[UPDATED] My LayOut Scrapbook for Architectural Drawings.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much. I'm gonna have fun with it no doubt
Muito obrigada!! esse conteúdo me será muito útil
Não consegui baixar
Hi Kris, thank you for sharing these. Can I ask regarding the electrical symbols; when you scale them on an electrical plan, the text and the box it's in don't scale properly. Is there a way round that without having to change the text size in the font menu? Thanks.
@DesignDude there isn't a way around that. The text is sized by font size while the rest is by paper space. I would suggest editing the scrapbook and resize the symbols you need to suit the typical scale of your work. Save the changes and then you won't have to do it every time you need to use them. Take advantage of the editing time to remove symbols you'd never use and maybe rearrange them to make them easier for you to access.
How can I download Scrapbook files?
@doquangtuande Click on the LayOut 3 Version link at the bottom of the first post on the first page of the thread.
These are great and such a time saver thank you!
onde tem o link para baixar os simbolos
Where is the link to download the symbols?
Bottom of first post
[UPDATED] My LayOut Scrapbook for Architectural Drawings.
I've been updating my scrapbook for architectural drawings and thought I might share. If you see any errors please let me know. 1 file 10 pages for now. APV-...
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