[Plugin] Pen Tool +
Unfortunately '
' is what @Last/Google decided to call it years ago -
nothing like a bit of
Rich, thank you very much. By the way, why was the pen to draw an edge with a face included,if it does the same thing as the line command?
Yes it's the same but you can toggle inference locking with the shift key. The native Line tool requires you to hold the shift.
By having the toggle option you can orbit with inference lock is toggled on whilst the native tool would cause you to pan. Csaba asked for this function in another thread.
The 'edge' tools doesn't form faces like the 'pen' tool [or for that matter the other line drawing tools].. The 'pen' tool is like native 'Line'... BUT it has some different inferencing etc... Try the different ones to see what I mean...
Hey, I've missed this so far!!!!! haven't you got enough to do, Rich?
Well done mate! -
hi Rich,
this is great, works on the mac except the
###new_toolbar.show ### ONLY show if was visible before... new_toolbar.restore if new_toolbar.get_last_state==TB_VISIBLE
[this may be due to the slightly different RUBY_VERSION i.e. 1.8.5]
however it does work if I cut and paste it to line 1175, directly undernew_toolbar = UI;;Toolbar.new("Pen Tool +")
tooltips, custom menu items and the tools themselves all work as advertised...
well done
Thanks for the Mac feedback John. Glad you got it to work
I have just downloaded your pen tool, i am working on mac, it appears to workfine but with no icons.....any ideas?
if the icons folder named, rob_hsltool is in your plugins folder, then you might just need to turn on the menu in View >> Tool Palettes >> Pen Tool +john
BTW, TIG solved my problem stated earlier in this thread. Thanks TIG.
It turns out if you click the "Compatibility Files" button between Burn and New Folder it showed up.
Thank you!
Thanks a lot for this usefull plugins !!
@dave r said:
Comes of drinking American beer at high elevations for a week when you're not used to either.
Canadian beer will do that at sea level in less than a day.
Just trying out Pen Tool last night, I noticed that occasionally for one click I got 2 Cpoints. Also, one or two of the other pen settings doubled the endpoints which were placed short distances apart in a series of quick clicks randomly in the model space. Hard to explain. I did not save the file. This was in Sketchup 7. This mouse has shown no other misbehavior in other applications.
Has anyone else seen this? -
Mitcorb I think this is down to you keeping the mouse-button pressed and dragging.
Most of this kind of line tools allow for you to press+hold+drag+release to make the line, as well as more usual click+click to provide two ends.
There's a short timer delay built-in to spot a real button-hold as that - obviously you're on the top limit time-wise and it's assuming a drag is wanted...
Is your mouse-button sticky?
For the cpoint tool if you don't do a clean click. but do more of a press. then it assume a drag and places a second cpoint at the release point - which might be only a short distance away if the mouse moves slightly.
So to avoid this ensure a clean click with no holding down of the mouse button with a drag unless you want two points...
Yes, thanks, TIG:
It is obvious from only one test that I wasn't tuned in to the appropriate procedure. I am not usually what you would call a fast clicker, partly because of my system response, and partly because of my own internal wiring.
A salute to you and Rich for this excellent concept. -
thank you for you plugin.
Awesome. I joined this site specifically to get this plug-in. It's been a bane in my rear end that Sketchup couldn't simply draw dashed (or construction lines) that didn't go into infinity. Couldn't make a clean diagram that way. (And I know SU is more for 3D than CAD- but it makes sense to model something and then CAD it out in the same app. I also know Layout can draw them, but that gets messy too).
I literally just used the plug-in, but something I noticed right off I want to ask about:
I see that drawing the Construction lines flags to SU they are indeed construction lines. When I "Delete Guides" they are deleted as well. I tried grouping them and locking, but they still get deleted if I use the command. Is there a way to makes these lines unique to SU so they won't get deleted when cleaning up my drawings with the Delete Guides command?
Thanks again. This will cut down on a lot of cursing 'round here!Win XP, SU 7
Unfortunately no. Guides are deleted even in locked groups. I'd call this a bug but officially it is called a "feature".
I am not really sure but as if in some earlier versions construction lines hadn't been deleted if they were in a group and you were outside that context. Just like how "unhide all" works now.
You can always put these guides into a component (along with something else) however then right click and "Save as..." Later when you clean up your guides, right click on this component again and "Reload".
I know it's a poor workaround but should do it.