Help Please! External Hard Disk Drive files vanished!
Hi all,
Apologies for posting this here, not exactly on SketchUP although I can't access ANY of my files now.
Basically, I keep ALL of my documents on an external hard disk drive. I do this because I work on a few computers so it's easier to move between laptops with an external disk drive.
However, I have turned on tonight and ALL of my documents on my hard drive (Buffallo HD-CEU2) have vanished. Gone. All my wedding photos, work documents and ALL my sketchup stuff. Could cry.
This is all I get now (see attachment). Is there anything I can do? I feel sick.
Try Recuva, a free file recovery program. Note, I also use an external hard drive, because I am also on different computers as I work.
Hope this helps.
Thanks, Ken. Unfortunately, I keep getting an 'unable to read boot sector' message and the program doesn't start.
Why has this happened? Have I dont something wrong?
The boot sector is the sector that starts the disk...
Take a trip to your nearest PC experts and get them to look at the hard-disk - they might be able to recover at least some of the stuff with their various utilities........ -
Thanks TIG.
I'm gutted. Just remembering so much stuff that's on there - ALL my music (1000's of songs), photos etc, and tons of SU stuff.
Just don't know why it's happened. It hasn't been unplugged or anything.
Similar thing happened to me but the local PC World's guy ["there are other Tech Support Organizations"] did recover [most] of the hard-disk - it did take over 48 hours and it cost £20 ! But worth it - AND the hard-disk was even [re]usable afterwards, BUT then it had a smaller size ???
I agree, this stuff just happens. Hard drives gob ad after a time. I've recently upgraded to a mirrored array so at least I have some back up against single disk failure.
I know this is probably not what you want to hear, but it's a classic case of "Must backup everything".
I too learnt my lesson the hard way- by backing up on to cheap DVD's that no drive can access any longer.
I do hope you recover your files leedeetee.
Thanks for the advice guys.
Lesson learnt.
Give this a whirl...
Partition Recovery and File Undelete
TestDisk is a free and open source data recovery software tool designed to recover lost partition and unerase deleted files.
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Find a step by step tutorial here
TestDisk Step By Step
This recovery example guides you through TestDisk step by step to recover a missing partition and repair a corrupted one. After reading this tutorial, you should...
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It worked for me