[Plugin] extrudeEdgesByEdges.rb
I get no loose edges with either of your skp's... There is orientation weirdness as sometimes threes faces share as edge as it's convoluted in on itself when a circle... to be on the safe side I am adjusting the script to trap any edges without faces... Look out for update...
Here's v1.3 ...
It's been trapped for rare unfaced edges - it either forces the edge to have a face, or erases the edge if it's not possible to add a face ... -
Have you tried this latest version ?
There is always no possible to close some faces (my gap file above)
The curious is this is a "big face"
Maybe because angle is too flat?Not so a big deal to close it by hand
Did you still get unfaced edges ?
yes the same than on my image above! (orange pale one)
After Auto self convoluted stay 2 "big faces" (second of the revolution, and second of the profil)
AND I have this one " 1.3 20090626 Edges not facing in convoluted shapes trapped."
Of ourse yes
The curious was there same size so maybe you have not posted the good version? -
thanks a lot!
TIG, very nice plugin... can you improve it to add the option for another rail "edge", thus effectively transforming it into a SWEEP 2 RAILS plugin??
@aceshigh said:
TIG, very nice plugin... can you improve it to add the option for another rail "edge", thus effectively transforming it into a SWEEP 2 RAILS plugin??
It's on the list... -
seems one of the Moi's example above is 3 rails
May you'll better understand as me that message. I loaded the V1.3, but no results
I reload the file.rb but get the same result.Do you have the V1.2 somewhere ? ( It worked )
Malaise I've PM'd you about getting the skp sent so I can test it...
Are the selected just two groups of edges ?
Well TIG, this is a nice script and I hope sweep-two-rails can be done (keeping my fingers crossed
). It could be a big time saver for doing landscape/topographical, asymetrical surfaces.
i hope sooo!!! wonderful script!!!
Hi All
I have encountered some strange behaviour of TIG' last Plugin. Have you notice that Experimental SketchyPhysic 3X may block ExtrudeEdges ?
Using SketchyPhysic 2 , no problem at all .... please let's share your comments
Don't see where the clash could be [yet] ?
Wow, what a great plugin! Just downloaded it and have been playing around with it and I have had no real problems at all. Had to do some minor clean-up work but nothing unusual. Love it.
Version 1.4 is now out... http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=166780#p166780
1.4 20090707 Triangulation improved [as my recent triangulate.rb]. Rare intersect glitch fixed..