which is "best" and "easiest", but there doesn't seem to be a consensus, at least not that I've been able to find.
I have downloaded the trial versions of several different programs, and have watched videos beyond count, but of course the makers of each render program are going to try to put the best light on their program. It's sort of like how a movie preview is going to use only the best scenes, and even if the movie sucks overall it can be made to look good in the preview.
@mike amos said:
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, it may be something to get you on the first step of learning. I know that getting something half decent is a good incentive and this might just be a decent first step.
Thanks again Mike, much appreciated.
I'll try to post a pic of the model to be rendered so anyone who might be considering taking me up on my offer can get an idea of what they would be working with.
You're a premium member. Why not try a private thread where a chosen people can help out?
@pbacot said:
You're a premium member. Why not try a private thread where a chosen people can help out?
I don't understand what you are saying here. I'm new to this premium member stuff and haven't looked into what all it entails. I guess I probably should.
I meant to write "A FEW chosen people"...not necessarily Moses and his folks.
ask and you shall receive
Here's a shot of the project in question. It's the Ambler-Becker Texaco Service Station in Dwight IL. After 66 years of service it shut down in 1999, and now serves as a Route 66 Welcome Center. I'm trying to make it look like it might have back in it's heyday. Lot of work left to do, especially stocking the interior. This is the first time I've made anything besides cars, so it's a learning experience for me.
That looks great Steve. Good Job!!!
@raineysky said:
That looks great Steve. Good Job!!!
Thanks Paul.
I must admit it's kinda nice not having to deal with all the curved surfaces for a change. But really the only reason I'm doing this is because a friend on one of the car forums asked if I would. So I figured I'd give it a shot.
But I still can't render
That's excellent gas station. First one huh?
Why don't you stick to cars, Show-off?