SU 9 Wishlist
@unknownuser said:
"Folder organization for the "In Model" material tab. Ex: grouping materials by component, allowing manual creation of folders within the "In Model" tab or when you create or import a group or component, have the option to create or choose a folder."
I posted the above on the Google Moderator that everyone has access to here: -
My wish for Sketchup 9.
I get three types of CAD drawings. The first is the original cad drawings, which I can use without any problems. The second is a PDF scanned drawing of an older hand drawing, that never was a CAD drawing. Which, I can import into Adobe Elements and turn parts of the drawing into PNG files which I can use, with some difficulty. And the third type is a PDF drawing either saved or printed from a CAD drawing.
With the last drawing type, I have a program, PFD2DFX, which helps, and give me the opportunity to work with the drawing.
So my wish is to have a native PDF to Sketchup importer, such that I don’t need to use another program to convert the PDF to a workable Sketchup drawing. This importer would only work on PDF files made from CAD drawing by the process of either exporting or printing from the CAD program to a PDF drawing.
It would also be nice if one could import a scanned PDF drawing into Sketchup, like you can do now with a PNG or JPG file.
Thanks for listening and the great Basecamp.
@unknownuser said:
It would also be nice if one could import a scanned PDF drawing into Sketchup, like you can do now with a PNG or JPG file.
That's odd. Can't you do this? I can do it here- I just tried. Perhaps it's a Windows thing?
@tfdesign said:
@unknownuser said:
It would also be nice if one could import a scanned PDF drawing into Sketchup, like you can do now with a PNG or JPG file.
That's odd. Can't you do this? I can do it here- I just tried. Perhaps it's a Windows thing?
No, I believe that the Mac's can, but not the windows.
something that i think would be interesting, helpful, as well as just plain cool (and something i feel google might be into) is a web version of sketchup.
i upload a model then other people can join in and watch, navigate, edit, voice conference, etc..
this is already happening in basic form but google seems to be one of the best companies to really make something like this work properly. -
...or even just a web-based Sketchup viewer so a client doesn't have to download anything...make it have the ability to support scenes for easier navigation.
How about the ability to incorporate equations into the measurements box, a la revit type equations. E.G. move command, then in box
and the object moves 3333 mm.
I so miss that function in SU. -
still wishing for the ability to rotate with snapping/inferencing..
[wished for it last year too ]
it's not even 11am yet and i already needed that ability 3 times today!
@unknownuser said:
still wishing for the ability to rotate with snapping/inferencing..
[wished for it last year too ]
it's not even 11am yet and i already needed that ability 3 times today!Try my Free Rotate Tool v3 ?
Something that's driving me nuts lately is the ability to do a proper bevel job on sharp edges. IMO the SU folks probably view SU as primarily an architectural type program with a built in render solution and sharp edges aren't a concern, but when I model something that I'm going to export to an external render solution it isn't generally a house. In fact, I've never exported a house; my models all been real-world objects that don't have sharp edges. To be honest, I have yet to find a renderer that does a decent job of beveling. The bevel and bevel by bezier scripts work ok, but I'm forever chasing down mis-matched edges, holes, and surfaces that have shot past the object's edge in order to repair them (no matter the model size). It'd be great to be able to model something and have a simple, reliable bevel ability.
My wish for 9 is that the mouse zooming is just as effective over blank space as it is over a space that contains vector information (solid). It drives me crazy sometimes trying to zoom like mad, and just not to get very far.
Anyone else suffer from this? (Or has TIG made a plugin to remedy the situation?)
I find the zooming over blank space to be too aggressive - too big jump. Troublesome when I'm working on just edges - like imported DWG data. I have to constantly keep aiming the cursor to be over an edge to avoid SU from zooming too far.
Oh yes, fix the bl**dy layers management!! Why is it that within a grouped object, several entities can co-exist on different layers all at the same time? This is utterly crazy! I can understand for whole objects, but single little things? It's silly. Perhaps I'm missing something here?
@thomthom said:
I find the zooming over blank space to be too aggressive - too big jump.
Really?? Maybe we're both missing something? Is there a missing variable somewhere, that can change this? Mine is painfully slow.
@tfdesign said:
Oh yes, fix the bl**dy layers management!! Why is it that within a grouped object, several entities can co-exist on different layers all at the same time? This is utterly crazy! I can understand for whole objects, but single little things? It's silly. Perhaps I'm missing something here?
I find it useful to have fine control of the entities like that. Let me toggle on/off edges for parts of the mesh for instance - which is useful to control the object's presentation.
@tfdesign said:
@thomthom said:
I find the zooming over blank space to be too aggressive - too big jump.
Really?? Maybe we're both missing something? Is there a missing variable somewhere, that can change this? Mine is painfully slow.
When you zoom while the mouse if over an entity to goes slower - and I wonder if the speed depends on how close it is to the camera - so when you get closer it goes slower.
Zoom in while the mouse if over empty space and the zoom goes into hyperdrive.
Ability to sort and file Plugins!
@thomthom said:
@tfdesign said:
@thomthom said:
I find the zooming over blank space to be too aggressive - too big jump.
Really?? Maybe we're both missing something? Is there a missing variable somewhere, that can change this? Mine is painfully slow.
When you zoom while the mouse if over an entity to goes slower - and I wonder if the speed depends on how close it is to the camera - so when you get closer it goes slower.
Zoom in while the mouse if over empty space and the zoom goes into hyperdrive.
Thom, I've just tried again, and I get the problem when I'm zoomed right in (something I do a lot). I can't seem to replicate what you are getting. There however doesn't seem to be a problem for me when I'm zoomed out. I also never use the zoom tool. Always the wheel on my Logitech Trackball Marble.
Yea - I always use the mouse scroll wheel as well.