Unit plugin not work in SU 7.1 ?
I sent a pm to Matthiew but he has no time at the moment, he will look into it (eventually)
the problem is probably minor - perhaps someone else can fix it. i don't think Matt would object..
thanks all
sothat I'm waiting for the new verison of unit plugin
Could you copy and paste this in the Ruby Console, and show the result?
Sketchup.active_model.options.map{|o| o.name}
It should look similar to this, but may be in your language:
["PageOptions", "SlideshowOptions", "NamedOptions", "UnitsOptions", "PrintOptions"]
Yep, that what I get.
Sketchup.active_model.options.map{|o| o.name}
["PageOptions", "SlideshowOptions", "NamedOptions", "UnitsOptions", "PrintOptions"]Ken
Thanks Ken, I was hoping to see if a foreign language version used translated names for these.
Maybe I should have just said that to begin with.
I fell foul of something similar... When you call options you must do it by 'name' not 'index' and similarly for their values ?
anyone out there willing to take this on?
I added translation using the langhandler.rb that comes with Sketchup. I sent a copy to Matt, but he didn't respond. I guess it would be OK if I posted it.
But I am not 100% sure that was the problem - I made some assumptions.
Works great on my computer.
mm..this is what i get:
Error Loading File toggle_units.rb
cannot convert nil into String -
anyone with the same problem?
You might need to rename the toggle_units.txt to toggle_units.strings and then move it to the Sketchup/Resources/your langauage/folder
yes, already done yesterday - same error..
Will you try to load it from the Ruby Console and post the error?
load 'toggle_units.rb'
got it Jim, it was something to do with the path to the icons - the ruby console is great but not when you forget its existence, Thanks!