[Plugin] Coords Text Tag from Datum
Now it works.
I had X,Y & Z at 0.0 but the origin was not in view.
What does Cpoint do? I saw no difference yes or no.
If you have 'guides' set to be displayed you should see a new cpoint [guide-point] added at the specified coord...
It should add a cpoint even if you aren't currently seeing them... -
Now that I know what to look for, it is there.
The main idea behind adding these cpoints is that once they are all inserted you can use other tools to make a 3d terrain-mesh from the cpoints
Just tried to use the import vertices from csv option but any vertex x coordinate that was negative did not import. If I move the vertices so all are positive x, they import fine. No-one else experienced this? Cheers
I'll look at the code...
Here's v2.3
CSV -ve values now import correctly. -
Excellent, thanks TIG.
The more I play around with this plugin the more useful I think it will be for me.This plugin actually made me realize I needed to upgrade to Premium.
I currently am playing with the CSV import/Export and I want to make sure I have this right.
I use tags with descriptions I.E "Pipe CL=" and when I export the saved format is # X Y Z in columns but when I Import the Import format has to be X Y Z # or it doesn't import.Am I correct in this? In excel its a simple function of moving the entire column but I always have to keep this in mind. I constantly make changes to the CSV then import then make changes 'in model' then export and load CSV into the Total Station.
Is there a way to have the format ALWAYS be XYZ#?
Also how do i have the tag JUST show the # but store the XYZ while in the model? When I have many tags in close proximity the text overlaps to the point where you can't read it without a lot of mousing around.
Thanks for this great plugin.
I have to put finished grade and finished floor elevations on my drawings... could this deliver only Z height in a text tag?
@krisidious said:
I have to put finished grade and finished floor elevations on my drawings... could this deliver only Z height in a text tag?
I don't profess to be an instructor of any kind but in the settings you can set XY to "none" and it will just display just Z (or Z with any extra prefix you had specified), OR maybe go look at this...
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=193238#p193238 [Plugin] Add Height from Datum v1.3
I stumbled on that in my search. There's a nice video there for ya to watch. It's a plugin that adds a Z tag. (height)
@blastfurnace said:
@krisidious said:
I have to put finished grade and finished floor elevations on my drawings... could this deliver only Z height in a text tag?
I don't profess to be an instructor of any kind but in the settings you can set XY to "none" and it will just display just Z (or Z with any extra prefix you had specified), OR maybe go look at this...
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=193238#p193238 [Plugin] Add Height from Datum v1.3
I stumbled on that in my search. There's a nice video there for ya to watch. It's a plugin that adds a Z tag. (height)
Awesome... Thanks BlastFurnace.
I think this was asked before, but last week it became a real problem for me.
Is there any way (or could there be a way) to add/edit the tag while initially selecting the coord point in the model? (Rather than after the fact)
I had a bunch of closely spaced coords in my model that I was selecting in a specific order. Got interrupted and got lost. The order was paramount as my Excel sheet did a calculation based on the order of the points and merged with position (coord point) names in the Excel sheet. I was out one point and boy did I get a weird result.
I had to redo all the point selections again (42 points).
IF, I had the ability to name (tag) each point when actually selecting it, then the selection order would not have mattered, as Excel would have sorted them properly.
And I would need to do this over again a few times as I tweak the design.
It doesn't have to be a dialog box, just a simple "click"; type a tag (to the VCB); next click.
'Add Coords-Tag by Dialog'
This opens a dialog into which you can type the X/Y/Z values for a new
'Coords-Tag': you can also choose to add a Cpoint at that point Yes/No,
and an optional 'Prefix', e.g. #001 - this is added on to the Tag as #001= .
The values of the X/Y/Z should match the current 'Coords-Tag Settings'.
The tile-bar will shows these as say XY=km,Z=m
Remember - Latitude/Longitude +ve is North/East and -ve is South/West.'Import Coords-Tags from CSV'
This imports all of the 'Coords-Tags' in the Model from a CSV file in
to format X,Y,Z or LAT,LONG,Z - the values must be comma separated and
consist of numerals only with '.' as the decimal separator, one point
per line.
A dialog then requests the 'units' used in the CSV file for XY and Z,
and if you want to add Cpoints [defaults are 'm' and 'Yes'].
If the CSV file has a 'header' line etc it is ignored.
If a 4th 'column' contains 'text' it is used as a prefix, e.g.
the line 1.2,3.4,5.6,#001 becomes the Tag #001=x1.2, 3.4, 5.6See below...
'Export Coords-Tags to CSV'
This exports all of the 'Coords-Tags' in the Model into a CSV file in
to format [#]***, X[units],Y[units],Z[units] or LAT,LONG,Z[units]
The 'units' in the CSV file are those current in the settings/dp etc.
***Note that he '#' is any 'prefix like '#001=', or it's not added...
###Note how you need to swap columns [moving the '#' entries into the fourth column] if going to be importing a manually changed file...So what else is needed
What else is needed.....
I need to label or prefix each selected coord point with a different name, every time I create the tag. In this model things move and change shape as I tweak the design, so an existing tag (most times) cannot be reused after a tweak. Yes, the points coord will adjust, but I need to change the label every time, so the Excel sheet will sort them properly.
'Add Coords-Tag by Dialog' only puts a named tag at the input coords, NOT a point selection.
I cannot select a point in the model and label it specifically, unless I am missing something.I have no problem (so far) with exporting the CSV file and its format.
What I am asking for is this....
When I select "add coord tag" I can sequentially add tags by simply clicking on points.
I cannot change the tag label except by going back and editing the tag. But I need to know the specific order I selected each point, and for some, this order changes with each tweak.
So if I could simply click on a point and then just type to the VCB a label before selecting the next point, problem solved.
So you want an option like the 'Add' tool BUT that asks for a prefix/reference.
So if the 'Settings' had an option 'Prefix Prompt:' Yes|No then if it were Yes you get asked for the Prefix... inputbox + enter; if '' or cancel then or there's no prefix ?? The VCB is too tricky as any letters can be taken as Shortcuts and skip off to another tool!
BUT that way you do have to hit Enter/Esc or click OK between each click...If this is what you want it's doable...
Let me know if you want something else -
I did not realize the VCB entry would act that way.
So, understanding what you said, here is what I would suggest.......
Select from your main menu, "Add Coord-Tag with Prefix" or something like that.
Use the same (similar) dialog box on screen as with "Add Coord-Tag by Dialog".
I would then click on a point. The XYZ coords would display in the dialog box and wait for a manual prefix entry followed by <enter> (or next click on another point).
Tag with manual prefix displays in model.
Dialog box stays on screen for next point selection, until tool change or <esc>.
As long as I do not have to call up the Dbox each time I tag a point, I can very happily live with that.
Two other options, if I may.
1 - If a manual prefix is entered, can you dispose of the "XYZ=" prefix? Or at least put the manual prefix in its own column in the CSV file?2 - Option to add a sequential numerical prefix instead of a manual prefix input.
You would need a "start seq. at ###" Dbox entry with it. (not important, just an after thought) -
Here's v2.4 http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=284829#p284829
Available from the SCF PluginStore...
Please reread the main Notes...
The main changes are:
New option to 'Prefix Prompt?' in Settings, then under 'Add' you get a dialog with each added Tag into which you can type or accept an auto-incrementing Prefix [#001, #002 etc], or ESC to skip Prefixing...
The imported AND exported CSV files now both use the last [fourth] column as the # Prefix/Reference - X,Y,Z,#... -
That was fast
I'll check it out over the w/e as I am pressed for time today.
Many thanks, in advance...
Perfect, (almost)
When I type a label ie: "first point" <enter> then select the next point,
the label in the dialog reads "first poinu".
The last letter is incremented with the next alpha letter.
Happens all the time, any label.
When it reaches "xxxz" it cycles back to "xxya".You need to turn off the incrementing with alpha labels, or make alpha incrementing an option, for those who may find it useful.
Otherwise, again..