BP - A hatchet job
Hi August,
here is the video,
(Jim, the SCF tube does not work for wimp ?
i located in YouTube)YouTube - Rachel Maddow- The more spills change_ the more they stay the same
[flash=480,385:vvkqzctq]http://www.youtube.com/v/GHmhxpQEGPo&hl=es_ES&fs=1[/flash:vvkqzctq]¨¨And yes, how do we get decision makers to even consider microbes ? ¨¨
i think we have to do it, maybe GreenPeace is getting ready.
cheers__________________________________________________________The folk expert, (here is his contact information), is the one of the video of the microbes solution :
J.Brent Tuttle
This is what the guy ask us for :GET THE PRESS TO KNOW
GET THE FEDERAL STANDS TO KNOWHe tells in the video, he is open to anyone who asks for.
(someone will claim it is a business?)
I hope not.
(maybe my country does not know about it, i´ll make some inquiries)
salud¡ -
Thanks Juan,
I appreciate the help.
It's about moving -- moving forward -- NOW, not blaming. The blame is obvious and cultural and endemic and entrenched and inevitably corrupt and all too american and completely international and business as usual and too long ignored. That is not the issue.
The issue is doing something that has a hope, not just a prayer, of working.
GreenPeace is a good candidate to play hero and ACT. They haven't worried about permission before, this is no time to start. Whatever the bio fallout from the microbes (and the video suggest next to none) it will be easier in the long run than crude oil and dispersants. Microbes have been tested and have had decades to identify any long term consequences. The oil industry solutions have been tested and don't work.
But the downside is that it will show the oil industry as incompetent to clean up their own mass. That is a PR disaster that will last decades and is worth billions to prevent.
You can bet that is being talked about in oil industry CEO conference calls, even if Obama and the new P.M. are not.
@august said:
OMG! IT"S REAL! News footage from JUNE 13! (Yes, tomorrow's date) Pipeline leak in Alaska while well leak in Gulf cannot be stopped. I did a spit-take when I heard about Operation Sombrero!
Here is documentary proof that the entire industry has not learned because they don't have to. ...
Beatcha to it, look up about 8 posts!
there is something you American People can do about it, NOW ¡
That folk does not count on us (non American People), yet .
@unknownuser said:
I insist about the microbes solution, why is it not taken into consideration ?
it is being taken into consideration.
a little research shows the problem. it's not ready yet. should be another six months or so until it is.
@escapeartist said:
@august said:
Beatcha to it, look up about 8 posts!
OOPS. My apologies. Yes, indeed, you found it first. In fact, it was your link that got me started.
I was so appalled at the so-called experts not having learned anything in 30 years except to parrot the same, tired, non-solutions (all the experts agree that they are doing everything that all the experts agree are the only things that can be done) that I started sharing it everywhere, including back here (forgetting that I'd found it here in the first place).
Better twice than not at all.
August -
@juanv.soler said:
... That folk does not count on us (non American People), yet ...
Thanks again Juan,
You may not be able to sign it, but you got me to and I'm passing the link on to others.
"God willing, we will prevail, through the purity and essence of our natural fluids." -- Gen. J.D. Ripper's last communique to the assembled Joint Chiefs in "Dr. Strangelove"
I just found this at
"June 7th, 2010
"The Gulf Oil Spill Bioremediation Industry Alliance has just been formed.
"In summary, this alliance brings the top bioremediation companies and their scientists together for the purpose of using microbes on the entire Spill. They are in the process of creating an implementation plan (for release this week) that focuses the expertise of each company on either the beach, water (shallow and deep) or wetlands depending on their historical success with a particular topography. If adopted, they will focus first on the areas where there is oil present on the beach or marshlands, then apply to the water near land, then work on the oil in the middle of the Gulf both on the surface and at various depths below. They have the production capacity to quickly ramp up to provide the “googol’s” worth of microbes to do the entire Gulf of Mexico.
"From a draft version of the Alliance agreement, it is clear that all members have agreed to work with each other in harmony and put their competitive differences aside to get the entire Spill remediated."
@august said:
@juanv.soler said:
... That folk does not count on us (non American People), yet ...
Thanks again Juan,
You may not be able to sign it, but you got me to and I'm passing the link on to others.
"God willing, we will prevail, through the purity and essence of our natural fluids." -- Gen. J.D. Ripper's last communique to the assembled Joint Chiefs in "Dr. Strangelove"
for what point?
the tech is at least Six Months from being close to use. it's only just in the Prototype phase. and that's after trials on the Exxon Spill.
even then, it's not the Magic Fix ppl think it is. bacteria is already out there in the wild. eating oil already... all this is trying to add a strain that eats faster.. which has not worked that well in the past.
it's time to face some facts.
there is no quick fix for this. the clean up will last decades. the best methods will be basically collecting the oil and contaminated earth/sand and then decontaminating it, by digger, truck and whatever else can be used. wildlife is going to die and possibly made extinct. there's no way round this, no way to fix it fast and the worst is yet to come. -
@petercharles said:
What I have difficulty in understanding is that
- this oil leak is in Americas back yard
- America is the most technically advanced country
- anything America doesn't know about the oil industry probably isn't worth knowing
So why haven't the American government stepped in, used American experts to fix the problem and back charged BP?? Don't they have an underwater "Red Adair"??
Or is it as simple that the American experts haven't got a fix for the problem anyway and are just keeping a low profile.
it shouldn't be that difficult to understand.. the only known and reliable solution is already happening and it has been for a while now.
drilling the relief well takes a few months though.humans are relative retards when it comes to undersea stuff.. this one is pretty damn deep too.
i think the real solution (besides not drilling in the first place) should have been a preventative one via some sort of shut off valve or something.. [obvious]too late for that[/obvious]
I am happy to know that the Gulf Oil Spill Bioremediation Industry Alliance has just been formed.
step forward ¡thanks August
I am currently watching the US Congress' grilling of Tony Haywood. During the questioning, someone (I think it was the representative for Florida) questioned BP's estimate of probability for failure (give as 1 in 100,000 to 1 in 1,000,000). The most technologically advanced launch vehicle ever build (by the Americans) proved to have a 1 in 25 failure rate.
Deep water drilling, like manned space flight, is technically difficult and will ultimately fail. We want/need the oil, so we take the risk.
Just trying to get things into perspective.
Bob -
forget the congressional crap, that's just 'peacocking', toothless crap mean't only for votes.
They call it 'politics' here in the states.
It's really, really hard to not get upset at the Congressional crap.
@unknownuser said:
When BP CEO Tony Hayward testified before Congress this morning, many expected to hear him apologize for the disaster his company has caused. Instead, GOP Congressman Joe Barton was the one saying he was sorry -- to BP.
In his opening statement, Barton, the top Republican on the committee overseeing the oil spill and its aftermath, delivered a personal apology to the oil giant. He said the $20 billion fund that President Obama directed BP to establish to provide relief to the victims of the oil disaster was a "tragedy in the first proportion."
Other Republicans are echoing his call. Sen. John Cornyn said he "shares" Barton's concern. Rep. Michele Bachmann said that BP shouldn't agree to be "fleeced." Rush Limbaugh called it a "bailout." The Republican Study Committee, with its 114 members in the House, called it a "shakedown."
It leaves me with one question: do these people have any soul left to sell?
I think it is appropriate that BP pay an amount sufficient to make good the damage caused by the oil and to support and compensate those affected by the loss of income and employment, but I suspect that the smell of big money will result in a feeding frenzy with lots of spurious claims. I fear that the only people who will really benefit from this accident will be the lawyers handling all the claims.
BP are to be commended in promising 20 billion dollars to the compensation, cleanup and welfare fund. This is to be contrasted with Union Carbide's effort and the plight of hundreds (yes, hundreds) of thousands of men, women and children in and around Bhopal. I don't see Warren Andersen sitting in that chair in front of the Congressmen!
You might think that the two incidences cannot be compared, but I think they can. I wonder what the people of Bhopal make of the 'outrage' expressed by the Obamah administration over the oil spill. Can you image how a family might feel with only a few hundred dollars compensation in their hand to cope with a child with severe birth defects and their own long-term health problems?
..and just in case anyone has forgotten what Union Carbide's 'total disregard for safety' did to the people of Bhopal then look here for a longer discussion:
This is worth watching. Only a child could have this sort of impact, as the truth of what she says is reflected back at the so-called adults in the audience and cannot be denied.
Eighteen years ago, and it is still 'business as usual'.
Bob -
Yes Bob
where is common sense gone ?
(from your video)
@unknownuser said:
i think the real solution (besides not drilling in the first place) should have been a preventative one via some sort of shut off valve or something.. [obvious]too late for that[/obvious]
Something from Cameron International as referred to here maybe.....
http://www.australia.to/2010/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3367:cameron-international-fourth-partner-in-deepwater-horizon-disaster&catid=125:edward-j-oboyle&Itemid=165 -
I share your concern regarding the distribution of the emergency compensation funds. This situation is drawing politicians and lawyers out of the woodwork. Hopefully their profiteering can be minimized so that the people affected are able to receive at least some relief in a timely manner. If not - the people that truly need the help will become even more desperate than they already are, while the BS and political posturing continues.
I don’t agree with you about BP being commended for their response at this point. If they wanted to remain afloat and not suffer even more severe public relations hits - they had to do something. Without the position and persistence of the administrations “outrage” - do you think this step ( or the delay of dividend payouts ) would have happened on it’s own? I don’t, and if I was a BP stockholder - I would have been pissed if they had done this voluntarily. While again I clarify that I am not an Obama supporter, nor do I agree with most of his current spend crazy policies - I feel he did exactly what he had to do, including the 6 month deep well drilling moratorium. While he is taking a blasting politically on this (thousands of jobs in limbo - more damage to gulf coast economies - big $ oil pressure, etc.) it just seems like common sense at first glance.
The thing that bothers me as an American with environmental concerns is why the administration is being blasted on all fronts about the moratorium on NEW deep wells. As a result of the spill - there still is no change in the regulations such that they require the additional safety measures with deep well’s that other countries require. There is no indication that the MMS will be better prepared to monitor compliance of deep well sites, and eliminate the practice of issuing environmental waivers. And even with the existing deep wells that are allowed to continue operating - does anyone really think there is any capacity to deal with an additional incident if it were to occur?
With regards to your continued need to relate the Union Carbide Bhopal disaster to the Deepwater Horizon spill. Beyond your initial perception that the administration and to an extent the American people as a whole were being tougher on BP because they were not an American corporation, your references seem pretty off-base and rather hypocritical to me. Do you seriously think that the people of Bhopal give a rat’s behind about what the current president of the US ( yes the one sworn in 24 years after the Union Carbide disaster) is outraged about? While I think they deserved to see Warren Anderson in the Indian court system - why would they care if he was put in front of the circus clowns that are the US Congress?
Tony Hayward earned his time in that seat. While I agree with Solo that these types of hearings are usually nothing more than political theater for show - there are often occasions where you can take something away from them. What I took away is confirmation that a certain Texas congressman is a complete big $ oil shill that doesn’t deserve to represent working class Americans. I also learned that BP’s CEO is willing to take one for the team, and that BP should seriously be looking for a new PR firm!
excuse me Mike 1158, to interrupt and get in,
but here is a good new for allYouTube - Smart Pipe Company Inc-Proposed Solutions for Gulf Oil Spill