Help with this 3d wall Panel
Guys, today it is Christmas Eve and I hope you all will be a little bit more forgiving and understanding with each other.
I really do not wish to get involved (into "judging") unless it gets out of control and ultimately necessary so please, be peace with you.
Touché. In accordance with Elisei´s signature
I have got the background information on this matter and I see NO reason for you to apologize whatsoever! This was my initial reaction on first viewing the matter as I have known you for some time and always found you to be honest, honorable and helpful but after first investigating matters I and now sure this to be the case.
While I do not know you, other than what I can learn from your your posts here on SCF, I would suggest to you that its YOU that should apologize to Eli immediately.
You seem to be under the impression that the SCF forum is a place to jump in and, by right, get information to sort out your problems! Its not! Its a place that members, at their own discretion, help or not! Also if they decide to help its their choice as to the extent of the help they wish to offer.
In most open forums help is earned! I often notice that the generous members offering their help / advise / content upload etc etc get instant and comprehensive help either on the open forum, which benefits all, or via PM when they are in need of help themselves. In other words, the freeloaders get little help while the generous contributors get a lot of help when they need it.
Slurs of any sort are NOT tolerated here! I would suggest that you mend your ways if you wish to remain a member here on SCF and start with an apology to Eli.
Eli and his foloowers,
I have PM messages from Eli says that nothing is for free, so you can figure out, just translate that for me. I do not respond all the messages in the original post so some of his responses are there all my are almost in PM messages.I will not apologize to him or any others that thinking in this way. I ask many times in PM messages to explain better and he refuse to do more explanation. So I move in this matter, forgot eli and what ever guy that follow and I will continue looking for a method to create that wall block. I am kind of tired to see who say he say, just put your method or questions or comments that are value. I thank you the people to take their time and effort to create a simple method for this post.
I work on Vray and PS maybe I can get the effect in the render with displacement instead the 3D model.
PS: For all that see the "Free cookie" thing, If I want that, I am a member of "Formfonts" for years and I can ask them to create the model for me, but I rather learn.
You are again casting slurs in your first sentence, 'Eli and his foloowers'! I presume you meant to write 'followers'!
I and the others that have commented on your attitude ARE NOT followers of Eli. As for myself, it is my job to maintain reasonable standards here on SketchUcation. I intend to do this at all times.
As for your last sentence, 'but I rather learn'! It looks to me that you are not interested in learning good manners and when to admit you have made a mistake and offer an apology. Unless you do so shortly I regretfully will ban you from SCF.
This is an update in Vray, PH. not quite there...
I use displacement (2) and I invert the Image in PH and use levels to adapt the contrast to create the bump map.
@ely862me said:
Let see what is the problem ,where u get stuck.
Thank you for your time and help , I apology for my comments you are great.
Can we consider this unfortunate incident over? Kalu if you've a model already made but not what you need could you upload to see where your problem lies?
It will help to see your exact failing and we can continue from there?
On a less serious note, here's my superfast super simple non accurate attempt which may be easier to understand for a beginner, but you need the Subdivide and Smooth plugin.
Thank you Marian for the quick Tutorial I will try that. I attach the Vray displacement model that I use now.
Thanks for your quick and great tutorial.
PS. What is the SDS plugin for softness?
@kalu said:
Thank you Marian for the quick Tutorial I will try that. I attach the Vray displacement model that I use now.
Thanks for your quick and great tutorial.
PS. What is the SDS plugin for softness?
You're welcome.
SDS(Subdivide and Smooth)- It does what it says in the name, subdivides the polygons, multiplying them and then applies smoothing. You can clearly see the effect of SDS in the last part of my tutorial.
It does cost $20 dollars but it's worth it, maybe not completely for this project but I guarantee you'll need it on future projects where organic modeling is requiered. -
Play with vertices and edges to define shape then subdivide as needed, group before subdividing as then you can use crease tool for corners and that will enable you to stack panels without gaps.
How did you do that ely.
Imported jpeg, traced over the lines. grouped it??, then sub divide in sks is that this
Looks good.