Problems doing a curve
Of course it won't connect as that shield shape is not only a curved surface but its edges are all curved, too. TIG's example is good only when all the edges are straight. (Or else I misunderstood something)
Is this that you want to end up with?
Tried again following Tig's instructions more carefully. This is where I am now. Do i simply make a copy of the curved group and then connect the two via lines, or...? Tried that but it doesn't seem to "connect" the two curves.
Edit: Didn't quite understand this at first bt since my curved surface isn't the same width at top and bottom, the top and bottom isn't the same "depth" either. Hmmm... Sure glad I wanted to do this in Sketchup before I started building anything!
Gaieus > Almost. I can get approximately that far too now. However, I would like to end up with something like this.
Thing is though that it's narrower at the bottom (420mm) than at the top (520mm). This also makes the model "deeper" at the top. I had not noticed that 'til now.
To illustrate my point.
Two groups are facing each other. I "just" need to connect them, but can't work out how to.
The whole thing is just 30 mm thick. Should the max top thickness be 520 mm?
I quickly made this from the one face.
Switched of Hidden Geometry.
Removed the 'holes-surfaces'.
Selected all Surface/Edges
Use EEbyVector to extrude it backwards by ~50mm.
The 'sides' are made, but the 'back' is missing at this point.
Copied [Move+Ctrl] the front Surface and placed it on the back.
Selected that Surface and Reversed it so all faces are then 'out'.
Selected all and Smoothed... -
Gaieus > Not sure I understand?
Bottom width is 420mm, top width is 520mm. Space between the two (depth) is 50mm.
TIG > That's 99% procent done. Sweet! I'll try to follow your instructions, and see how far I get.
You guys rock!
Tig > Tried following your instructions and ended up with this. It looks correct except that when I use EEbyVector to extrude it backwards by 50mm my model gets "sliced up". I finished and also pasted the back to it and reversed it, but when smoothing the model the "slices" remains:
Ah, OK, I thought you meant the thickness of that plate...
@gumleguf said:
Tig > Tried following your instructions and ended up with this. It looks correct except that when I use EEbyVector to extrude it backwards by 50mm my model gets "sliced up". I finished and also pasted the back to it and reversed it, but when smoothing the model the "slices" remains:
[attachment=1:1bxp6nwa]<!-- ia1 -->gbl324234.JPG<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:1bxp6nwa]
[attachment=0:1bxp6nwa]<!-- ia0 -->JamoR909_clone_6_EEbyVector_1.skp<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1bxp6nwa]NOT quite the expected result... but not irredeemable...
Select a face with the correct orientation and right-click 'Orient' to get them all facing the same way... then select all and Smooth till it looks like you want... -
TIG > Am I not following your instructions?
I tried selecting a face, right-clicked and selected "Orient Faces", but it seems to me that it only made some other faces reverse?
I think I have it!
You are making internal faces so can never successfully get orient faces to work as there are always some wrong!
I think this is because you are extruding ALL Edges as you have View > Hidden Geometry ON and are working on the Smoothed ones as well.
Switch View > Hidden Geometry OFF, then Select the Surface and its Edges [then Shift+Ctrl to deselect the Surface]...
EEbyVector on the Edges back 50mm.
At that point you shouls have all of the 'sides' made without a 'back'.
Copy the front as the back as explained before and reverse it...
I think you're right.
Does this look correct (I think it does, but what do I know...
Now all you need to do is select the front Surface, right-click and Orient - all faces will be correct.
To 'smooth' the edges you don't want around the top edge, Select all [treble-click surface] and right-click Smooth...Done
This is too cool.
Thanks all. You are the best.