[Plugin] [$] Artisan (1.2.3) - Feb 28, 2014
I'm all in. Quality work Dale, and what an incredible addition to SketchUp.
STOKED! Can't wait. Thanks for all the hours you put in to this Dale!
Gimme a link and I'll click it.
You might end up being more famouser than you are now.
I am anxiously waiting for this release.
couldn't wait.....
Is Artisan finished and just waiting for the website to be finished, or is the release date there to allow you cross the t's and dot the i's of the coding?
upgrade pricing sounds nice
but all those functions sound much better. This must be on the top 5 Plugins for SketchUp when it´s released! i can´t wait!
Will you be doing a Tutorial Vid like you did with SDS1 showing all the cool new features. You certainly blew us away with your demo in Boulder!
I believe these capabilities will put SU into a whole new level of excellence.
SU is great program by itself, but the plugins by you masters are what give the real power to SU.
Many thanks (to you all) -
I gotta agree with everyone. February 28th seems so far away!
Well done Dale! The demo Pete gave at Basecamp has had me curious ever since...can't wait to take it for a whirl!!
wow i cant wait..
Thought we'd see something from you sooner or later, Pete...NICE!
is there any enhancement in the UV mapping area??? -
Looks great!
@jenujacob said:
is there any enhancement in the UV mapping area???
I am wondering this too?
Also is it possible to revert back to the "proxy" for further editing or is the subsmooth final?Last, Maya have a Artisan tool since long. Just hoping there won't be any name conflicts with Autodesk...
There's no uv mapping features. There's a paint brush tool that acts much the same as PS though without feathering.
As for reverting to proxy, if you group the proxy before smoothing as with SDS1, you can continue to work on proxy.
Ok, thanks.
@pixero said:
Last, Maya have a Artisan tool since long. Just hoping there won't be any name conflicts with Autodesk...
hmmm....that's interesting. Did not know that....
It's called 'Maya Artisan', this is just 'Artisan', I see no conflict.