[Plugin] Sculpt Tools (help)
I sent you a PM.. with question...
chomps at bit
Hmmm.. the icons are not showing although have tool bar ...but can't make it work. I have a feeling I am not having everything.
@sepo said:
Hmmm.. the icons are not showing although have tool bar ...but can't make it work. I have a feeling I am not having everything.
There could be 2 problems, I overlooked them when I sent you the ZIP. One, is that I don't know what flags returns when no keys are pressed on windows. If it's not the same as mac, it won't work. Other than that, I included a line of code twice for each tool by accident, but it should only cause it to have 2 of the tools in the plugins menu, and shouldn't change anything else. Can someone see what 'flags' returns when no key is pressed on windows? On my mac it's 256, so in the code I put
if flags == 256 + MK_LBUTTON
, etc. I think that's probably why the tools aren't working. Other than that, the Thumbs.bd file shouldn't be there, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. -
Donno if this is what you wanted
if flags == 256 + MK_LBUTTON
Error: #<SyntaxError: (eval):131: compile error
(eval):131: syntax error
if flags == 256 + MK_LBUTTON
(eval):131 -
@sepo said:
Donno if this is what you wanted
if flags == 256 + MK_LBUTTON
Error: #<SyntaxError: (eval):131: compile error
(eval):131: syntax error
if flags == 256 + MK_LBUTTON
(eval):131uh… not exactly. more like
` class Flagtest
def onMouseMove(flags,x,y,view)
UI.messagebox flags
endftest = UI::Command.new("Flags Test") { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool Flagtest.new }
UI.menu("Plugins").add_item ftest`
… Put that into the Ruby Console, and then go to plugins, Flags Test. Move the mouse, and tell me what number pops up.… Now that I think about it, is there any chance you put the files in the wrong spots? The problems you're having seem to say so… the Loader should go in the plugins folder, and the rest of the pictures and scripts should go in their folder, inside the plugins folder.
It is zero on PCs
How have you implemented the modifier keys?
@chris fullmer said:
It is zero on PCs
How have you implemented the modifier keys?
…Using flags. So, I guess that means I'll have to change the script again
Sorry guys. Also, if anyone can test this on a mac, does it work on yours too?
I will do tomorrow. Now it is too late.
Okay, the file has been updated, it SHOULD work with windows now too. Still, if there are any problems, let me know.
..good thing i'm still up - Thank You!!
I can´t see the icons on the toolbar but the plugin seems to work.. but very slow for me.. I will keep trying
Thank you!!Daniel S
I unzipped it into my SU6 plugins folder, but cannot see icons nor the plugin in the drop down menu.
@solo said:
I unzipped it into my SU6 plugins folder, but cannot see icons nor the plugin in the drop down menu.
This page might explain one of the problems with the zip files macs make.
http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=19838&start=60 -
@daniel s said:
I can´t see the icons on the toolbar but the plugin seems to work.. but very slow for me.. I will keep trying
Thank you!!Daniel S
I have the same problem.I think i did the right work.
Thank you BTM. -
I sent him an updated .zip file a while ago. Hopefully he'll post it soon.
But otherwise, you have to dig in a level intothe btm_sculp_tools folder. Then copy the single .rb file from there and the folder into your plugins folder. Then it will work (but as noted previously, the icons do not show up, its just a big blank toolbar (with tooltips though)). And the toolbar buttons appear twice, so its twice as big as it should be.
You should be able to get it installed if you do that though.
I REALLY like the smooth tool. Its a lot of fun, as are all the other ones.
I am wondering about the dual icons in the toolbar and the lack of toolbar icons. Are you seeing that also on the Mac? Or is that only happening on the PC?
I'm looking for the problem, but so far I have not found it. I'm not sure if I'm just missing something obvious (I don't make toolbars all that often really). Or I am kind of thinking that your pressing your luck with the global variables holding all the menu information. You might simplify it by combining all the scripts into a single file, and remove the menu globals from the loader script. Just do all the menu stuff from the single main script in the folder.
But again, perhaps that has nothing to do with it. I really haven't found anything concrete.
Good luck with it, its awesome!
Very nice.
I don't get the icons but I don't get them twice as you.
I'm on XP. -
No change for me. It is same as before.