[Tutorial > Texturing] Texturing an arch - #2
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This is great. I do wish I had come across this about 6 weeks ago before I lost my mind trying to this all manually and eventually giving up thinking that maybe noone will notice that I had bodged it.
Note to self: Ask questions: someone, somewhere (probably here) will know the answer.
im trying to do this trick on the side of this mesh i made, its a magazine. I did to pull trick of earlier but know when i try cant get the texture to follow the quads no more. if i tell it know to fit the quads it turns 90deg. the preview is how it was but when i apply this to a new model the trick doesn't work any more
*edit, just checked if i started from scratch again it actually does work. i copied the top part and than reconnected all pieces again by hand making the faces. When i than apply fit to quads i does work again
If the side is built of quads, then you might find QuadFace Tools easier to use for texturing.
Ah well, Quad Face Tools were not available at the time of this tutorial...
okay hi, i have followed every instruction as best as i could, but its not working!! please help
@thor1902 said:
okay hi, i have followed every instruction as best as i could, but its not working!! please help
Can't help until you describe what "isn't working". Consider this - it's like going to the doctor saying "I'm sick" - then nothing more.
What isn't working?
What did you expect to happen?
What have you tried?
Any error messages?
SketchUp version and OS version?Help us help you.
What TT says. even post your model if that helps us with understanding where it's gone wrong.
@gaieus said:
What TT says. even post your model if that helps us with understanding where it's gone wrong.
OS version is win7 64 bit
SU version is pro 8now for what's wrong, i have no idea, no error message, nothing in ruby window when im running the plugin.
oh and im a complete nob it seems when it comes to SU after looking on this site
So what's wrong with this arch? (True that it kind of "stretches" the texture but that's inevitable with this kind of mapping) Or you meant to attach something else (this seems to be my own, custom material)?
@ Gai
it dosen't seem to matter what texture i use, they dont foolow the curve, im seeing all these terms like quads and subdivide, like i said i am a complete noob, what do these terms mean? -
never mind, i have decided to give up
Don't give up but post the model you have problems with. This is exactly the place you could/should learn these things. BTW what arch are you trying to texture (and where is it going to be built in)?
that's part of my "problem", i don't know what it is that i am doing wrong, and my last skp. file i posted was my own
And I exported that image above from this file. To me, it seems to be correct (within the possibilities with this kind of mapping). At least try to tell what you do not like in that arch.
Is this file that you have problems with? It seems that you may have incidentally shared another file. At least this material in here is what I made for another project (even the name is in Hungarian). I have shared it here somewhere but I can also imagine you somehow uploaded this instead of the one you have problems with?
can you please explain in detail how to get this? (see photos)
I'm trying with tools diFredoScale, but ... I do not get results
You need to have slicing off (right click after selected Radial Bend of Fredoscale)
or you can enter the "fine tuning" dialog by pressing the TAB key then. -
Very good.
thanks a lot -
My first post. Thanks a lot, as new user, SketchUcation is my first learning resource. I have SU 8 pro.
I am trying hard to understand how texture archs. My model is a roman villa near Palencia (Spain) I want to model.
Until now I cannot get any results. I have downloaded the UV.skp file that Massimo send to Gai. The workflow was:
-load UVmassimo.skp
-hidden geometry off
-select face with textures , one click
-remember UV
-fredo scale and bend 90ยบ
-open the group fredo scale has made, select face with textures, one click (hidden geometry is off)
-restore UVNothing happens...the textures are again horizontal.
Another thing I dont understad how to build the vertical column before bending. Reading the thread, it seems that you have to create a bloc, texturing-bricks, stone, whathever-and then copy and add pieces until you have the whole column you want to transform in an arch. I have done so, and my blocks do not macth and after CTLR+delete to smooth the inner lines of separation I cannot select with one click the whole surface to aplicate "remember UV".
Please, could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Hm. I am not sure what you are doing wrong. Make sure however to completely turn off slicing in Fredoscale (see the post above). The reason is that UV Toolkit can only remember UV co-ordinates on the exact same faces it remembered them from. This means you cannot introduce any new faces otherwise it will not work. The number of faces must be the same before and after the bending.
For this same reason (and to be able to bend the column), I had to copy all your divided edges onto the other three sides as well.
@juanfernandez said:
after CTLR+delete to smooth the inner lines of separation I cannot select with one click the whole surface to aplicate "remember UV".
You can turn off hidden edges afterwards under the View menu. But you can just select all and do the bending and restoring this way.
Here is your (half) arch. You can mirror it to get a whole.
Ah, by the way, when we are at Roman villas in Spain... I took part in a EU project that also involved one in Fuente รlamo (Puente Genil):