SU 7.1 Findings from users
Wow! Huge speed increase for me. I haven't found a model yet that will make 7.1 choke. Looks like a lot of the speed increase is by temporarily disabling shadows and other texturing during rotation and move, but they come back in less than a second after you stop moving the viewport.
These are the kinds of performance increases we've been thirsting for.
Tried download this morning. Model I was working on in 7.0 resulted in bugsplat everytime I tried to open in 7.1. Reloaded problem. I tried various other models with 7.1, they all seemed to open fine, but for some reason there is a glitch in the one file that 7.1 doesn't like...bummer, as it's a large file and I was anxious to see the new speed improvement others are experiencing.
Hi Fountainhead,
Could you report this in the SU Bug Reports subforum? Maybe some Google Folks will even wish to have a look at your model, too.
I guess, after a new release, these things are the most important feedback for them (apart from seeing many smiley faces of course
I copied Google a couple of times. Here's what I eventually discovered. Any model that had textures loaded when saved would bugsplat upon opening. If any other rendering style was saved, the models would open no problem. If I was in a model and then switched to textured rendering style...immediate bugsplat. So, I did some background work...updated my display driver to start. Then I went into my startup template .skp file and saved it as the new 7.1 version. I have components, materials, and styles folders referenced to same titled folders on the server and do not have these folders on my PC, so with the new update, all of these folders were re-added to my PC....I deleted those. (don't think this was the issue however). I then loaded my template .skp file and loaded all texture folders from the server, and saved. Closed and then restarted SketchUp...all worked great and have been enjoying new found speed in all files since.
No idea what fixed the issue, but somewhere in what I described above the problem disappeared.
I've been crashing since the upgrade. Too early to know what's been causing it, but i had three crashes with one fourty-five minute class- talk about embarrassing after exhorting all my students to upgrade!!
I'm on a MB Pro and no updated drivers have been posted, so i don't think it's a driver issue. -
I updated to the newest driver for my nVidia Quadro and the little glitches I was seeing before (see original post) haven't happened again so far.
No dxf and dwg support on free version. That's BIG dissapointment
I'm seeing some annoying behaviour when zooming/orbiting. Sometimes the textures and dimension layer(s) are not displayed whilst moving the model and sometimes they are. If they are not displayed, there is a really annoying wait after stopping moving before they re-appear. Clearly, since the system is quite capable of displaying the full picture there is no performance reason to delay the re-display and there must be some timer/flag/whatever that is set to 'annoy user maximally'.
It's the inconsistency that will drive people nuts.
@aidus said:
No dxf and dwg support on free version. That's BIG dissapointment
Go here: and you can download the DWG/DXF importer.
@troyhome said:
I've been crashing since the upgrade. Too early to know what's been causing it, but i had three crashes with one fourty-five minute class.
Hi Troy,
Is it possible that you are running SketchUp without hardware acceleration? To check, go to Preferences > Open GL and see if "Use Hardware Acceleration" is checked or not. If it is unchecked, turn it on, exit SU and relaunch.
There is a known crash that can occur when running SketchUp in software on the Mac and doing things like orbiting, especially with large models. We are working on a fix but it has us stumped so far.
If that is not the issue, do you have any more information on what you were doing or whether it is specific to certain models?
Thanks in advance,
MtnArch thanks!
i'm all better now!