@unknownuser said:
Valued PlayStation Network/Qriocity Customer:We have discovered........... user account information was compromised
@unknownuser said:
an unauthorized person has obtained the following information that you provided: name, address (city, state/province, zip or postal code), country, email address, birthdate, PlayStation Network/Qriocity password and login, and handle/PSN online ID. It is also possible that your profile data, including purchase history and billing address (city, state, zip), and your PlayStation Network/Qriocity password security answers may have been obtained.
Can you believe this shit? I don't even know where that PS3 is? A discarded gift from a few years back...
Sony's advice?
@unknownuser said:
we strongly recommend that you log on and change your password.....remain vigilant to review your account statements and to monitor your credit or similar types of reports
Change your password? Sony are a pack of shitheads
There's never a shortage of politicians you'd like to kick in the groin, now is there?
Yup, that's Texas for you. The arguement is if you arm ALL the students then they can protect themselves in the case of a person coming to campus with a gun and a deathwish. Imagine the mess, a shooter starts, everyone pulls out their guns, a shooting frenzy, 100 times the casualties and everyone is seen as the shooter when the authorities arrive. They also are talking about guns in church, public buildings, etc.
@solo said:
Imagine the mess, a shooter starts, everyone pulls out their guns, a shooting frenzy, 100 times the casualties and everyone is seen as the shooter when the authorities arrive.
My thoughts exactly. The reasoning behind this proposition is shortsighted, to say the least. Suppose this passes, what'll you do when it's time for your boys to go to college? I'd not be too keen on sending my son to a university where everyone could be armed. Nor would I like him to carry a gun himself. "Here's your lunch and your Glock. See you tonight!"
Hundreds of kids with guns, packed into a single campus - quite the recipe for disaster.
@unknownuser said:
what'll you do when it's time for your boys to go to college?
Well me eldest is going to Westpoint, got that pretty much nailed down, my youngest, well I dunno, maybe send him out of state (above the Mason Dixon).
What scares me even more is binge drinking on campus, now add a gun to that...
@solo said:
What scares me even more is binge drinking on campus, now add a gun to that...
Yeah. And even when they're sober kids are prone to do dumb sh*t. "Let's go scare Joey!"
West Point, eh? Now there's a gun-free environment!
Did they ever think to consider how many academics would be willing to teach in a classroom full of armed adolescents? Or are they proposing to issue professors with full body armour and stun grenades? There goes higher education. You might have no option but to send your kids out of state.
@unknownuser said:
West Point, eh? Now there's a gun-free environment!
Actually it is, and one with discipline. He wants to be a war historian/officer.
Another thing about kids is if they can they will carry a gun, like iPhones, if the popular kids carry them then everyone wants one, we are returning to our wild west days.
Been watching 'The Power of Nightmares'. Looks like Rummy's been at it a little while longer than I thought. Anyone else starting to think Dubya was a stooge?
places tinfoil hat firmly on head
@unknownuser said:
Looks like Rummy's been at it a little while longer than I thought. Anyone else starting to think Dubya was a stooge?
Silly me - thought that was rather obvious!
Hence why Cheney was often referred to as the "Puppet Master". All the political bantering aside - IMPO Doonesbury seemed to have a more accurate depiction / portrayal of the "W" administration than any of the so-called "Real" news outlets.
fn stock market sucks !!!!
Tell me about it.
- Got lucky this time and got out 2 weeks ago. Last time I didn't and lost almost 50%. Just now catching back up.
- Got lucky this time and got out 2 weeks ago. Last time I didn't and lost almost 50%. Just now catching back up.
Who is to blame?
Politicians that hold the world economy randsom while they bandstand for their voters?
How to get the stock market headed up, employment headed up, citizens to regain confidence in USA and just a general good feeling all around.
5 little words "I will not run again".
OK, let the brickbat start flying. It was just to calm on this site.
Mubarak: "I Will Not Run Again", I'm guessing you are refering to Obama now, but will deny the TEA party held the world economy to randsom.
You are probably wishing and praying for Rick Perry to announce he is running for president, because we all know how great Texas presidents are.
โThe fact that we are here today to debate raising Americaโs debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government canโt pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Governmentโs reckless fiscal policies. โฆ Increasing Americaโs debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that โthe buck stops here.โ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.โ
Damn, just so happens the above is what I believe.
So let me get this straight, ordinary people across the country, say enough is enough, and hold meetings, help elect representatives that believe as they do is the cause of this catastrophe? No, don't think so. So my carfox says, "show me the plan"
Hello Solo
@ the idiots now rioting in Liverpool never mind outside my house in London. Its plain embarrassing!
@unknownuser said:
The fact that we are here today to debate raising Americaโs debt limit is a sign of leadership failure.
Nope, it's the Tea party pandering.
When in the past 74 times that the debt cieling been raised has there been a shit storm like this? NONE!
Why?'cause y'all repugs/teabaggers will do anything to destroy Obama, even if it means destroying your own counrty in the process.
George Bush raised it 7 times, Reagan raised it 18 times, but y'all said f@ck all, but when Obama does it then y'all make it out to be the end of the world.
Well Solo I see you are a good liberal. It only took two replies before you stooped to calling people names. Not a record, but fast, very fast. Curious why a liberal would find it OK to call people by a derogatory gay sexual act. No need to answer.
Now, for the question of the day, list the Democratic senators that voted for a debt ceiling raise when there was a Republican President?
When in the past 74 times have we been this far in debt. Nada.
As for destroying my country, nope, trying save this country, from a complete failure to be able to pay our future debts. No, I love my country. Just took a big hit on my retirement income the last couple of days. Not worried or mad, just know that we can not keep promising and promising without reaching the limit of our wealth, which I believe we have already exceeded.