TUT: Creating and Hatching in LayOut
Thanks Richard! This tutorial is excellent and much appreciated.
Me too, Richard. nice work around...!
You welcome mate! The beauty of LO is it produces GREAT clean exports in both image formats and PDF so it's own exports make for very suitable content when bought back in!
Did I say I love layout!
I am a big fan of LO as well; I am glad that Google has continued development.
Mate if many or even a few of the many requests that I know Andrew and myself have been pushing for through beta as additional functions are ever included Layout will become a serious app. Mind you I think the Googies have their own plans and IMHO they are pretty cluey guys and gals - so although we put up ideas they tend to run with some pretty funky ways to incorporate such functionality.
For this reason I certain future builds will hold some VERY cool features!
Googies are eggs here
@unknownuser said:
Googies are eggs here
same here, Rich; just depends how you say it.
Pronouncing double 'O' as in 'Good' gives you eggs.
Pronouncing double 'O' as in 'Google' gives you; well, nose stuff.
thanks, richard! much appreciated.
If we can fill sections of su model easily,that's must be a nice day.Sections are always complex,so we cann't draw alone them with pencil tool in LO.Hope that day coming soon......
Excellent work Richard, thank you for your work.
PS. I will put my hands on it!
Спасибо Richard !
Thank you Richard:
This tutorial is excellent and much appreciated.