[Plugin] OBJexporter v3.0 20130131
@anar said:
May be you should avoid the "é" in your path.
I suggest you use only UTF8 characters.
Précisément! -
Thanks! I will try do save in other place!
I downloaded the plugin. Installed it in the plugin folder of sketchup8 but when I start the program I can't find it.
Does anyone know what to do ?thanks
Under the File menu - like many other Exporters ?
and like it says in the instructions...
@unknownuser said:Usage: menu File > 'OBJexporter...'
I put the RB file in the SU 2013 (free) Plug-Ins folder. I restarted but still only have the option to export as DAE or Google Earth. Please advise.
Thanks so much for your help!
-Keith -
Look at the post above yours and look at this image.
Thanks for the quick reply! On the Mac, I only have this for that menu, and Export 3D
has just the two free options.
Best. K
If it isn't there it suggests it hasn't installed properly, it might be the security permissions or the folder location.
Have a look here and see if that helps.
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=323%26amp;t=56005Installing the Sketchucation Plugin lets you find, install and manage plugin easily, so you might be better off getting that installed instead.
The OBJexporter is NOT in the File > Exporters list.
It not defined as an 'exporter' [a special class of plugins].
It appears as a separate entry under the File menu itself...So since it is not there... you haven't installed it properly...
Read the linked explanation... -
Thanks. The directions were simply to put it into the plugins folder. I did that and even tried changing the extension from .rb to .plugin to match the other files. I appreciate the link but the permissions were already fine, but I redid them all just to see if that made a difference. Sadly, no. But thanks for the input!
@nightwasp said:
The directions were simply to put it into the plugins folder
@tig said:
Put this .rb file into the Plugins folder & restart SketchUp...
It is a simple drag and drop and restart SketchUp.
Make sure it is the correct Plugin folder. Mac changed from SU8 to SU2013
@nightwasp said:
Thanks. The directions were simply to put it into the plugins folder. I did that and even tried changing the extension from .rb to .plugin to match the other files. I appreciate the link but the permissions were already fine, but I redid them all just to see if that made a difference. Sadly, no. But thanks for the input!
A plain .rb file can be manually put into the Plugins folder, and provided you have proper permissions when SketchUp restarts it will load. In the case of this particular plugin it appears in the File menu...Most plugins are now available through the SketchUcation PluginStore.
These can be downloaded as RBZ archives - e.g. http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=OBJexporter and these can be auto-installed using the Preferences > Extensions > Install... button which puts all of the archives contents in the right places for you - provided there are sufficient permissions to do so... and you have SketchUp v8M2 or newer...
If you get and install the RBZ for the SketchUcation Plugin Store Toolset... that will allow you to install any Plugin from a dialog within SketchUp itself without even having to worry about downloading an RBZ archive... It also has an Installed to use with loose RBZ/ZIP archives and Managers for Plugins and Extensions etc...
These alternatives remove the headache of manual installation etc, and some have been available for several years...Never change a file's extension - if it's ".rb" SketchUp will auto-load it as it starts... Anything else is ignored - where did you get the ideas that SketchUp plugins end in ".plugin" - no other files with that file-type should be in the SketchUp plugins folder ? Only .rb and .rbs plugins are auto-loaded by SketchUp from its Plugins folder - ones disabled by the SCF Plugins Manager end with an additional "!", ones uninstalled by the SCF Uninstaller end with an additional "x"...
Note how RBZ files are special kinds of ZIP files that SketchUp can install the contents of...I did a grep on my PC and Fredo does have some files inside his tools' subfolders that end in ".plugin"... BUT these should never be loose in the Plugins folder - so if there are this suggests a mis-installation of at least that tool too... For example it is:
Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\Plugins\**Fredo6_Curviloft\**Curviloft.plugin
Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\Plugins\Curviloft.plugin
The actual file that goes with that tool is:
Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\Plugins\**Fredo6_Curviloft.rb**
which in turn starts a chain reaction which loads other files from its sub-folder like .rb, .lang etc... unusually Fredo uses these special ".plugin" files for each of his tools to provide a text list of 'Plugin Registration' data, which is then read in by his 'Lib6core.rb' code, which in turn actually loads his tools as Extensions [that's why you need his latest Lib installing to load and run his tools]... So a ".plugin" file does nothing 'on its own' and it should always be left where it is shipped... inside its tool's subfolder... like all other 'nested files' which may come with complex plugins...To find you Plugins folder type this into the Ruby Console:
It will return a path to the folder... For v2013 it is typically:
C:\Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\Plugins
If you manually put plugin files in the old v8 Plugins folder they will NOT get found by v2013 !
Post a list of the files in the v2013 Plugins folder - I suspect you have messed up something big time...
Also double-check your permission to the v2013 Plugins folder etc...You seem to be having more problems than you ought to...
Auto installing the .rbz file WORKED! I had manually put the .rb file in the only plugins folder I saw in the programs three main folders without success. I want to thank you all for not only helping, but helping in such a timely manner! Best. Keith
For SketchUp 2014 Make, put the .rb file into the Tools folder.
@pete69 said:
For SketchUp 2014 Make, put the .rb file into the Tools folder.
You only need to drop RB files into the Plugins folder with pre-v8.
All newer versions of SketchUp [>=v8M2/v2013/v2014] can install the contents of RBZ archives into the correct Plugins folder automatically...
Preferences > Extensions > Install... button
The SketchUcation PluginStore dialog will AutoInstall selected Plugins for you, side stepping you even having to download the RBZ ! It even reports available Updates for you, manages laoded/unloaded plugins and extensions etc etc...
The SketchUcation Toolset's submenu includes 'Archive Installer' also installs RBZ [and ZIP] archives into the Plugins folder and [unlike the native installer] it offers you the choice of installing into a custom-plugins folder - if you have one predefined in the $LOAD_PATH, perhaps using Fredo's AdditionalPluginsFolder tool...
This 'add-on' to the SketchUcation Toolset also simplifies accessing the default Plugins folder...
Virtually all of the Plugins on SCF are available from the PluginStore in RBZ format...
http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore -
Hi I have downloaded the exporter but how do I install it into sketchup?
Are you really still on SketchUp v7 ?
SketchUp v8 or v2013 or v2014 offer a simple tool - Preferences > Extensions > Install... button - which extracts and auto-installs the contents of an RBZ archive into the correct Plugins folder for you - 'error free'...
Why not update to something newer - there are many improvements...
Assuming you stick with v7
Even if you get some plugins installed they might not work with such an early version - but luckily for you this OBJexporter should just about work in v7 !If you want to install the contents of any RBZ into v7 do these one off fixes...
Find the v7 Plugins folder...
If you are unsure where it is in the Ruby Console type:
and the full path is returned...Check that the v7 Plugins folder has FULL security permissions set for everyone in the list...
With Admin powers [make yourself an Admin in the Users Control-Panel...]
Select the v7 Plugins folder's icon.
Right-click > Context-menu > Properties > Security > Edit... >>> FULL for each and every...Now select the v7 SketchUp.exe icon which is in the same folder as the Plugins folder.
Right-click > Context-menu > Properties > Compatibility > check the box near the bottom Privilege Level > Run this program as an administrator.To install the RBZ contents...
Find the RBZ archive.
If it's in the Plugins folder move it somewhere sensible - like your Desktop or Downloads folder.
If necessary change your Windows Explorer's Folder Options to show all file-type suffixes...
Now select the RBZ.
Right-click > Context-menu > Rename
Add .zip onto the end of its name.
When warned accept the change anyway.Now you have a ZIP file [an RBZ is simply a ZIP file with another suffix!]
Use your Decompression Program [you surely have one] to extract the contents of the ZIP into a temporary folder named after the archive.
In the case of this plugin there will be an RB file in this temporary folder.
Move that RB file into the v7 Plugins folder.
Delete the now empty temporary folder as it is no longer needed.
Restart SketchUp v7 to load the plugin.Note that for this particular plugin the contents are as simple as it gets [just the one RB file] but many more other plugins come with additional files in the RBZ inside a subfolder [often named after the RB itself] - perhaps with nested subfolders of files.
In that case the contents of the temporary folder must be moved into the Plugins folder fully intact - with all such support files remaining in their subfolder[s] unchanged.
The main issue with manual installations in previous versions of SketchUp [like v7] was that inexperienced users often mess this step up and end up with files in the wrong place, preventing the plugin loading properly, or sometimes even breaking SketchUp itself as misplaced RB files load at startup unexpectedly... that is exactly why the auto-install using an RBZ archive was devised !Good luck...
Hi, I'm trying to install OBJexporter_v3.0.rbz in the plugins folder of sketch up, mac. After pasting it there, I cannot see the option when I go to File>
All the files in the plugin are .plugin, probably I'm doing something wrong, any help? thank you -
@jorgemanes said:
Hi, I'm trying to install OBJexporter_v3.0.rbz in the plugins folder of sketch up, mac. After pasting it there, I cannot see the option when I go to File>
All the files in the plugin are .plugin, probably I'm doing something wrong, any help? thank you
You need to read up on how to install plugins from RBZs...
You do NOT put the RBZ file into the Plugins folder.
Your comment that all files in the plugins folder are .plugins is another mystery !
The proper SketchUp Plugins folder contains none of these file-types - most files in it will be .rb !
I suspect a double-whammy! The wrong folder AND an incorrect idea on what to do with an RBZ file...So, let's fix this mess...
Move the RBZ file back to somewhere sensible - your Desktop seems like a good idea...
Open SketchUp 2014.
Open its Preferences.
Open Extensions.
Click the 'Install...' button...
Navigate to the appropriate folder [e.g. Desktop], and choose the RBZ.
Answer OK to prompts...
The Plugins file[s] should now be extracted from the RBZ and installed in the correct Plugins folder, and loaded so as to be available to use.
Note that Plugin tools can appear in any locations in the SketchUp top-bar menus, but in this case it IS found under the 'File' menu [but often they can be located in 'Plugins' menu, read the guidance for each tool's installation/usage]...