That's the best thing to do I guess.
This makes me wonder, what is it that makes people think SketchUp is incapable? Is it the name that sounds simple and plain? Is it the fact that it is free/relatively inexpensive? Is it the incredibly easy learning curve often associated with weak software? Is it the fact that it's owned by Google? Very infrequently do I think these people have seen what SketchUp can do and/or used it themselves before coming to this conclusion.
@unknownuser said:
On Yahoo Answers the other day, I saw a guy who asked for help and tutorials for SketchUp and some idiot came in and told him to use Blender instead. He justified his opinion with two links. He said, "this is what SketchUp can do and this is what Blender can do." People like this tick me off.
This is hilarious, really made me laugh. I've always thought Yahoo answers was crap.
@linea said:
@unknownuser said:
On Yahoo Answers the other day, I saw a guy who asked for help and tutorials for SketchUp and some idiot came in and told him to use Blender instead. He justified his opinion with two links. He said, "this is what SketchUp can do and this is what Blender can do." People like this tick me off.
This is hilarious, really made me laugh. I've always thought Yahoo answers was crap.
I opened his link expecting to see a really great render of an awesome model a single person made in Blender.
Sintel, (and all the other Blender made movies) is awesome though.
Yahoo Answers is very useful for finding answers to questions. In fact, when I do a Google search for a question I have, I'll often pull up a few Yahoo Answers on the subject. The problem with it is the rating system. I can't post a question without being docked points that I need to get to level 2 to be able to post links in my answers.
Therein lies the problem. That and idiots posting one word responses that are not helpful or even relevant. But I guess you'll have people like that anywhere.
Someone should interject, hijack the thread and drop this BOMB right in the middle.
That'll put the cat amongst the pigeons!!
Nice one John!
@tfdesign said:
Someone should interject, hijack the thread and drop this BOMB right in the middle.
That'll put the cat amongst the pigeons!!
I posted that.
Look here. Mine is the second answer.
Gave you a thumbs up for that, if I remember when voting comes up I'll give you a "best answer" vote too.
I thought Solo might like this old text...
Stolen and posted on FB.
@unknownuser said:
Valued PlayStation Network/Qriocity Customer:We have discovered........... user account information was compromised
@unknownuser said:
an unauthorized person has obtained the following information that you provided: name, address (city, state/province, zip or postal code), country, email address, birthdate, PlayStation Network/Qriocity password and login, and handle/PSN online ID. It is also possible that your profile data, including purchase history and billing address (city, state, zip), and your PlayStation Network/Qriocity password security answers may have been obtained.
Can you believe this shit? I don't even know where that PS3 is? A discarded gift from a few years back...
Sony's advice?
@unknownuser said:
we strongly recommend that you log on and change your password.....remain vigilant to review your account statements and to monitor your credit or similar types of reports
Change your password? Sony are a pack of shitheads
There's never a shortage of politicians you'd like to kick in the groin, now is there?
Yup, that's Texas for you. The arguement is if you arm ALL the students then they can protect themselves in the case of a person coming to campus with a gun and a deathwish. Imagine the mess, a shooter starts, everyone pulls out their guns, a shooting frenzy, 100 times the casualties and everyone is seen as the shooter when the authorities arrive. They also are talking about guns in church, public buildings, etc.
@solo said:
Imagine the mess, a shooter starts, everyone pulls out their guns, a shooting frenzy, 100 times the casualties and everyone is seen as the shooter when the authorities arrive.
My thoughts exactly. The reasoning behind this proposition is shortsighted, to say the least. Suppose this passes, what'll you do when it's time for your boys to go to college? I'd not be too keen on sending my son to a university where everyone could be armed. Nor would I like him to carry a gun himself. "Here's your lunch and your Glock. See you tonight!"
Hundreds of kids with guns, packed into a single campus - quite the recipe for disaster.
@unknownuser said:
what'll you do when it's time for your boys to go to college?
Well me eldest is going to Westpoint, got that pretty much nailed down, my youngest, well I dunno, maybe send him out of state (above the Mason Dixon).
What scares me even more is binge drinking on campus, now add a gun to that...
@solo said:
What scares me even more is binge drinking on campus, now add a gun to that...
Yeah. And even when they're sober kids are prone to do dumb sh*t. "Let's go scare Joey!"
West Point, eh? Now there's a gun-free environment!
Did they ever think to consider how many academics would be willing to teach in a classroom full of armed adolescents? Or are they proposing to issue professors with full body armour and stun grenades? There goes higher education. You might have no option but to send your kids out of state.
@unknownuser said:
West Point, eh? Now there's a gun-free environment!
Actually it is, and one with discipline. He wants to be a war historian/officer.
Another thing about kids is if they can they will carry a gun, like iPhones, if the popular kids carry them then everyone wants one, we are returning to our wild west days.
Been watching 'The Power of Nightmares'. Looks like Rummy's been at it a little while longer than I thought. Anyone else starting to think Dubya was a stooge?
places tinfoil hat firmly on head
@unknownuser said:
Looks like Rummy's been at it a little while longer than I thought. Anyone else starting to think Dubya was a stooge?
Silly me - thought that was rather obvious!
Hence why Cheney was often referred to as the "Puppet Master". All the political bantering aside - IMPO Doonesbury seemed to have a more accurate depiction / portrayal of the "W" administration than any of the so-called "Real" news outlets.