3D Basecamp 2010!!!!!
Mike Lucey, as THE leading light in the whole Sketchup Community and with ears in the right places, could suggest that Google forks out some cash to help get some selected 'speakers' there ? It doesn't need to be business-class and the Hilton... That would greatly enhance the event and give non-US based users a chance to contribute, meet and exchange ideas.
Most tool-makers like Fredo do their great stuff 'for free', or at a very nominal cost: so no one is getting rich doing this [unlike Google]... AND let's not forget that there are others like Jean L or Simon le B [with their many many great tips] and Chris F [without his scripter's hat on, like his earlier scene-use presentation] who have many valuable insights into getting the best out of Sketchup.
Personally I would love to go... but it seems too much to spend months' of my personal income doing so, especially when every week I already give lots of my time and tools freely to Sketchuppers all over the world [and thus indirectly benefit Google as the fountain-head].
So I simply suggest that Mike puts forward the suggestion. Then if it doesn't fall on stony ears, a list of 'speakers' from the forums' membership who Google might at least 'subsidize' - after all WE ARE the beacon of the Sketchup world
@simon le bon said:
>>How can Basecamp 2010 could be a normal one?? IMO no hope without a revolution!
oh, the French... revolution...
Just kidding. I think you're completely right. SketchUp-not-so-simple will make it simpler in the end!
Dear Tig,
I didn't want to add any word after you. So I had started to write you this PM. But at the end I have considered I had to tell what I was thinking to our community. So Here is my shared personal PM I planned to send to you.@tig said:
... AND let's not forget that there are others like Jean L or Simon le B [with their many many great tips] and Chris F [without his scripter's hat on, like his earlier scene-use presentation] who have many valuable insights into getting the best out of Sketchup.
thank you Tig! It is an Honour to be focused this way by you!!
@unknownuser said:
Most tool-makers like Fredo do their great stuff 'for free', or at a very nominal cost: so no one is getting rich doing this [unlike Google]
@unknownuser said:
../especially when every week I already give lots of my time and tools freely to Sketchuppers all over the world [and thus indirectly benefit Google as the fountain-head].
@simon le bon said:
-2) Revisit all the basic tools in accordance with the splendid work done by our free developers!!! (and pay for them)
Don't "they" see SketchUp is becoming silly? Each SU basic tool is now overpassed by a bunch of yours(the developpers): selection tools, tools on surface, 2D tools etc etc..
"They" wanted to keep SketchUP simple; it is becoming excessively puzzling for a new user to discover, install and use all these seemingly duplicated tools...
In fact what we need is a "not so simple" new SketchUP with real evoluted basic tools.Google isn't it enough rich to pick you and to pay you (the developpers) for a short and constructive collaboration, now the jobs are done, now the tools exist!!
But I can "smell" that Google only care to give a tool for draw those poor enough 3D small buildings in GoogleEarth, ..and SketchUp team is probably let down their way with not a buck/penny in the pocket to develop nothing serious. But shhh! It is better like this than loose their job! Ok! Maybe I'm dreaming up the story
@unknownuser said:
- after all WE ARE the beacon of the Sketchup world
If "they" can't understand that , SketchUp is dead.
>>How can Basecamp 2010 could be a normal one?? IMO no hope without a revolution!
Very friendly, Simon
- after all WE ARE the beacon of the Sketchup world
@unknownuser said:
oh, the French... revolution...
Gasp!!! Pyroluna, You discovered me in my deep roots
Dear Gaieus,
I really don't want to play bowling with cutted heads,
but sometime I don't know In what reality I am sailing in...well: with people like you and you and you.. SketchUp can't die so easily
That would be quite an experience to get to Basecamp this year. I would love to go and meet some of the great souls on this site. If you are self employed and use Sketchup professionally, the trip could also be used a nice 4th quarter tax write off. Honestly though, as far as education goes, and after watching the videos of the previous basecamp, the material covered seemed rather elementary compared to some of the groundbreaking discussions and techniques found on this forum. I wonder what new techniques they could possibly discuss when the core software itself has not evolved....except only for the development through the user/developer base of scriptwriters. I don't mind though....a lot of people complain about it, but I take great pride in the fact that our beloved software was essentially modified into what it is by the users, for the users. I love looking at my UI and seeing not a single icon created by Google. Power to the users....and THANK YOU to the scriptwriters who have helped me become a better designer and grow my business into something that can use to support my family. Bless you all!
Anyone from Europe going for sure?
I really wish I could go - but this came all too late for me - as it's right after my summer holidays and I've already booked other trips which I cannot and will not cancel. Due to that I don't have the funds for it now.
It is very expensive to travel across the globe and I'd really wish the notice had been given much sooner so that long distance travellers could make the arrangements. Not only is it very expensive and one need to save up, the extra travel time requires extra days of work - more expenses and more planning needed to get the time off.I just hope that for next time the word would be released sooner. (And I'll try to keep in mind and put some cash and time aside just in case.)
But what I'd really like to see is some European arrangement for enthusiasts over here. Not sure if that would be something we can just sit idle and hope for Google to set up. It'd be very interesting to have a brainstorm for what we can muster up over here.
Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund for Basecamp 2010
I am the first
Not too much overseas interest this time around? Mostly just cost prohibitive? (I certainly understand that, its cost prohibitive for me right and I'm only coming from a few hundered km away!) It would be great to meet more SCF users there. Anyone else interested from this land mass?
I'm interested, not yet invited however.
I really enjoyed the last one in California.However with the recession and work in general being slow I am probably not going make it for financial reasons either.
Well I hope you do get to make it Pete. But I understand the cost thing. I think we might cut our planned vacation in July back by a few days and switch them over to this. My wife loves that idea. We leave our family vacation early so I can go on my own vacation and leave her at home with the kids, our youngest just starting Kindergarten (first year of school here) the same week I'll be gone......she's thrilled!
I would love to come over to something like this. As has been mentioned, it's just the cost of getting there from the UK.
For those not in the US - would you have been able to get there if it had been announced further in advance? Just interesting to hear what people say - in my case I would have if I had time to plan ahead. Could be useful to point out to Google for the next event what would have worked better for those of use across the ocean.
If I had an invite and lots of notice I would have definitely attended. But 8 weeks to find β¬2k is a big ask. Would like to see if a European event could be organised for early 2011. Even if it's not Google related, maybe sponsored, so members could meet and network.
Even something on the east coast would make a dramatic difference in price of flights. But I'm unaware if Google has facilities to hold something there?
@unknownuser said:
But 8 weeks to find β¬2k is a big ask.
Prices will probably higher right up close to the event. One need to book in advance to get ok prices. I'm a bit puzzled that since this event before, surely someone must have expressed this before.
I can understand why it's on invitation only and why it's limited to 200 people. But I'm sure that a lot of people who are not invited (deadline is today), would have come, starting with me and two of my colleagues (nothing in my mailbox
, but it's not surprising, whatever we do with SketchUp, I'm sure we are still under the radar of the organizers).
It would like to see someone organizing a convention or something like this. One year in the USA, one year in Europe (should we have one year in Asia?). If the dates are always the same or known well before, I'm sure there will be a lot of people and certainly some sponsors. I'm sure the challenge is not to have people coming but to keep the spirit of a basecamp and limit the fees to ... let say 0
Now, I make a wish: That everyone who wants to attend this Basecamp can do it, at least thanks to a Webinar.
(PS: I'm not sure what would be the most efficient way to communicate during the webinar, but I'm sure that if after each session the speaker come on a Wave or something allowing interaction, the exchanges would be very interesting and productive).
@unknownuser said:
But I'm sure that a lot of people who are not invited (deadline is today),
Did not know that.
@unknownuser said:
(nothing in my mailbox , but it's not surprising, whatever we do with SketchUp, I'm sure we are still under the radar of the organizers).
Nothing in mine either so I can deduce the same.
Deadline today? How does one even register???
I read in the FAQ http://sites.google.com/site/3dbasecamp2010/faq
"Who can attend the event?
To attend the event, you must be 18 years of age or older and receive an invitation from us.""What is the registration and confirmation timeline for the event?
July 2 - Round 1 registration deadline
July 13 - Nomination form due
July 14 - Nominee invitations are sent out via e-mail
July 21 - Deadline for nominees to register
"So there's still hope as July 2nd is not over yet
and more important, if there's a round 1, there should be a round 2 somewhere to have the 200 attendees "How many event invitations will be extended?
The precise number of invitations we extend will depend on the amount of space we have available, but we estimate the number to be about 200." So keep your fingers crossed as some of you are very active here and this site has been the first a Google Evangelist pointed out as a place to look when I asked a very specific question during last AIA.By the way, is there somewhere the list of event where Google is exhibiting to promote SketchUp? At least there's AIA convention. But anyone knows the others, if any?