Unit plugin not work in SU 7.1 ?
Could you copy and paste this in the Ruby Console, and show the result?
Sketchup.active_model.options.map{|o| o.name}
It should look similar to this, but may be in your language:
["PageOptions", "SlideshowOptions", "NamedOptions", "UnitsOptions", "PrintOptions"]
Yep, that what I get.
Sketchup.active_model.options.map{|o| o.name}
["PageOptions", "SlideshowOptions", "NamedOptions", "UnitsOptions", "PrintOptions"]Ken
Thanks Ken, I was hoping to see if a foreign language version used translated names for these.
Maybe I should have just said that to begin with.
I fell foul of something similar... When you call options you must do it by 'name' not 'index' and similarly for their values ?
anyone out there willing to take this on?
I added translation using the langhandler.rb that comes with Sketchup. I sent a copy to Matt, but he didn't respond. I guess it would be OK if I posted it.
But I am not 100% sure that was the problem - I made some assumptions.
Works great on my computer.
mm..this is what i get:
Error Loading File toggle_units.rb
cannot convert nil into String -
anyone with the same problem?
You might need to rename the toggle_units.txt to toggle_units.strings and then move it to the Sketchup/Resources/your langauage/folder
yes, already done yesterday - same error..
Will you try to load it from the Ruby Console and post the error?
load 'toggle_units.rb'
got it Jim, it was something to do with the path to the icons - the ruby console is great but not when you forget its existence, Thanks!