[Plugin][$] RoundCorner - v3.4a - 31 Mar 24
Great !! Thanks a lot, it's now working well
where i can find the download link button?
@indrifitrian6 said:
where i can find the download link button?
Look in the SketchUcation PluginStore - link in menu above...
Use the page's Search tool to find the entry, it it's not immediately seen... -
@wookbert said:
Have you ever noticed the tiny size of RoundCorner control bar on a MacBook Retina? (MBPr 13" running 10.11.1 or any other Mac OS X version)? See attachment.
Any idea how to solve this?
There is nothing that can be done in scripts for high resolution screens under Sketchup.
- It might be that SU2016 has improved the situation
- otherwise, if you go to Window > LibFredo6 Settings... > Default Parameters..., you should find a check box about Retina. It should double the size of the buttons. However, there is not garantee that the character size would follow.
@fredo6: Wasn't aware of the Retina check box. It helps a bit, the text however still is too small to be read and edited conveniently.
@wookbert said:
@fredo6: Wasn't aware of the Retina check box. It helps a bit, the text however still is too small to be read and edited conveniently.
The logic of font size vs screen resolution is not accessible from the Ruby API.
However, you may want to read this thread, where other Mac users are discussing potential solutions.
Bonjour! I don't manage to get round corners for this design (http://imgur.com/kYQ9ITf
What am I doing wrong? Here is the file: http://www.filedropper.com/casing-v1
I'm running the latest of Fredo6 and round corners on Sketchup 8.
In your screenshot you show the radius of the rounding (called Offset) as 0.1 mm. That's incredibly small. Try a reasonable value for the size of the object.
Yes, as Dave says, SketchUp itself [and by connection its Plugins] can't cope with dimensions with tiny dimensions [<=1/1000"]
So try something a bit bigger... -
Regarding my previous post with an error while trying to create a round corner for a kind of dome, yes, I tried much bigger values for the offset but it was the same problem, nothing happened when I click generate.
I figured out that the culprit was the arcs at the base of the geometry. If I replace the arcs by straight lines, the plugin can generate something. I understand how it could be challenging for a plugin to generate rounded corners when you have a circle or arc at the base. And if the arc is converted to successive small lines, it's even more challenging and it will push you to have a very small offset.
So I will most likely stay with straight lines at the base. My question becomes more now: is there a way to have different offset for different lines during the same single rounded corner generation. Because you might want to have two different values for 3 lines that intersect so I don't think that you can do it sequentially.
Does this plugin support SU16?
I love this tool! It saves me a lot of time and is very powerful.I have one question. If I use the tool to round the edges of a cube for example and then use another tool to cut a shape out of the cube I get parts of the faces missing. If i repair them and cut another shape out of the cube the faces open up again.
How can I stop that from happening?
Ron -
It sounds to me as if you are running into the small edges issue. How large is the object you're working on? Try working at a larger scale and then scale back down.
How large do you think I'd need to work? I generally work in a foot equals an inch scale to create the fine details I need.
Thanks for the help.
Hard to tell without seeing your model.
Would it be possible to optimize the rounding to work better with quads? I noticed that it splits the quad triangulation, instead of generating new quads and the resulting faces are really weird looking (with diagonals going across two faces, as a result of the former quad triangulation)
i cannot find ANY download link for this plugin , has it been removed i m tired of searching the main post with no clue ..
@mohtashimiqbal said:
i cannot find ANY download link for this plugin , has it been removed i m tired of searching the main post with no clue ..
None at all? How far down the main post did you look before you gave up? It's clearly identified.
And... the SketchUcation PluginStore - linked off the menu above - contains virtually all of the Plugins/Extensions mentioned across many threads in these forums...
So that should be your starting point whenever you are looking to download anything...
Also it has excellent search functions on its page...As Fredo mentioned in his tool's first page [see the image pasted by Dave]... if you first download and install the SketchUcation PluginStore Toolset [RBZ], available in the Resources menu above, OR now as v3.0.0 in the PluginStore itself, under Author '- SketchUcation -' [first on the list], then that has a dialog which lets you browse the PluginStore [getting re-badged as the ExtensionStore³] from within SketchUp itself, and then AutoInstall selected tools...
It also has lots of other goodies like Update notifiers, Bundles, Managers etc - read up on it...