To Fresnel or not to Fresnel?
Do you guys use Fresnel on all of your reflections? When is a good time not to use it? I wonder if you need it when rendering thin arch glass?
@valerostudio said:
Do you guys use Fresnel on all of your reflections? When is a good time not to use it? I wonder if you need it when rendering thin arch glass?
Yes, I use it all the time. Only time I skip it is when I fake Chrome.
Even for thin glass - because I don't want unnatural uniform reflection.For the next version I hope they make Fresnel reflection the default as it was in the 3 versions previous to 1.49. So much more easier to work with reflections then.
Yes, fresnel all the time! It makes for a much more dimensional reflection, without it, like thomthom says - it just looks flat. If the other flavors of vray are an indication - the fresnel reflection might be a checkbox (instead of having to load a separate TexFresnel) I'm really curious how the interface will change with the updated vray engine in SU.
@andybot said:
the fresnel reflection might be a checkbox (instead of having to load a separate TexFresnel)
peraphs the separated TextFresnel is needed for adding it in the perpendicular sub-slot of specular map.. anyway i agree it should be default in reflection, TexNone is good for mirrors only..
- <-- like this?
@dkendig said: <-- like this?
- 9 days later
Was that the new beta??? Would love a checkbox like Fresnel in MAX, but this will do to! Thanks!!!
I wouldn't call it a beta, but yes. It's the current status of development, in regards to that feature.
Oh how you love to tease us.
well... I'm always asked what the status is for this or that, and I figured I'd show what I have to show, that I can show (at least I don't think anyone would yell at me for leaking that...) Otherwise, everyone starts to think that we're sitting around eating sushi or something (as appealing as that may sound, and as much as we may wish for this, it's not what we do all day).