[Plugin] Coords Text Tag from Datum
Nice Job
I only played about 20 minutes with this, so I may seem naive (I am) to some of the capabilities of this Ruby. I've read the preamble several times, but some of it does not seem to jive with the dialog boxes.
All my drawings use the green axis as my "X" axis, red="Z" and blue="Y".
You, and I expect most everyone else, uses Red, Blue, Green as XYZ.
This puts the value I need most in the middle of the text string, rather than first as I am used to.
Short of turning ALL my drawings 90 deg, which will screw me up a lot (mainly with the comp axis orientations); is there any way of flipping the Red/Green orientation?Is there a way to show ONLY the X axis (or Y) in the tag, and not the Y or Z values?
Is there a way to label each tag as it is created, perhaps by simply typing to the VCB the label? Your CofG Ruby picks up the component name. Perhaps you could label the coord tag with that comp name, IF a point on the comp is tagged.
There's more, but later. I need to play a lot more.
If you want just X&Y to be displayed then I suggest you set Z to 'None' ?
You need to mess around with the tool to find the settings that best suit your needs... -
Very useful plugin...thanks!
@tig said:
If you want just X&Y to be displayed then I suggest you set Z to 'None' ?
You need to mess around with the tool to find the settings that best suit your needs...Bin messin aroun.
I got the "none" to work (small yea)
but there seems to be a problem with "add coord tag by dialog" dialog.
When I select it, the d-box appears, but no matter what I change, it will not go away when I hit OK. It just comes back in default. Only CANCEL gets rid of it.
What am I doing wrong??
It is meant to reappear after you press OK [and it has added the coord-tag that you have just specified], this 'auto-rerun' is to let you enter multiple coords without having to reactivate the tool each time.
When you are done press Cancel it stops appearing...
I haven't bothered rereading the instructions but I'm pretty sure this is explained in there -
But it doesn't seem to do anything in the model.
Where's the tag going each time. I've tried to select a coord but nothing happens there as well.
It's being put at the XYZ you specify.
I just tried it and it works.
BUT remember that it is taking the units you have specified in the tool's settings - so if you have 'm' set as the units and you typed into the dialog 1231/1234/0 it'll appear over a kilometer away in the NE quadrant ! The current units are shown in the dialog's header...
Try zoom-extents to see what you have done -
Now it works.
I had X,Y & Z at 0.0 but the origin was not in view.
What does Cpoint do? I saw no difference yes or no.
If you have 'guides' set to be displayed you should see a new cpoint [guide-point] added at the specified coord...
It should add a cpoint even if you aren't currently seeing them... -
Now that I know what to look for, it is there.
The main idea behind adding these cpoints is that once they are all inserted you can use other tools to make a 3d terrain-mesh from the cpoints
Just tried to use the import vertices from csv option but any vertex x coordinate that was negative did not import. If I move the vertices so all are positive x, they import fine. No-one else experienced this? Cheers
I'll look at the code...
Here's v2.3
CSV -ve values now import correctly. -
Excellent, thanks TIG.
The more I play around with this plugin the more useful I think it will be for me.This plugin actually made me realize I needed to upgrade to Premium.
I currently am playing with the CSV import/Export and I want to make sure I have this right.
I use tags with descriptions I.E "Pipe CL=" and when I export the saved format is # X Y Z in columns but when I Import the Import format has to be X Y Z # or it doesn't import.Am I correct in this? In excel its a simple function of moving the entire column but I always have to keep this in mind. I constantly make changes to the CSV then import then make changes 'in model' then export and load CSV into the Total Station.
Is there a way to have the format ALWAYS be XYZ#?
Also how do i have the tag JUST show the # but store the XYZ while in the model? When I have many tags in close proximity the text overlaps to the point where you can't read it without a lot of mousing around.
Thanks for this great plugin.
I have to put finished grade and finished floor elevations on my drawings... could this deliver only Z height in a text tag?
@krisidious said:
I have to put finished grade and finished floor elevations on my drawings... could this deliver only Z height in a text tag?
I don't profess to be an instructor of any kind but in the settings you can set XY to "none" and it will just display just Z (or Z with any extra prefix you had specified), OR maybe go look at this...
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=193238#p193238 [Plugin] Add Height from Datum v1.3
I stumbled on that in my search. There's a nice video there for ya to watch. It's a plugin that adds a Z tag. (height)
@blastfurnace said:
@krisidious said:
I have to put finished grade and finished floor elevations on my drawings... could this deliver only Z height in a text tag?
I don't profess to be an instructor of any kind but in the settings you can set XY to "none" and it will just display just Z (or Z with any extra prefix you had specified), OR maybe go look at this...
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=193238#p193238 [Plugin] Add Height from Datum v1.3
I stumbled on that in my search. There's a nice video there for ya to watch. It's a plugin that adds a Z tag. (height)
Awesome... Thanks BlastFurnace.
I think this was asked before, but last week it became a real problem for me.
Is there any way (or could there be a way) to add/edit the tag while initially selecting the coord point in the model? (Rather than after the fact)
I had a bunch of closely spaced coords in my model that I was selecting in a specific order. Got interrupted and got lost. The order was paramount as my Excel sheet did a calculation based on the order of the points and merged with position (coord point) names in the Excel sheet. I was out one point and boy did I get a weird result.
I had to redo all the point selections again (42 points).
IF, I had the ability to name (tag) each point when actually selecting it, then the selection order would not have mattered, as Excel would have sorted them properly.
And I would need to do this over again a few times as I tweak the design.
It doesn't have to be a dialog box, just a simple "click"; type a tag (to the VCB); next click.