Signature question
It's probably a cookie thing. Delete your cookies and return to the SCF site to set the signature option.
There's also a 100 character limit
Gaieus, That makes two of us. I had been to all those places as well. I logged out and logged back in thinking that might reset things but no. I changed my password just for the fun of it, didn't help.
Dave, I deleted all the board cookies twice, nada.
Rich, The signature is the same as it has always been. I can't change it because I'm 'not autorised'
Maybe it will mysteriously get its' mind right at some point but, if you should happen to think of anything else I could try, please let me know.
ps. Attach a signature is checked.
Very strange. I can't see anything that says you aren't authorized to add a signature and everything seems to be set up to display it.
Try now.
testing 123
It's there !
Yeah. I don't know what he's talking about!
You fixed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can see that Gaieus signature is now a bit shorter than usual
so, having the same issue. i cannot create a signature. deleted the board cookies, with no luck.
any help?-mike
Weird. I just added one to mine and at least I can see it.
I posted this recently:
Edit: And I just checked in Edit Signature and got this: "You are not authorised to define a signature." -
@mitcorb said:
I posted this recently:
Edit: And I just checked in Edit Signature and got this: "You are not authorised to define a signature."That is what I get.
It appears that some kind of Forum permission setting got scrambled, apparently random, probably sunspots.
I just happened to be viewing the Plugins Index and noticed that my signature showed up at this location:
However, at the moment of this writing, I cannot say that clicking on the above link will show the signature.
Well, it did show up. So, why does it not show up otherwise?
It shows the signature because the signature was fine in June. It's not fine now though. We'll tinker around in the New Year
Well, I have no knowledge of web technology. I get the impression from this anomaly that the June signature is just a snapshot?
note from the mists of time "any technology sufficiently advanced will appear as magic to the uninitiated"