Sketchup on iPad2
hi. anybody knows if sketchup could working on an iPad2 (iOS)?
/paolo -
Yes I've changed my mind about SU on iPad, after a session with some potential clients in the pub last night, I think it would be a GREAT idea!
(Typing from my iPad).
They make a fine serving tray
They do indeed. You can even use them as a chopping board!
Hey Guys,
I have used Skecthup on the I-Pad(1), and it works well, with a few exceptions. First off, Zooming in and out is way easier. Also, while most of the tools work well, you don't have the advantage of two mouse buttons, I.E, if you are using the draw tool and want to orbit, rather then just holding down on the right mouse button and turning, you have to select the orbit tool at the top. There are just little things like that, but overall, it works very well. But, while it might work just for fun, it will never replace a computer (keyboard shortcuts are another problem, unless you have a keyboard for your I-Pad. The I-Pad is also very fast (albeit the I-Pad2 is faster) but can't handle huge models extremely well). Anyway, it's pretty cool, regardless of it's difficulties.Cheerio
@crankston shnord said:
Hey Guys,
I have used Skecthup on the I-Pad(1), and it works well,Have you??
I'd imagine thru a desktop sharing app.
Either that or via BS
Video or it didn't happen.
There are vector drawing apps for iPhone already:
A DWG viewer would be great. No more messy blueprints.
Does SketchUp still run on Windows 95?
with candy blue "Luna" window borders
I'm not with the idea working Sketchup outside the framework of in desktop or laptop computer because it did not become a simple program , it is support by other programs and plugins are needed good Hardware , and this hardware is not available in the iPad now .
I saw someone run it on an I-Pad through a USB connection with a Macbook. It required some special coding......This happened a while ago, just a few months after the original I-pad came out. Sorry but I don't have a video. Again, it was a work in progress, and several things weren't quite right......Most plugins didn't work, there were some problems with shadows, but it was a start, at any rate.
@al hart said:
Does SketchUp still run on Windows 95?
Very good Al, don't thrust your eyes. While I am sure that there is some version of SU that runs on Win95. Someone else installed the OS on iPad1, and I pp the sketchup window on it.:)
I just stumbled across this app called "Log Me In". Looks pretty good!
£17.99 shouldn't break the bank, but I don't know how it will run with SketchUp. Works with both Windows 7 and Mac OSX
For me there wouldn't be much point in having SU on the iPad unless I could use a mouse with it. However I have read that this is possible but it involved a jailbreak!
SketchUp - if you are reading this, our sister company, Archon Apps, would be glad to convert SketchUp to the iPad for you.
@al hart said:
SketchUp - if you are reading this, our sister company, Archon Apps, would be glad to convert SketchUp to the iPad for you.
An interesting idea Al, but I think there may be some issues with the interface on the iPad- a bit like what Mike was aiming at?
As far as I know modelhead got SU to display on his iPad. I could be wrong but I remember a thread where he was detailing something via remote access but it required good broadband speed.
I haven't tried remote access on mine except for the Remote app and AirVideo.