Making tyres in SU
Looks good, how big/small is your skp now?
john -
Good. What are you rendering it with? It looks like Kerkythea. IMO a little (bit more enhanced?) bumpiness would add to it. Of course, eventually there needs to be some environment or a render to look good (even for the reflections as there needs to be something reflected of course)
Good. What are you rendering it with? It looks like Kerkythea. IMO a little (bit more enhanced?) bumpiness would add to it. Of course, eventually there needs to be some environment for a render to look good (even for the reflections as there needs to be something reflected...)
Definitely a useful thread with great tips and tricks@gaieus said:
Good. What are you rendering it with? It looks like Kerkythea. IMO a little (bit more enhanced?) bumpiness would add to it. Of course, eventually there needs to be some environment for a render to look good (even for the reflections as there needs to be something reflected...)
my quote:
This tutorial Making Bump Maps in SKP from CanonFodder000 on Deviant Artsimon
@gaieus said:
Good. What are you rendering it with? It looks like Kerkythea.
Nope, Twilight. I have to admit, I was just rendering this image with the default settings. I have absolute no experience with rendering. I try to follow your suggestion learning first dominating SU and then to enter in the big world of rendering. I have to admit, that waiting would make me nervous but in my old age I have to be patient as I cannot learn so fast anymore!
Unfortunately I encountered another challenge with my tires! This kind of tires is slightly curved on his tread as well as the sidewall. This means a lot more of hidden geometry
In order to understand how I did this tire: I draw the profile with the arc tool and lines, then revolved with the follow-me tool.I really don't know how to apply the tread texture as well as the sidewall texture to the tire. I suppose that you will again 'do party pieces' taking out one of those wonderful plug-ins
Attached my SU file:Any suggestions how to overcome my problem?
Many thanks in advance for your great support.
Unfortunately, you can't use the method I described for mapping onto a rounded face like that. It will only work on a flat cylindrical face. Even in my example, the shoulders of the tread are not correctly mapped, because they are sloping. Fortunately, they are fairly thin, so you don't really notice. If you round the whole face of the tread, the whole system goes out the window.
You'd need to use some other more sophisticated mapping software, like Ultimate Unwrap 3D, or perhaps try Thomthom's Quadface Tools plugin.
Great!!! Could you explain me step by step what you did? Have you used UV Toolkit2 for that?
Please, please solo, tell me what you did!
@alan fraser said:
You'd need to use some other more sophisticated mapping software, like Ultimate Unwrap 3D, or perhaps try Thomthom's Quadface Tools plugin.
Thank you for your answer. I had a look to Quadface Tools but as a newbee it is not so easy to apply these tools. I had a look to the movies from thomthom but it sounds for me very strong.
I create a section, then copy rotate, see images.
@solo said:
I create a section, then copy rotate, see images.
Thank you for your answer. I got it, but I imagine that you have textured the section in the same way as Alan proposed in this thread, right?
I used UV Tools (not UV Toolit) > cylindrical projection on the middle part and simply projected the sides (I had to scale the sides up by 1.01% as there was a white halo around).
I also used Twilight above (technically speaking, it will result very similar renders as Kerkythea since it uses its engine).
Hi misters,
This is definitely an instructive thread with many important tip and tricks
@gaieus said:
I used UV Tools (not UV Toolit)
Whaat_UVTools v0.1
Whaat_UVTools 0.2 Pro (Beta)
Whaat_UVTool tutorial@gaieus said:
Good. What are you rendering it with? It looks like Kerkythea. IMO a little (bit more enhanced?) bumpiness would add to it. Of course, eventually there needs to be some environment or a render to look good (even for the reflections as there needs to be something reflected of course)
Concerning giving some bump in a render engine:
Here are some useful links:
[url=]Making Bumpmaps in Google SketchUp[/url:33lcwfn0]to understand better this technic:
[url=]Re: [Plugin] Color by Z[/url:33lcwfn0]
[url=]Re: [Plugin] Heightmap from model[/url:33lcwfn0]
and to obtain the modeled texture into SketchUp you can use
Thomthom's Bitmap to Mesh: see the video and download link in Rich's famous [url=]SketchUcation Plugin Video Tutorials[/url:33lcwfn0][url=][Plugin] Normal Map Maker[/url:33lcwfn0]
and I've just discovered this tutorial to give some bump into Photoshop:
Bump maps in Photoshop
simon -
Thank you very much for your answer. I will give UV Tools a try and learn another plug-in
One more and my head will explode next
BTW, this is a new view of tires Gaieus. I think the tire industry would not be amused if customer wants to have new tires with an horizontal tread
I know, this is only for demonstration purpose but it looks very strange if the tread is 90° rotated....
Thank you again.
I have looked at your model, have you any reason to give your tire thickness?
Hi Simon,
@simon le bon said:
Hi misters,
This is definitely an instructive thread with many important tip and tricks
I agree with you, definitely, this is a very important thread for me too. As a SU newbie there are a lot of behaviors not known or not understood in SU but for the 'hot shots' completely self-evident. This is maybe the reason why this thread is such long. Many times the professionals (you all) are giving excellent hints but we newbies are missing a guide how to reach the goal. If you miss to do one step the result can be completely different... This is very important for the professionals to think that they were also starting from the scratch and they have reached their level in trying, asking, watching video tutorials and learning investing tons of hours.
@simon le bon said:
Concerning giving some bump in a render engine:
Here are some useful links:
Making Bumpmaps in Google SketchUpto understand better this technic:
Re: [Plugin] Color by Z
Re: [Plugin] Heightmap from model
and to obtain the modeled texture into SketchUp you can use
Thomthom's Bitmap to Mesh: see the video and download link in Rich's famous SketchUcation Plugin Video Tutorialsand I've just discovered this tutorial to give some bump into Photoshop:
Bump maps in Photoshop, I would like to thank you very much for the additional links and information's. This is very useful for me and for sure also for other people.
Hi Gilles,
@gilles said:
I have looked at your model, have you any reason to give your tire thickness?
Which thickness do you mean? Strength of materials or the width of the tire? Strength of materials was given due to the drawn profile that I have revolved with the follow-me tool. Width of the tire is given by the function of this tire. This is an implement tire used in the farming industry which will be flatten with the weight of the charge (2-3 tons).
@lecra said:
...BTW, this is a new view of tires Gaieus. I think the tire industry would not be amused if customer wants to have new tires with an horizontal tread
I know, this is only for demonstration purpose but it looks very strange if the tread is 90° rotated...
Haha. I did not even realize. I saw something was wrong but just went ahead with the example.