Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
@alan fraser said:
Here's an interesting video dealing with the dimensions posited by theoretical physicists.
lol.. i think i'll wake up tomorrow, take a double-dose of adderall, watch the video about 17 more times, then maybe begin to wrap my head around dimensions 5+.
(and maybe even comment afterwards!) -
Isn't it 4.00 am for you Jeff? It already is tomorrow.
@alan fraser said:
Ah! A Flatlander .
Here's an interesting video dealing with the dimensions posited by theoretical physicists.
[flash=640,390:u488x1rg]http://www.youtube.com/v/XjsgoXvnStY?version=3[/flash:u488x1rg]Great info. Thanks.
@unknownuser said:
exactly.. but i guess that brings up question as to wether 2Dtoon is missing out on anything.. the idea that he could move forward/backward is so mind-boggling that, like you said, he can't even imagine or really comprehend it..
i guess he could be faulted for not thinking outside the box () or for making up his own version of reality based on what is observable by him.. or worse, making up false idols in order to fill in the gaps that he can't understand..
but still, i guess the toon could still have a happy life.This is something to think about. I guess toon need purpose and what's moving him, or else he would die, kill himself... and he knows there must be something, even thou he can not perceive it with his mind. I guess there is a link other than mind...like bees... how they communicate? how they know they role in their perfect system? How do you know evil from good? Its inside you from the beginning. If you hurt someone you'll feel bad. You don't need law to punish you. There is a seed in all of us. The Low.
Not recommended as an early morning viewing. That has just wrecked my head for the day.
@alan fraser said:
Isn't it 4.00 am for you Jeff? It already is tomorrow.
ha, yeah.. not sure what that was all about.. so i'm now faced with today on only 4hrs sleep
weirdly enough, when i woke up, the first thing i thought about was the video you posted.. in a roundabout way, it's basically saying that our current perception of time is incredibly basic.. my analogy is that time for us would be similar to living in a **.**5D world which is (obviously) even more limiting than a 1D world..
with 1D, we could move only left or right.. with .5D, we could move only left..
so that's time as we see it now.. it moves in only one direction along a single line.. no up/down/left/right/front/back.. the ten dimension theory basically takes our simpleton view of time and adds all the other possible directions to it..i'm not quite sure if we'll ever get to a point to where we experience these other dimension.. well, not on our current track of evolution which has up to this point been reactionary to our environment(s).. thing is, we're getting to a point where our next steps of evolution can be implemented by ourselves.. once we start integrating computer technology into our brains, it's going to open up a whole new universe as far as our intelligence level is concerned..
i suppose the god freaks are going to freak out when this self evolution phase starts (well, i guess it has already started but..).. it won't be too much longer (in the grand scheme) until they come around and religion as we know it today will be a thing of the past..
Yes, weird stuff. I was amusing myself the other day imagining if we still had our present 4 dimensions (including time) but instead of travelling along time, we were travelling along one of the lateral dimensions instead.
I was imagining standing in front of Westminster Abbey. You'd be able to see the width and height, but you'd be travelling through it rather like that sequential CAT scan in the video. The difference would be that you would have the added (and now navigable) dimension of time...so each 2D slice would be simultaneously viewed at any point in time, past, present or future...even before it was built; and long after it's crumbled to dust.Given that it's a real mental strain just to rearrange the 4 dimensions we've already got, I don't hold out much hope for us ever getting a grip on any more of the darn things.
I think it was JBS Haldane who once said "The universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose." -
@alan fraser said:
Given that it's a real mental strain just to rearrange the 4 dimensions we've already got, I don't hold out much hope for us ever getting a grip on any more of the darn things.
..and even if these dimensions can be shown/proven/duplicated/whatever in the lab, it's still going to be a weird circumstance.. we're going to actually have to experience them in some way other than knowing they exist in order to really come to grips..
not happening in my lifetime i suppose, but, if the theories are true, then i guess it is happening in my lifetime
@unknownuser said:
Not recommended as an early morning viewing. That has just wrecked my head for the day.
Just the opposite for me. It was the first thing I watched when I logged on this morning and it has my mind going 90 to nothin'. I enjoyed that Alan, thanks. Now if I could just find a way to apply it and cross to the line where my house was all ready for Christmas I would be set.
catch a ride on a superluminal neutrino
"BC" or "AC"
In His communication, God has not stopped at the intercession of the prophets, but then told us in particular, through His Son.
Through prophets, God spoke tu us "long time ago" (in ancient time) ...
With Son ("in these last days"), a New Time began.
Human history is DIVIDED in two: "Before Christ" and "After Christ", and these periods are differentiated by the way of communication. In ancient time God spoke through men (the prophets), then we were directed, through the Son.
People can not change this reality that has changed the ages... They can only change the terms, using instead expressions such as "Before Our Era" and "Our Era"... -
@mitcorb said:
catch a ride on a superluminal neutrino
I think the idea is that Eric's Christmas prepped house isn't at some other location so in that regard, he wouldn't need to catch a ride to another dimension or coordinate.
his Xmas house is right there in front of his face but he just can't see it.(going back to the 2d space analogy of flatlanders-- supposed i were punched today as evidenced by my sweet looking shiner... my 2D friend probably wouldnt notice because she's only able to see a single plane of my body -- sort of like Alan's CAT scan example.. my body could be sliced into a infinite amount of planes of which only a portion would contain evidence of me being punched. chances are, she'd see a non-bruised plane so to her, I wouldn't have been punched even though I had)
at some point, Eric was faced with a choice to put up the decorations or not at which point his universe split in two.. one where he did the job and one where he procrastinated.. in this universe, we have the procrastination version but it's happening alongside the dutiful Eric (and who knows, he might of fallen off a ladder in the alternate version and is now layed up with a broken leg wishing he never put up those damn decorations)
so in a sorta similar way that my 2d friend sees no evidence of me being punched-- even though it occurred and my 3d friends can very easily attest to that, we can't see all of Eric's life because we're only able to witness 1 dimension of time..
(and I realize your neutrino bit was a joke.. just using it as a launching point to talk about this some more)
@unknownuser said:
"BC" or "AC"
hey, i thought it was AD
and also didn't realize the terminology came straight from the man himself..
(or wait.. he's a god right? and we just personify him as a man? hmm.. this is more confusing than 10 dimensions!)[edit]- and fwiw, that calendar system didn't come about until the year 525.. (and i'm pretty sure there's accurate enough history to prove this...) so i guess in 525 AD, god told some dude to switch up the calendar and he didn't tell jesus or his prophets to do so as you're trying to lead me to believe (shame on you!).. or were there still prophets in 525?.. like i said.. confused
I prefer the other dimension Jeff who's so sure of himself he doesn't need to comment to express his opinion
This current dimension Jeff is making less sense than Alan's video. But maybe that's because this dimension Rich has given up understanding and prefers just making sarky comments?
I hope the other dimension Rich gets the missus something nice for christmas
just a warning.. if i keep going on about this stuff
i'm pretty sure it's gonna get worse before it gets better[at which point, i'm going to say something so simple and revolutionary that everyone will will suddenly be amazed at their newfound abilities to see/comprehend the multiverse— too bad you'll all be in the wrong dimension when i say it and probably won't hear me
God spoke to us especially through Bible and through His Son!
The prophets spoke to us in different ways, but, through the Son, God spoke to us in a unique way that no one has been able.
(John 7:46, "officers said," Never man spake like this man.“)
Many guys believe that God has revealed himself through various prophets as revealed to us through His Son...!
The Bible states unequivocally that revelation through Jesus Christ is UNIQUE. All prophets are set in one side, and Son, apart... Every prophet, of any ‘color’..., who claims to have greater or equal revelation of Jesus Christ is a liar!Revelation through prophets was FRAGMENTARY, but through Son was TOTALLY.
Revelation through prophets was PROGRESIVE, successive, but through Son was FINAL.
Revelation through prophets was INSUFFICIENT because it was fragmented, but through Son was SUFFICIENT because it was full (there is nothing to add ...).
Revelation through prophets was LIMITED, but through Son, God was revealed to us as He is.The disciples asked: "Lord, show us the Father and it is enough tu us," to which Jesus answered them: "... He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father ..." (John 14:9)
Revelation through prophets prepared mankind for the final revelation, when God revealed through the Son.
Therefore, the Son is the supreme revelation of God in His dialogue with us.
God gave us, through His written Word (the Bible), and through His incarnate Word (Jesus Christ, the Lord) all necessary information concerning Creation! -
I suppose we may never know who / what / ???? created the universe but its good to see all the opinions. In a way I envy those with such a solid faith, it makes things so much easier .... I think!
Maybe the universe created itself and continues to do so time and time again! If this is the case then has anyone thought that we created the universe? After all we are all part of it! I think I could even throw a twist into the debate using a Christian believe! 'God Created Man in His Own Image' Genesis 1:26
And no, I haven't started early Christmas celebrations
Re.“After all we are all part of universe”...: We were created ‘parts’ - we were not as a creative part...
Funny Jeff. An odd thing though, I walked through the living room a few min. ago and had this feeling that the house was already spotless, but that was only a feeling mind you. And for whatever reason my eye hurts now.
Sincerely - yalderfooB
Re: “God Created Man in His Own Image” (Mike L.)
Man is a ‘threefold being’, as God is Trinity. Man has three parts: body, soul and spirit.
There is a likeness of God in man, which is NATURAL - that is the HUMAN PERSONALITY. This personality is defined on two levels:
A. the human capacity to know themselves, know the world and to know God. Man has the capacity to understand and to love God ...
B. human capacity to define themselves in terms of moral. Man can decide what will be the focus of: his own person, God, or the outside ‘world’...MORAL likeness to God refers to HOLINESS. Man was not created neutral. God made man righteous and glory...
The moral likeness lost through sin, but remained partly natural resemblance afterwards.