[Plugin] Make Fur v.2.1.0(20140323)
man this plugin is awesome
for landscaper couldn't be anything better, our dreams came through now we can grow grass in the computer, can't wait for the first mowerwill be available
great stuff I love it, and it's so much fun -
On a Mac crowd maker still does not work.
The dialog now works fine but it does not create any crowd on the selected surface.Hope you can update when you have any time. But don't worry, I am already fine with the current version making crowds with the fur dialog.
FrancoisAn idea for crowd maker, it would be nice if we can project a line that guides the crowd into certain directions. For instance at stations crowds tend to walk back and forth following routes. Maybe its possible to click a line, or a curved line and crowdmaker puts the crowd with a specified with along this line.
Very nice plugin.
@tak2hata said:
I updated this plugin to version1.3i.Webdialog sees easier.(Thanks Diego.)
Parameter name translates by langage text file.Thanks.
A french translation.
Thanks to you all !Edit :
The file is now in UTF8 format
people, you are talking about making grass, but if I try to make a simple rug, with fur, the file will jump in size to some 20-30mb! It will take minutes to import it into another file (like, inside of a house). And render times (to start the render) will soar in VRAY.
sorry, but where do I copy the language file and how can I activate it?
Just to the Plugins folder. After restart you'll find fur_en in the Menu>Plugins. But opening the browser it is in German.
(Wurde allerdings noch nicht überprüft; Gegenvorschläge sind willkommen ) -
@burkhard said:
Just to the Plugins folder. After restart you'll find fur_en in the Menu>Plugins. But opening the browser it is in German.
(Wurde allerdings noch nicht überprüft; Gegenvorschläge sind willkommen )OK, very easy, it worked.
AWESOME... many thanks
Just downloaded this and look forward to trying it out. My respect and admiration for all those who create and make these Rubies available is beyond words...so THANKS TO ALL.
I downloaded this translation Portuguese-BR, but it didn't work. I put it on the sketchup plugin folder like the instructions, how I do? Thx.
thats really a great plugin. so much fun to work with...
plot-paris , very nice modeling , can you make your fur setting thanks
thanks Robert. unfortunately I am not sure of the settings... didn't change much though, appart from the density... both creatures sprout more than 50.000 hairs...
Hi all , im trying to make a nice grass i use maxwell render and this plug in seems to be perfect solution , but i really dont get it im and amateur in this, can some one here could help me in making a nice grass, configuration on plug in and how to make it, thanks all for the help in advance.
files can be sent to verde<at>natarquitectura<dot>com
Hi to all! just installed this FANTASTIC plugin! This is a very quick render in Twilight Render (preset 03, 6 min.)
Thanks TAK2HATA!
Hi i want to make some fur rug with sketchup fur plugin anyone has experience on that plugin. I need some advice how to make good looking fur rug whats the best settings. Thanks
Give me ur mail address.I love to render.Need ur help
Is it possible to make carpet with this plugin? I think rounded cilinder shape should be good enough.