[Plugin] CleanUp
@unknownuser said:
When I export my model with LumenRT, it fails because it finds a zero length vector !?!
It seems Cleanup cannot find such problem.
How to find it?
Is it possible to improve cleanUp to take it in account?Alain
Can you provide a sample model?
This zero length vector - is that from an error you get? Can you post the whole error?It could be that it is a bug in LumenRT's exporter - and not a model problem.
I found the problem, not precisely but it was related to a scene and not to the model.
I did't really understand what caused the bug but it's sure it's not a geometry issue.Thanks a lot.
What did I do wrong? I just downloaded and installed cleanup 3.1.9 and latest ttlib 2.6 I open the model and run the plugin, The screen goes gray, and a long gray box appears with no options to select from. The ttlib file goes into the compatibility files folder, I think that is the problem. I cannot move in back into the regular plugins folder
I read back a few pages and found the issue, I now have the tt simple installer, and all "appears" as it was.
Ensure that you have 'full access rights' to the Plugins folder [select its icon Properties > Security ...].
Also do the same for Components, Materials and Styles...
This will stop 'Compatibility Files' issues - where Vista stops you moving files/folders into certain 'program' folders to protect you from yourself if you have limited access rights... With full-rights it should behave... -
I apparently already set permissions for everyone but the creator owner will not change, I am sure it is a windows thing I really don't need to know.
Why mess with that just give yourself 'full-permissions'...
Dunno if this has been mentioned before (40 pages is a lot to go thru) but the statistics presented afterwards are off. I'll run cleanup and be told it cleaned out quantities a, b, and c of types x, y, and z... do nothing, run cleanup again and be told it cleaned out quantities a, b, and c of types x, y, and z... and... rinse and repeat forever. Version 3.1.9.
I like the results... but I do wish it would tell the the straight story when it was done.
It's because SU some times doesn't heal broken edges after all - probably some accuracy issue. To rework it to be 100% accurate might slow it down significantly. I figured that the stats being in the ball park would be good enough.
Edges... that was one... ok, I understand. One of the others I recall now was a count of deleted components. Would delete 13, then another 13, etc., etc.
In truth, the numbers are a nice thing but not essential. I figure if you're aware and later happen to notice something the two might click and something gets fixed. Otherwise, oh well.
how can i make cleanup not delete coplanar lines (like imported drawings from cad) which are locked?
@john2 said:
how can i make cleanup not delete coplanar lines (like imported drawings from cad) which are locked?
I have that in the list of bugs: https://bitbucket.org/thomthom/cleanup/issue/2/locked-groups-components-are-cleaned-up
so when do we see this "don't delete the lockd objects version?"
Already said thanks for this plugin before, but felt had to say Tusen Takk!! when it just cleaned out 3million lines lol. Bloody genius
dang it....sorry for bothering, love your plugins!
now a problem occured with the installation of cleanup:
the TT_Lib2 is in the Plugins folder, the cleanup.rb is in the plugins folder.
but when starting up sketchup i get this message:Error Loading File tt_cleanup.rb
uninitialized constant TT::GUIin the forum i found suggestions with missing dlls on various windows, but no change. other plugins work fine.
I'm on Win7 x64 using Sketchup 8.0.3117
in addition i have to say,
previously i resetted my pc and of course installed sketchup. before that, cleanup worked like a charme. i still have a backup of the old installation, so i tried using the older version of cleanup and ttlib, but i got the same message.any idea?
@kandehalux said:
Error Loading File tt_cleanup.rb
uninitialized constant TT::GUISounds like TT_LIb2 isn't installed correctly, there should be a TT_Lib2 folder with lots of .rb files in it.
I made a small utility that makes it easier to install plugins correctly: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=42315@kandehalux said:
I'm on Win7 x64 using Sketchup 8.0.3117
I recommend you update to the latest Maintenance Release 3 - it includes several bugfixes etc.
alright, so i updated to the m3 release v8.0.14346 (didnt really notice that it was an actual update due to the version number). the plugins are installed correctly.
in the meantime i found out, that it must have something to do with the template-loader of sketchup. because every plugin loads correctly, when i start directly with an skp-file (even with original template-skps). if i start sketchup without an skp, half of the plugins dont load.
@kandehalux said:
alright, so i updated to the m3 release v8.0.14346 (didnt really notice that it was an actual update due to the version number). the plugins are installed correctly.
in the meantime i found out, that it must have something to do with the template-loader of sketchup. because every plugin loads correctly, when i start directly with an skp-file (even with original template-skps). if i start sketchup without an skp, half of the plugins dont load.
Try running Sketchup 'As Admin' and see if that works - sounds like your permissions are limited - show Bill Gates who's boss ! Windows can treat you like a moron! Of course I'm not suggesting that you are not a moronFix your security settings - become an Admin at least...