How to tackle this slopy thing...?
The relevant recommended inference is the shadowy 'on the plane of'?
I know 'on (the) face (of)', in this case the back face on which the line is being drawn, but I don't know 'on (the) plane (of), meaning the three points defining the triangle. (As you know, the new line need not be parallel, and that inference would be magenta).
General inference help: -
In the attached picture, draw the red triangle. I assume you know either "a" or "b". Drawing with line tool from "a" hover over triangle [edit:while holding down the shift key] until thick black line appears, HOLD the shift key and draw fourth side to adjacent edge of column for "b". Edge "a-b" should then lie in the red triangle's plane. Complete four-sided shape, group face and four edges, and push-pull. Hope this helps.
[EDIT: before push-pull you may want to continue drawing the outline of the face that extends to the left.]
AWSOMENESS...! your the most helpfull and ressourcefull bunch I've met on the net in many years.
Please see my attempt to answer my own question. I don't get a thick black line or the inference mentioned. ('On face,' and the typicals I get, of course.) The black dotted line Peter shows looks like a construction line rather than the 'thick black' line, but I don't know since I cannot replicate it.
Hi folks.
You can also start simple and complexify afterward.
Click on the scenes tabs of this SU file for ideas.
@brookefox said:
..... The black dotted line Peter shows looks like a construction line rather than the 'thick black' line, ....
The dotted line is indeed a guide or construction line.
To replicate a thick black line (in general):
start an edge on a face F, or on its perimeter (or even somewhere in the same plane that face F is in, but outside the perimeter. Then hover the cursor to somewhere on that face F till you see 'On Face' and now press and hold down [Shift]. You should now get the thick black line to lock the "edge in progress" to face F.
While holding down [Shift], you can move the cursor away. The rotating thick black line is "connected" to its inference 'On Face' by a thin dashed line and stays in plane. It ensures that the second endpoint will also be in the plane of face F. Don't release [Shift] till after the second click. -
That is a guide line such as OP has in his video showing the establishment of the side of the triangle, "a" being the point to complete it. The inference indicator is a thick black line, while you are drawing with the line tool.
I started drawing at "a" so I can draw "a-b". Note (as I amended my first post ealier
) You press shift as you pull out that edge with the line tool, and pass over the face. The line changes to a heavy black line. In this case it's simultaneous with the "on face", which you do get. You should be getting a heavy line if you are drawing.
I often don't know how to describe what I am doing because I am doing it automatically. I noted the pressing of shift but not exactly when.
@unknownuser said:
Gaieus wrote:
pbacot wrote:
Drawing with line tool from "a" hover over triangle until thick black line appears, press shift and draw fourth side to adjacent edge of column for "b".Thick black line and a blue inference point with a tooltip "On face". Then press Shift.
How did you learnt this?
I've never read or see anything about this. -
A couple of YT videos: -
Never stop learning.
Thanks, Gerrit, you nailed it for me: Thin black line changing to thick when pressing shift to lock whilst getting 'on face' inference indicators. For me, it was in fact a missing inference: 'on plane of'. Thank you, Peter. I missed the OP's video link entirely.
SNEAKY EDIT: Pardon what bears repeating until is sinks in: I think the quote in Gilles' post following misses the key point that the black line is not thick until you press and hold shift.
@gaieus said:
A couple of YT videos: specifically, if you are particularly interested in the surface or planar lock which this thread centers on, go to minute 5 of the second video listed above. All of it is for me a good inference locking reminder, though.
@brookefox said:
More specifically, if you are particularly interested in the surface or planar lock which this thread centers on, go to minute 5 of the second video listed above.
In this case, you can even link like this below - watch the
part at the end of the video link. this does not work with the simple phpBB embed code.